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The Agricultural Society

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I Tlie animal meeting of the Washtenaw County Agricultural nml Horticultura! Society was held at thu Conrt House lu this city on Tuesday tlie 17tli The meeting was quito largo. Tlio principal ■ bal pesa done was the electiou of officers for the ensatng year, viz: President,- John J. Robison-, A. A. City. Vice Prttidmlê, - T. J. Parehall, J . O. Leland, John Lowry, Jacob II. Ilicks, Morgan TVBrlen. lUcording Secretar;,- T. M. Finley, A. A. City. Correspondinfi Secrelftry-Tj. Davls, A. A. Trawr-3.3. Parshall, A. A. City. JUeeutive CommilUe-,. C. Hisdon, A. A. City ; A. G. DeForest, A. A. Town; D. V. Palmer, Urid.sewatcr ; Norman Rcdner, AngUSta; II. 15. Jones, Dexter; G. F. Kash, Lodl ; Isaac M. Whittaker, Lima ; George Bowe, Lybdon ; B. Porte .Manchester; Ilascull Laruway. Nortlificld ; Nelson Bóotü, PlttsOeld ; VV. II. Dell, öaline ; W. L. Crafts, Sharon ; Iliram Arnold.Scio; John Campbell, Superior; J. G. Kalembach, Fieedom : W. Holcomb, Sylvan ; G. X. 15 Reuwick.Salem ; llarrison Phelpg, Webjter; Peter Oook, York; A. M. Noble. ïpsKanti City ; D M. Ulil ; Ypsllantl Town ; On Suniluy eveolug last, in St. Andrew's churcli, the posior, Kcv. Dr. UnXBSMB, deliverccl a vcry Interestlng mul instructive discounie on the "Sick Pjor." He sketched liistory umi work of organized bospl;als from au carly duy, and gave a rapld glancc at the most prominent on es In onr couutrj'. Ilis cunclusiouH were that tlie lutcrcsts of bainaolty and the State r qnired that tlic siclc poor be carud íor in hospitals ratlur than in poor-houses, and tliat it was therefore tlia duiy of the State to provlde one or more liospitals to wliicli tlie sick poor could bu commltted, wlien by eureful medical attendttnee tliey could be restoreü to uealth, and the public In cousequeoce relieved of thcir support. Tliis he thouyht coultl uot bu done in the ordinary poor-house, especially wl.ere $25 a year was tho allowance fut medical services, medicines included. Dr. UiLLEsrm spoke in vory complimentary terms of the poor house af tliis county mul its management, but pronounccd lt Imposslble to properly caru for the sick and afllicted wlio ure cotnpelled tö'flm! a home there Lic also relerred to the modest man sion on the Univer.sity groumls wliich had been converted luto a hospital, and in which a noble work. was belngdooe, a worb reflectáis credit aud lionor upou thesktlled physicians in charge. - The dlscouree ougbt to bc placed in the hands of every nieinber of the Legisliiture at the coming Sessloo, botli for it facts and deductluns. It dlBcaésed a subject upou which probably no other gentleman in tho State is more competent to speak thoughtfully and intelligcutly. The Best Reading. Hints on the Selection Dl JJooks; on the Fonnation of Librarles, Public and Private; o Oonrses ofRead fng, etc., with a Classitied Bibllogrnphy for easy Reference. New York; Q. P, POTXAH & SONS. In tliis neatly gotten up volume of 256 pages- of "Putnuin's Handy Baok Se ries"- the linthor, "ander BOme four hundred different tbemes or topics, has quoted briefly the Utles of such bouks on eaeh subject as are best knowsi. a:n{ mot surely ;cceptabie either In American or Eiigli.-h edltions." He luis also aimed to indícate the best and most elabórate books en glven sabjeets, ;i!so the safest fur tiioso who waut the best of the smaller workB on a gtven subject, at moderate cost, with place of publlcation and price of cacli book catalogue. To tliis comprehensivo and vuluab'.c list are added papers prepared by Fred B-. Pkiirins: Hfadlngs on Reading- selectiuns ; Üuggcstlona lor conrees of Reading; On Ownlng Booka ; and Hints on Book Clubs. Uook buyers and book readers will lind the volume a valiiable asslstant. HOTVTO EDOC4TK YOÜMELF : W'lTH OH Without Mastkus. Saine Publishers and Series. The author claims no patent system of' easy educat'.on," aml dlsdalenfl the exi.stence ot any "royal road to k'arnijig," bnt has for hls sole purpose "to makc the rotui toteafufif and culture easler than it is, partlcularly in the case of students who have no master." In cleac and Bbarplydefloed Bnglteü lie givcshis röggestions as to "How to mark out a Coursè of Stmiy," and discusses coinmon school and coilusiate stiKües, the study of lañguages, mathematics, physical, moral and Intellectaal science, generaljreading, and how to rcad to the fïest advantage. Wc may say of the little volume- of only 100 pages - multvm in parvo. Sociat, Bconomy : By .1. È. Tnoiioi.D Iloo KUS, TooUe Professor of Economie Suience Dnlverslt; of Oxford. Revlsed for Amer ican Heïders. Same Pabllshers und Se lies. In xxxvi, ofaaptera or lessons the author lias diw;ussed in tMe cleareét and most concise langtatcé the principies both of social and political econoniy wi'.icii underlie social liíe as well as the foundations of the State. We caiuiot bitter indícate its scope and valué than by qaotlng from the preface of the American edition: "The spir it and purposc of the book are excellent, and lts tcacliings combine to arare degrec, s'inpücity and tboroaghnCM. A full anders tanding of tbe principies it ezplalns, will give to uur yOODg Aniciican students the basis of the knowiedge that is Indispensable for the cleur hSttded cittsens anti wise légUlators, tlieyshould alm tobecome." And even our natlonal legislators might study some of the c'iapters With proöt. Hints on DiiEss;or. What to Wear, When to Wear it, and How to Buy it. By EtHEL C. Gai.e. Same Publishers aud Series. In this little book of bnt 100 pages vo have an intellgent condsloratlon of tlie outlinc hlstory of costóme, wlnit we mean by dressing well, things Indispensable, color, form and suitability, estimates of cost, how and what to buy, etc. We can butthink that any lady who goes carefully tbroogb its pages will uot only inforin and caltlvato her laste, but enlarge her means by being enabledto use them more systematlcaüy and econnouiicallv. These four volumes are for sale by J. C. Watson and Co., Iluron street. Oodcy's Lady's lïouk for Junuaay'comes to our table in advance oí all the monthlles. lts IllastratloDS are "Qolng to Schooi In Winter,"- a capital steel engravlng. a steel pinte tille page, coutalnlng scveral pictures; an elabórate colored fashion platc; a colored plate of fancy work, with othcr timely novelties. The content? are made up of stories and artlcles by tho best writera, among whlcb we will D'ame the beginning of Marlen Harland's new novelette, and 'The Battle for Bread." It is a model numbcr, and what more could wc say? Now is the time to subscribe. $3 a year, wlth "Our Darling," a flrst ciass chromo to cacli Mib-criber whether shigio or in a club of sixfor$14, Address L. A. Godey, Philadelphla. - Qodejf, the Auous, and "OnrDarllng" - mounted readv for (raming - for $4 00. The chroino may bc secn at the ABflUS ofIflcc.


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