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BACH k ABEL 26 MAIN STREET, Buy largely ot' Manufacturen and Importers, and exclusively for cash, and invito the inspcction of tlio closest cash tade. OTJR TOCK OF LABii' DRGSS COOD8 Will be tbund largo and attractive, ernbracing many new styles - Black Silks and Lyons Poplins at very Low Prices. BACII & ABEL. FIFTY PIECES BLACK ALPACAS Jnst received. We shall make a SPECIALTY of these goods, and , will make prices lower 'than ever offered before in this ci'y. BACII & ABEL. 50 PiecesWamsutta Blcacb. Cottone 50 " Lonsdalo " " 50 "Ilill'sSem.Idem" " At lower prices than they have been sold for in the city in ten years. BACH & ABEL. Our Clotli Depurtmcnt Is very complete, consisting of English, French, and Germán Coatings and Suitings, with many of the best American brands. We givo especial attention to this branch of our business and invite an inspection of the goods. BACII & ABEL. se dozen Feit and Embossed Skirts. We have the Celebrated " Ponson " Coaks, and C loth(thc Best Imported.) BACH & ABEL. We are agents in this city for the celebrated , HARitis' mmn kid gloves, And have in store a Full Assortment. BACil & ABEL. The Cheapest and Ht Flrc Department In the World. Over Om Thoutand Actual Fires Put Out WITH IT, iSD MOBI THiK 8,000,000.00 Worth of Property 8veil From the Flamea. gABcVo K d iflft & 5. 5 ó a, "3 S FïRE EÏÏINGÜISlI Towns thnt have boiiRtit thom say twclvc Extingni&hers inuke a lire departmert as efltcieut :ml moro uvailablc thau a Meara englne. ALSOi Tho Babcock Sclf-Acting Firo Ëttgine, FOE CITY, TOWN axi) VILLAGE USE, It ta.more ffbctlve (han the Bteam F!e Engine becauao it ia inHtantaucouxlv refuly and throwBa powcrfnl streám of carbouic acid gas and water fi mij leoKtb uf time. It U ttie bet And clieflpp't Fire Kniíinfi in the workl.and comes withiu tho tliiancialabilitipsof every place. It doei not rcqniro an expfnsivc Byitom of water work, and is ucver out of repair. Send fot their record. Evti'y towtl ]u the State plionld have Ihem licfore the dry weathm eetf in, and preront ooDflAgmttona, t.T. BAB1VUI, ;cn. Aci-n, 11S Woodward Avd, Detroit. Mnnnfacturer of Iron, lïrass and Copper Wiro, Wiro Cloth, Wiro Bailtng nnd FencInE, Copper Wcathcr Vano, and Wiie Work generally, 1SM lyr Q L. PACK Koepson hand a first class stoeïc OF CIGAR3, TOBACCO, PIPE3, SrIUFF And all smokci'S articlcs AT THE OLD STAND 2 doors -west of Cook's Hotel at Vlie sigu of the BIO 1TJUN 1 l-.:liu6 WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 5OLID SILVER ASD PLATED WABE TABLE & POCKET CUTLEET, SPECTACLES, FANCY GOODS, ETC. C. BIB k Slis, No. 11 South Main St., HAVE JT78T EECEIVED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF THE ABOVE NAMED GOODS. NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS, A fine stock of Ladies' Watches and Chains, Fine Gold and Plated Sets, Rings, &c. CALL AND SEE US. OUB PRICES ARE AS LOW AS ANY IN THIS COUNTET. EEPAIEING OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Executed Neatly and Promptly. "29" 29! 30 ! who wlll cxplain this simple 'Irp. Ani teil ub will il psy lu cali at the liie 20 1 W hut mean those myetic letters three, Over brau new grocery- -V. O !■ 1 C for Crodit and D f r a dun Tlrit'x the way himmcss is olten done ; Hut ttint's nol the way to read the fan Of L. UOLU i', wiiu tclls íírocuries at 29. C Is for Cjibii : for the gnods he eells so chenp, 'Ti3 botter u buy them ttaere your mouey to keep C. O. n.-CatlKm Dtliotry-thU is tlic way 11e i able to scll so low and m:ike it i:iy. Ho lias no bad dcbt3 to mftlC6 hira crus, Or tax ;t"i more to nutkfl ap W losfl. So thnt'8 the place to buy your food, Hawillwll Ucbeap, andyou willlind lt gooa. At tho C. O. T) Grocery yoa wül ahvay flnd Taebeatof Coïje anj Te is of all kinds, With taar, t-'o, and freeh, ripe fruit, Or caonsdi or dried, all taste to euit ; O-Hupes, Lcmons Kigs and Italian Pears, All thu "plees that tree or shrnh oftroplc bcara Mat8raulnBandTarioufl kinds of Candy Thai childreu love and mothan llnd ao handy. lo Keep on nïiiiii h nimu'n íuh, A H Htit'k " ol thia wilt move them moro Thnn the oM-faahtoned "rod" ourfather ascd, Whei. i-lii Idrtn were plenty and otteu abused. lic hfis nl) kind of Provisinn? the palato to please. Fisn, b.icon , flonr, bread, butter and cheeBO, Cookies and eracksrt, cherries, chocolatu acdcako, Thiiijrs Ki buil, fry, roast, slcw. steam or balie. Ho has pecana, peannts, prunes and picklc. 'l'ocoax the appetlK, o capilclonsaud ückle. ITn hn sittsswar", crockery, nnd tomcIs ofmonc, Fronch r.uslral Sonp-the best evr kuowu ; ToOacco nnd rfirnr, both for chcwiiiï aml smoking And novur will frowD if yoti limild bejokil). And miinv other thinií too nnmerous lo mentlon. All of wliicll to 8ellcAeup for cash U Ilisiutcution. Thpn cnine, jood people, one nnd all. And srive theO. O. I), roccry a cali. Como try ourprice and try our warcfl, For in on proflta the bnyei sharc. Yon v!v the caah for what yn get, Witli no tirllTcn Iossbs to mako you fret : lh-n't aikfor rrr'H' , thouch your a millionïiirc, But buy yourL'ccrie3 for cash at prices fuir. Come from the country finr] the town, Prepared tobuy and pav oaêk int'it, Cumc rlrh and poor. conifl black na white. Ton will nnd provisions plenty and pilcef rkht. Come, friends of runt nnd Wende of recley. Shake hauda at 80 aml tradt: C, O. freely. Tlili liÖODYEAlTlARl FOR 8ALE. TTEXl! Y (OODYEAR, of Shavon. haTtngaaatenai allliiHproiH-'i'ty t0 "" tl)r ''? bonent ol' hi crodltor b, wsnowoaéi tn ptopertytor nlsin panels to suit nurohmtM. Thelandii areflrsl daes netter in [heBtate. Ovi on thouaknd adrea ot iinprorrd lnd in ; body. Penan bnying can assuiuc moHgagee tor a ïuirt of tho purchuse inoney. AU having claims ngiunst th aatd Ooodyaat ure teqaaated to present thnm to the tssigneea. JJated, tjeptember 'Mh, 172. g SMITH W.H. r,l;KW. UH JUS. McMAUON.


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Michigan Argus