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The New England Society

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Wc are requested to state that the New England Society of thla city wlll lold it flfteenth annual meeting at the Grogory House, on the eveninu or Monday, Decemer23d, st whlch the followlng exercisei wlll be had : First, at C o'clock officers of the Society for the cnsulns venr wlll be electcd. Second, at 6% o'clock an oratlon wlll be clelivered by Hou. S. II. Cutcheon-, of Ypgllantl. Ihirtl, at 7L o'clock dlnner wlll ba servet) for all In attendance, and wlll be followed by approprlate toasts and responses tliercto by President AxQeM,, Hev. Dr. Cockeb, of the Unlverslty, and other dlsb'.ngQlshed speakers, nterspersed wlth vocal iniislc, under the dlrcctlon of Mr. Alvin WlLSBT. No special cards of Invllatlon wül bc iBsued, bnt the cltlzcns of Ann Arbor nd of the county are all cordlally lnvlted to atteod. Great palc havo been and will be tnken by the Execi Mve Commltteo to mak the occaslen an cnjoyablc one. Ticki-ts wül be one dollar each, and can ie had at the several Bookstores and the office of the Gregory Miss. Emily Faithfui-t., a dlstingnlshed Englisli lady whose arrival in this country ïas been gencrally chronlcled by the pres, ame to our city on Suturdny last bom Chicago, and remalned QOtll Tiiesday- the cuest of Mrs. [bbakl Halt,. Miss Fatth■uli- visited the Un'versity on Monday, latened to one of Prof. Coolet's law lectires In the forenoon, at the conclusión of vhich she britfly addrtseed theclass; and n the aiteruoon ligtxtaed to ]a. lecture by 'rof. Ford betore the ladies' medical class. Ilss PaithfuixIs the founder of the somtvhat printing establishment In lOniOD exchisive'.y operated by women, s the editor of the Viciaría Miignzine, and as been proinently engaged in promoting he work of bctterlng the condition of wonnu in her country and wiileninfï herlield of abor. Shc comes to this country for au extended tour, and will glve special attentlon to Obgervlog the workingS of our "mixed BOhoole" and colleges, to social matters generally, the varióos employtaents ot her sex, etc. IlcrVlsit here was In the way of t he prosecutlon of her designs rather than from mere motives of cjiiosity. We believe that Miss F. corresponda for the LoiKlon Timet while here, and that wheu she returns we Americans wtll also be served up In a course of lectores, perhaps ín a volume. This belng ko wc are pleased to learn that the ünlverelty and our Httle city favorable impressed hef. The Hearth and Home hft" commonceci the publlcation of a new serial story, "2A Mystery of Melropo'isniïïe" by Edward Kooi.iïston, anthor of "The Hoosier Sclioolmaster" and "The End of the World," two stories whlch have been read and com mended by the Ilearlh and Home fatnlly. - The story promlses to be equally pop ular. In nddition to this announcement we may say at this time tllst In contents, print, paper- both beantlfnl, and lllnstratlons the JTcarth and Home is a model family, piiper: semi-liternry, FPml-agricnltnral with deparlments for the farm, gurden, and household. The chlldreo'a departraent, conductcd by Mrs. Mahy E. Dodge, Is au attractiye feature. Now is the time to subscribe for 1873. $3 a year ; four copies. $2.75 each, wlth a beautiful urmounted Chromo to ench subscribcr fof 20 cents extra, or 50 ceii's mounted, to pay postage nnd mountina:. Or.vnoe Judu & Co., 245 Broadway, New York. Titp. American Artiaan, heretofore an elght page wockly; Isto bé enlarged to sixteen page on the flrst of Jnnuary. This ftnely iilustiated Journal " is devoted to practical anM popular selence In all lts branches, mechunlcs, manufactures, new Inventlonfl aml new discoverles, steam anrl mechanlcal engineering, rallroad improvements, shop, larm and household tools and Implemeats, architecture, agriculture, photography, works of art, in siiort evrry department of Americun Industry," patei6, the. pntent office, etc. The editor vrill have nbli' sssistance In the varlous departments, and will alm to tíiaki? a model journal for the medíanlo or intelligent laborer In whatever field or branch. ?3 a year ; two cop les, r; flve copies, $1?. BliOWN & ALLEN, 189 Broadway, New York.


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