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TEN REASONS WHY No Family should he without a lottle of H litTTLESEY in the house. lat.- Tt will relieve the worst case of 'S IliOU Cholicor Cholera Morb us in 15 minuten 2d. íe will cure the most oostinatc case m Dyspepsla and Indigestión ia a feit weeks. 3 et - It is the best Tfjiedy in the World frl Slck Hoaclache, &s thousandt can tcstify.J taken wlicn the first symptoms appear. 4th.- -It is the best diurctic ever put bcforf the public; cur;ng thosc distressing complaints, Dj abetes „ml Cravel and ether Urinary difflculVies. Bth.-u is a most eyccllcnt EmmenriBOK'-.e, and to ihe YouOfï Clrls. middle asci Women, and at the Turn of Life, thij r-medyis of incalculable valué. ■ 6th. - It will remove wind from the bowelfl, and henee a few drops in some swectened water civen to a babe is better than a dozen cordials to Relieve and make it Sleep. Containi ii .: no anodyne. 7th.- It is a surc relief for atluh'i and children nfTecteil with Worm 3 and Pin Worm si It will brinj; avvay the varnis. 8th.- It will cure the PI 168 and HemOr" rhod ial difficulties. 9th.- It will line Constlpatlon and keep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst casd ofSummerComplalnt and DysenterylOth.- It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate tho Llver to hcultliy action. Relieve He art-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the system. When taken dilnte tlic dose w ith Sugarand Wator toa Wlne-Classfull and y. u kave a pleaoant t o n i c. Whlttlesey (Dysycpsia Cure) $1.00 rcr liuttle. Whittlesey Apue Cure 50c. per bottle. - Whittlesey Couh Granules 2-c. per hnttlc. Luld by all druggiits and warranteü. Whlttlcsry Prop. lied. Co., ToKdo, 0, A GENTS VVAWTED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FAEMEES. The best books pnbliahed on the Jlorsc and the 1'ow. Ubonü tumey mad raj Utly bj Agent! sel inp; tlioHtí hooks. Xhjkí f ar eireu !i?f, rOKíKR&COATKS.l'vBLisuEue.rhiladclphifí.Pa A tfALSE REPORT! THAT A. A. TERRY nASGONEOUTOÍ1 TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAROE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT TRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO AFULLLINliOt' GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! DONT PURCHASE YODR Fall and Winter OOTFITS ÜN'TIL TOÜ O-ITE I-II3VC -A. O -A. Xa i.. . 15 Siuth Main St., Ann Albcr. lSSl-tf, MOTHERS! MOTHERSÜ MOTHERS ! ! Don't fnil to pro-nré JIKS, 'WlrsLOWS SOO'íHIWÍi SintP FOlt OHÍIJDBBH TEETHIXi. Thl valaable prepnretion has ben usod wlth NEVER-FAIUNa 8UOOK8 IN THOUtíANUS OK OáSBS. lt not niily relieves fi chikl from pnin. hnt nviitoraiefl the elomich and bowel, corracta :iriüUy, una i'i'vfs tune nndenergy to thu bule svbtcm. Itwlil ;1id Initantl; relevo Grlptng i öie Boweli and Wind ('lic. Webellevfl IttoBEST and BÜREST RBMBDT IN TUB WOBLD, i nll caaes o( iiY.KNTKRÍ AND HIAUKHUiA IX ('II I I.HKKN', whi'lhiT arlaü tcethlng oranv óthet caae. ]iip rul unii it muthers, it will givereet toyonrselves,:iud Belief and Health to Yonr Infanta. He snre antl cfH for "Mi's. Wiuslowi Soothing Symp." Ilnvln;; tbfl ho-aimila of" CURTÍS 4 l'KIíKINS' i nu the outBide wi ap] r. . Sold by Unijigiüts throufihoiit thf orld. í


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Michigan Argus