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Tiiii 15 tlic tmphatic pledge ot tile veternn conductor and fomult-r of Moore'i HuHÚ Ntw Torher lus Prospectan for Ib73 andjudglng from bis practlce In redeemlng promises during a score of yeixrs pust, the public tnn.y expect lts fulflllment. The liurnl has long ranked as ttie leadlDg wuekly in it-5 spuere. Au exchangc truly says: ''Moore'a Rural has now beeu before tho public for over u score ofyeare, and, as an agricaltaral jounwl, ttandiiat the hcail of all pablidhed In Auisiica, and iu muny of Lts (ieparlinunts exculs all cuiupetltors. ïo the funiicr, cspecially, it is a most iivaluable coinpanlon and cOBDselor, Curnishiog Interesttng, Instrnctive and rellible iiilormation on all raatters rclattng to the Farm and G-ardeo, Stock Uaising, tiie Oairy and tliu Household. As a faiully pnper, too. It Is worthy of bigb commendation. lts moral tone is excellent; Hs su:nninry oí forera and domwtle news Bufficieat to ftive an idfa ofwliat is traasplrlng in the world, lts repor:s of the markets reliable, and diepartmenta of knowledge necessary to mate a live paper are properly attended to. It Is r!s3 beuiit'.Ailly UlustraUd with original designs gotten up specially for it. ' The Improvementa promlsed for 1873, anii the fact every one payingonlv $2.50 for thu paper a yenr, wlll roceive, as a Premiara, u post-pald copy of n snpèrb steel-plate Bngravtog worth 8, ónght to donbie tlie circulatlon of the Bural Nero Yorktr within three inontlw. 'J'lin principal i.flict' o!' the Htiral is it Xo r Beekman St., New York, uiiere address D. D. ï. AIoohk, Pabllsher. - The Rural and ." Augus for $4. Tbb of Kdmukd Yates, In the S, L. A. c óursè ou Wedneaday evenlng, drcw au aiulience resptctablein numbers, thons;h uot tlic largest of the season. The Icolur er's subject was ' ParHamint," in Lettiii; to wh'.ch he deptctod the éxpectations and disappolatmenta of the "lugeneous American" on opening day, and then took him to Parliament House and througb au all night seasloD. Ilis descrlptlons were yivid and llfe-lltce, and his sketches of wcll-knownjmen in thvir role of Parliamentary actois and debaters were wtertainlog. The dellvery of Mr Yates la better than we were led to expect by some crit'tcisms. wliich had come under our noüce, and we may say the same oí botli his manaerand matter. líe' was very bapp; In "taklng olf" some of the weak poluta of hls conntrymói], and wben he returns wlll probably be ns happy In holding up to his fellow Eagllshmen the pen portraits of distiiifruished Americaus. We Invite attention to the prospectus ol the New York World, to bc lound In auotlicr column. The World is uuiiuesllona. bly onc ( the ablest pnrersj publislied tn the great metropolis. lts editoriais are scholaily and able, and l:.s news depurtmeut lias no superior. Mrs.C M. Stonk has had on exhibitlon for Kevenil (Ih.vs at the storo of J. R. WsBSTBB & Co., threc beautifully executed heada In oil : one a portrait of Madame Le.Bbun the original of Madame Le Bbum's own executton, aiid theothers of Daxtk and LeoNAituofrom copies of the original inoueof the Kiillerles at Florence. These htads are highly creditabie to Mr. Sïonk, and glve iviileiice of a correct eye and skillful touch. In cotnmcntlng last week ou a Register cotnmuulcatloQ skwI "Citizeii" we mistook - as we are ariviscd - the Identity ot the writer, and, tlierefore, made some allu- sions not exuctly appllcable. Hereafterwe hall be more cautious in fliiiiíí at writers shelteringtliemselvesuudcrassuined names W art' reqnested to again cali t!ie iittention of our to the New EiiKland Dinner to come oflf at the üregory House uext .Monrlay evenina;, Dec. 23d. Tlie elcctlon ot ollicers wlll take place promptly at 6 o'clock ; the address at 6'.; and the dinner at "],i. A good time Is expected. The tnembirs of tho Bar of this Circuit are to meet: at Jnckson to-day "for thp purpose of consulting together with reference to recommending to tho Governor of the Stato somo qualified and acceptablü person to bo appointed Circuit Judge," vke Jt'DGE ITicdy, resigned.


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