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To The Electors Of Ann Arbor

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Thi; uftdersigncd, citizens and tax-payors of flus city of Ann Albor, havo examined with gro:vt iatiafotion tho report of the committee of (lio City Counoilon tho subject of water supply, and dosire to oommend ittotho favorable consideraron of tho tax-payen of tho city for the f 1lowing among othcr reaso&s, viz. : Firit. The proposed plan of water suppiy in entireiy feasible, nnd is vitl;:n the menus iiüd resources of tho city. Setond. It proposes to inipose a tnx (and thia in a part of' the condition of thelonn] only upon those portions of the city thai receivo the ictuul bonefit of tho watt-r. Third. 'i'he Uut assessed valoation ol tho city was 11,668,464. Itia believed tliat full three-fourths of this pTopertj will ba within tho limit of possiblo taxation.which willgivo a posfible tnx of fivu milla on the dollar of assestsed valuo in tho compact parts of the city. Fourth. Asstiming all in.urnnce corapanie3 'o be responsible, the reuuction in the rutea of insuruneo will more than pay tho interest on tho bonds. i " 'h. We beliove that tho water ratea voluntatily piviil will, after tho first year or two at most, pay the intesest and within the life of the bonds pay the principal, and thus all taxation for this purpose wil! be but teraporary. '.'t. A steam firo engins coats from $6,000 to $8,000, and tho annniil cost of inuintenanco in Detroit and East Saginaw is from $3,000 to $10,000. About twentyfivo fire hjdranta arecontemplated in tho estimóte, and oach fire hydrant withiu tho Hmits of its range will do the work of a steam firo trigino. 6'eiin!.K. Wo have no ftdcqtiato supplj of water 'or tire, rnanafacturing, 'lomostic or saiiitaiy purposes, and it' we would oxerciso onliiiKry prudenco and foresight and prosper as a city, tho introduotion o: water 6honld be no longer delayod. Asn Arbor, November 27, 1S7U. Williaai Wagner, A. II. Boilwoll, Henry Krause, L. C. liisdon, W. 11. Besluier, John S. N'owLind, James B. Gott, Levi II. Doughis;, (',. l. (.jraut, George A. Duiiglass, O', il. Millsn, Charles J. Sohottle, W. W. Wines, P. Bebmid, Jr., J. M. Willcoxson, C. Maok, iliram Kitridge, Jumes Clcments, P. II. Abel, E. WeU?, II. D. Bonnett, A. II. King, Philip Bicb, J. II. Watson, II. Curnwell, ï. M. Cooley, John Keek, Munson Wheeler, Henry Laubengayer,W. A. Lovejoy, J. Hangsterfer, J. Schumachur, Christin Eberbach, M. O'liourk, Auguatus Hutzel, P. ücKernau,August Vr'klenmann, A. B. Proscott, Ij. ii. Slaweon, J. Curiii'gton, AlpheusFelch, G. Haylsr, J. O. Watscn, Spofford & Dodsley B. J. Conrad, Y. Grcevo, II. J. Buakes, E. II. Jolmson, Gilmore & Fisko, J. Milkr, B. M. Webster, E. Bchnyler, J. T. Jaoobs, M. S. Gregg, ísr. B. Colé, S. Owen, F. Mueblig & Son, 11. Mutthews, Gilbeit Bliss, G. Frothingham, Varnnaa Cook, J. Donnolly, A W. Chase, Putrick Dounelly, Ij. E. Allen, Charles Spoor, II P. Finlev, David Jíinsey, K. W. ElUs, Jacob Seabolt, J. C. Watts & Bro., Wm. Copelund, J. W. Knight, Steele Prootor, E. Tarrant, Georgo ilüey, O. M. Martin, G. F. Gwinner, J. Q. A. Heasiona, W. II. Mallory, G. W. Cropsey, J. Quinlan, E. J. Johnsou, N . A. Fruden, C. Bliss, W. D. Sarriman, A. DeForest, J. II. Morris, V.'. P. Breakey, E. B. Gidley, Dewitt C. Fall, Aietus Dimn, Charles Tripp, J. G. Hoffátetter, Alfred II. Partridge.Abrain Siger, A. W. Amen, J. H. JSÏayr.ard, C. A. Chapin, A. D Boyier, D. Cramer, Jobn Moore, J. ï. Swathel, P. B. Eose, Kmanuel Maun, li. Iloward, Henry W. liogera, C. K. Adams, E. C. Searaan, J. W. Hunt, Wm. Rayer, B. Brown, W. F. Ford, J. Field, W. A. Hatoh, John P. Millar, P. D. Scharer, P. Shulten, Hcnion & Sumner, F. Iloward, E. D. BliS, M. Kogers, T. E. Thompsorr, A. II. lioy, C. S. Millen, M. Seabolt, J. C. Shaw, Stephen Faircbild, K. II. Drake, N. M. Schoff, B. P. Crane, J. A. Nichols, Samuel W. Duflield.E. Lesuer, A. E. Hall, A. J. Sutherland, J. A. Polhomu, D. Henning, A. Eisele, Charles Thayer, L. Gerstner, Williiim Lowitt, F. Wnrster, N. W. Cheever, P. Brennan, B. W. Cheever, T. DuBói?, L. D. Halo, II. Baniatcr, J. F. Avery, Martin Clark. We, tho undersigned, havo cxarnined the ictolutions ander which it is proposed to iiouo the bonds of the city for the introduction of water, and are clearly of the opinión thai if auch benda aro isaued, thu pioperty of citizens not lying withia twenty-fivo rods of tho pipes or street mainsofsuch Witor-Works will uot ba liable to an assessment f er tho payment of such bonds oi tho interest thereof : that in oase of failuro to pay sucb bourU or interest from tho sinking fund provided by tho iesolutions, it will be the duty of tho city authorities to levy tho t:ix on such. property only, and if they fail to do so the remedy of the bond holder vill bo by luaii'Uimus to corapol thciu to do so, and no property situated beyond that diatanoe from tho pipes can bo taxod for that purjx)30. We are also of tho opinión that thero is no well-founded objeotion, legal or othterwise, to taking tho water from the Hurón Bivex for tho uso of tho city in the manner proposed by tho resolutiuns ubove referred to. Aun Albor, Dec, 14, 187L'. C. B. GRANT, City Att'y ALPHEU8 FEhCil, D. CEAM JOHN N. GOTT, HIKAM J. BEAKB3, E. E. PEAZEB.


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