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"my Dead."

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The following, being tho closing ohapter of Mr. Greeley's " lïecollecticns of a Busy Lii'e," receives ncw interest in coanection witli Lis own sad dcath : " I do not weat my heart pon my slecve," and shriuk from the obttusion of natten purely personal opon as indifferent public. 1 have aimea in the aeriea herewith closed to nárrate mainly sueli fucts and incideutu as seemed likely to bo of use, either in strengthening thü young and portionleis for the battle of lite, or in commeiiding to their acceptanco couTÍctíon8 which I deern sound and important. My life has been one of nrduous, rarely üitermitted labor, - of effoit-; to achiove other than personal onda, - of cfforte whieh havo absorbed most of tho inie wliieh others freely devoto to social intercourse and to fireside enjoyinent. Of those I know and lovod in joutu, a macrity havo ulready crossed thedark river, and I will not imposo even their ïiaiuus upon m uneympathising world. Among ,hi m is my feltow apprentico and lile ong fiiend, who aí'tor a long illncss died n ibis city in lhül ; my first partner, lready aaiued, who wa.s drowned vhiLe .jathing in 1832; und a young poet of rouiiec, who w;is .slowly jiolding toeonOBiption wlieu the tidmgs of our liuü tun disaster snapped aliort hits thread of it'e, - as it would have enapped mine, had t been Imlf 6O frail as bis. Tho faces of aany ainong tho departed whooa 1 have iiiown :iii(l luveü oome buek to mo as 1 ;aze adown tho vifata of my half century of activo life, but I have no right to lift he veil wliich shroud and shields their oog reposo. I will name but those who re a part of myself, and whose loss to ,ii tb has profoundly allcctíd ny subscent carter. Sinco I began to irrite these rrtninis, my'8 last sarviving brothr, Johii Woodbtïrii, ' , agcd '2, leaving the old Woorlburn homestead, understand, to some of his childven : so laa my latüer's brothcr Isaac, aged 80 i ars, leaving, so far as I know, but one Í' the nine brothers (John) living. My 'ather himself died on the 18th of Deceni)er last, agcd 8G. Ho had for twclve eare or more been aiuero wieck ; iirst in tody only, but his taftriuitiea iutimately ffected his mind ; ko that when I last ík; t -tt iiiui. a ycar before his death, he id not r cegnizo me tül 1 had been at his de a i'ull half hour ; and he had befoio sked my oldest eister, "Did you know Henry Greeley ':" - alluding to one of her fco:!s, then several yeais deud. He h:id iitful flashes of mental recovery ; but he had been ko long a helplt'fs victim of hopele66 bodily and mental deoay, that I did not grieve when I learncd that his spirit had at length shaken off the eneumbrance of ils mortal eoii, which had ceascd to be an instrument, anl reoiuincd firmly au obetructiöo. Of hia ]roiracted lito foitj-two yeara had been Bpent in, and oa :!io vergc of Xew Englaud, mil forty tour in his deliberately ohosen, steadily retained Pennsylvania home. lly sen, Arthur Young, ("Piekio"), boiii in llarch, 1844, was the thinl of even childrcn, whereof o. soii and daughter, severally bom in 1S;3, and 1842, scarcely opened their eycs to a, world which tlu-y entered bat to leave. Physically, they wero remarkable for their striking roscmblance in hair and ieatures to their father and mother, respcctively. Arthur had points of similaiity to oach of US, but with deeided superiority as a v.hole, to either of us. I looked in vain th-.ough tbo Italian galleries, two years aftor l:e waa iakeu fiom us, for any I'ull parallel to his üazzling beauty - a beauty not physical merely, but visibly radiating frum the gouL His hair was of tho ihiest and richest gold ; "tho sunshine of e" bever glorified iis equal : and the delicacy of his complexión at once attentioD of observen likc tho late N. P. Willis, who had trüveraed both hemispheres without baving his gaze arrested by anjr chilJ v.lio could bear a comparieou with this ono. Yet ho was not-one of those pa'agoris eomc times tnoi with, whoso idlest chatter would edify i Sundy School, - who never do or sny anything than propriety would sanction and piety delight in, but thoroughly huinun, and endowèd with a lore of play and mischief wliieh kept hira busy and happy tho livelong day, while rendering him the delight and adniimtion of all around him. The arch delicacy where with he inquiringly suggestcd, when onco told n storyj that overtaxcd his credulity, "1 s'pose that ain't á lio '{" was characteristio of his nature. Once, when about throe yeai's old, having.chancod tn espy my watch lyiug ou a pot'.i us I was dressing one Sunday morning, with no third person present, ho mado a sudden spring oí soveral feet, cauglit the watch bj tho chain, whirled it around his head, and sentit whizzing against the chimncy, shattciing its face into fragmento. "Piokie," I inqaired, rather sadly than au "IIow could you do me such an injury f" "'Cause I was nervous !" hu regretfully replied. There wero ladies than makiug part of oor household, whose nerves wen; a source of general as well as personal discomfort, and this was his attestation of the tact. There were wiser and decper Bayings lired as thoy feil from his lips, but I will not repeat them, Beveral yet livo who remember the powerful guyety whercwith ho charmed admiriug eircles assembled at our house, and at two or thxee largei gjatheringa of social reform in this city, and at X. A.Phalanx, in Xew Jersey ; and I think some grave seiguiors who woro acoustoined to help us enjoy our Baturday afternoons in our surburban residenoo at Turtlo 15ay, were drawn thither us mnon by their adiniration of the son as by their reg-ird for the parents. Meantime, another daughter wasgiven to us, and after six nionths withdrawn ; and still another bom, who yet survives: and he had run far into his sixth yeai without one serioua illness. His mother had devoted herself t him, even beyond her intenso ecusecratioa to tho care of her other children ; and bad novor allowcd him to partake of íiny animal food or kauw that animáis wero killed to bo eatfu ; had watohed ud tended him with absorbing love, till tho purils of iufuncy (eomed fairly vanquished ; aud wo had reasoa to hope that the ''glit of our eyea wuuld bc spared to gladden our runiaiuing years. It was othcrwiso decrocd. In tho sutaincT of 1819 tho Aaiatic cholera suddenly reiippeared in our city, and tho frightentd uuthorities ordcred all swine, &0., driven out of town, - that is, abovo 40th street - whcreas our homo was nbout 4Sth street, though no btroots hitd buen cut in that quartcr. At onco and before wo roalizsd our dangor, the atmosjihero v'iis polluted by tho oxhalutiou of the swinieli multitude thruet upon us from tho dnsely peoplcd hivea south of us, and tho cholera clnimed its victiras by scores bei'ore wc wcro awaro of its prusence. Üur darling was among tho first : attacked as 1 A. M. of the 12th of July, when no medical attendanco was at hand; aud our own prompt unremitted offorts, ro-enforced at lenth by the best medical nkill within re;ich, availed nolhing to stand the fury of tho Spidemic, to which he Kuccumbod about 5 v. M. of tliat day, tho hottest as well as tho longest I havo ever known. He was entiroly sane and coDscious till tho last, iusisting that he feit little or no pain, and was well, savo that wo kept him ■woltering undcrclothiiiji that ho wantod to throw off, as he did v. henever ho was permitted. When, at lungth tho sthiggln ended with las Last breath, oud cwn hia uiotherwas convincc-d that his oyes would novor again open on the sceues of this world, I kuow that tho career of my liio was over, that the chili broath of its action was athana, and that my future career must bo ulong tho down hill of lifo. Yet another sou, (Raphael Uhland) was bom two yeara attcr ; who, thoiigh novor liko his fut her and loss liko a poet tliun Arthur, was quito as desorving of parontul lüve, though not so eminentiy fitted to muko and comniaud general ndiniration. Ho wasiu Franco and Switsorland in the Buiuiucr of lböó ; eponding with liiij motbor and sister the previous winter in Londun, and that subsoijnent in Diesden ; rcturuing with theiu in May, 1856, to fall a viclim to tho croup tho ensuing Fobruary. I was absent on a lectuiiii; tour whea apprised of his danguroutí illnoss, aud haatened hoine to find that ho had died an hour beforo arriv:i], though lio hadhopc-d and strivon to await my return. IIü had fuliüled his sixth year, and twclvo duya over, when ouv homo was again mado desolate by his daath. Another dnugliter was bom to us four Weeks lati.-r, who survivcs : .so thut we have reason to be gratefal for two children left tosootlie our declino, as well as l'or ivo, who, having preceded us ontho lö:;g journey, await uk in Üio Land of Souls. ?ily lifo bas boon busy and anxious, but not joyless. Whetberit ehall bo prolonged few or more yeurs I u:n gr&tefal that it hits eudured so loup, and that it has abuundcd in opportuuitics tor good not wholly unimproved, and in expeiienCCS of tiie nobler us well as tho baaer impuls05 of human nature. I havo beeu spared the end of giant wrongs, wliich I oncedeeined ipviucible in this century, and to noto the üent Upspringing and growth of principios and inüuoncos which I hail as destiuod to root out souio of tho most flagrant aud pervading cvils that yct remain. I realizo that each gencration is destincd to confront new and peculiar porils - to wrestlo with toioptations and êeiuctions unUnowii to its predocessors; yetl Irust tliat progresa is a general law of our bcing, and thoiils and woos of the futuro shall be less crushing toan thoso of tho bloody and hateiul past. Bo, looking culmly, yot hiimbly, for that close of my mortal career whiuh eamiot bo far distant, I reverently thank God for tho bleesinga vouchsafod me in tho past ; and, with an awo that is not foar, aud a cousciousness of üemerit which doen not excludo hopo, await the opening beforo my steps of tho gatos of tho Eteraal World'


Old News
Michigan Argus