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One of tho most iutoreeting facts whicli this extraoruinurily wet eoason bronght about is that fertilizers npplied to soils in dry sunimors without appreciible eöfects, are rendored available in thojo that aro wot. 'l'he plats upon which our fertilizara have bein appüed rluring the past years, when tho rain-faü has boon so dciicicnt, produoed wonderfully this sansón. The fertilizing substancos havo been lying dormán t for t!ie want of water to ronder theni soluble or tu hold thera in soluticu, and thia year tho conditions have been favorable for promoting tho changos, chamical ond inechaniual, necessary for plant food tobe made iivailable. üwing to tha dry wi er tho past threa yoars, it has been diffioult to conduct experimenta with manares and reach anything liko reliablo resulta. Hundredij ot' farraers havo been mialed, and havo condemned as worthless manural substances which had positivo vulue, but which needed tho usual meteorological changos to ronder them atsicailable. Farm dang and stable inanurc-s as well as chemieal fertilizers havo not exertcd their full inlluence upon eoih to which they have been applied because of the absence of rain. This Beason they havo been thoroup'ily subjected to the action of water, urid crops havo been benefited by manurial agents applied two or threo years ago. Manares are r.ot lost which do not aot promptly, unless thoy are blown away by winda or aro washod into brooks in sudden and violent showers, which somotimes fall upon the baked oarth in summer. If thwy romaiu in or upon the soil, favor ble seasons which aro sute to come will forcé them to give up to planta tho food they contain, and thu husbandman reccives his return in abundant crops. - Bot,ion Juurnal of Chemütry. It is said that over ono hundred stu dents are now emjiloyed at Yeddo, in codifyiug and simplifying the Japanese oUaraetors, with a view of adaptiug them to the representation of sounds used in ioreign languages. A schemo to supply tho J:' : Lh a phonotic alaphabet crpable of representing every one of tho -lico European consonants and vowel sounds, as well as their nativo sounds, will shortly be submittod - the oharaoters : i'ounded on the outlines of tho present 1-ro-ha. When the firo was swooping (hrough pearl strect in Boston, ono of the lar;o shoe-dealcrs, aeeing h it bis stock could red, invited bystr.uders to help thcinselves. A policcinan, who appoarcd on tho spot, ivisL'd of the itivitation, indignantly observcd an individual iulliuj; boot.;, v.air after pair. from an open caso beforo him. " Villain ! " ho thundored, " wlmt are you about 'i " " Trying to find a pair of oighta," waa the miÏJ i


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