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"BÏÏSINEjS DIRECTORY. E-tïSTVs TIÏITCIIEU, Attorncv nnd Counselor at Law, No. 5 E;ist Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Micta. __ ___ WTrASlVF.t.1.TE. WC. . Offlen over . . . ferry's store. K-sIJence Washington Street, "fimr door aast of State. 1878yl Attn:lt WtWEBAL SPRIN6S. Morris Halo, M D., Snihivintnndcnt. Oftice n batidlas, eornor Hann and We1 Horon streetn. W1XES & WORDEX, VS Soúth Main trert, Aan Lnot, KIen-, wholeaale and r.-tail dealers in Dry í !s Carpeta an.i rocerles. usttf . MACK A SCII1IID, Dealers in Dry Ooods. i;rocerie8,Cructery,&c. No. 54 Suuth Main Str.c:. 1TICIIAEL .nVBBAX) Boeter Filru and iil Vator Prooi, Pelt and Compomtlon Gravel Roof pat on to orr),er nil warránted. Beside&eeon róTüwon Strei, Atn Artor. WH. JACüNUÜ, Denttet.iaotcarortnC. I!. Portcr. Offlceoïer Miltnaad duron trast, ver the toje of R. W. Ellis & "'o , Ann Arbor, Mica. nesthetitsadmiiiTstcrcii if reqatrcd, WF. IIHEtliKV, M. ., PhvRlcinn nnd Sarffpoiï. Oirtc , at redrlence corner of lhirn and Olnilon jtreetn Srétdéar cBt ofPreaby.eritn Churrh . Anti Arbor, Mich. EJ. JOHXSON, Dealrt in H;vt and cp?, fürt. Sïra-.v (ïiois. Gentr Farnishlns Onotts, ie. No 7 Soluii ta1ft -treet, Ann Arbor. Mich. S TTIÉBR.IAND fc ÜÜSbON, Ufe and Fir'1n'irnnc ïent8,and denlcríin Real Estáte. j.Tlceon Hnrnn Strort. BACH ABKI,, DciWr HiPrjfÓoofls tírociriuii.ic &c..Xo :c foulh Mn UCf t. Ann Arbor. SIíAWSÍ-" A; S!', aroíers, Provisión anfl OomiDtsflion Uorchants, aod d'alcrs i.: Water ;ime.T.nnd Past;r,and Plasicr Parle. No. ltl Eaet 21 tirón Btreét ti jaXDaEIH, rnílesate snd Retalipéaler o. in R-taiiy lade ,'lothÍD);, loths, CaaAnerw, 6ttíiM.nd9enPíurnUhlngQo'd. No South ítaiu Street. Wffi.VAUGR. Dealei v. R.-adf MaduClafl ítiíÍ. 'lotbi. . ■- '■ MiniM. rintB. Cap, rrunkj.'ariit-". H.15, Ac íl onih Jíainstreet. (-Í3J,TOJLr, fe ï'iSRi;, !■ i nastat tlonrra üCodlcal Luw and Collega Te-xt Bools, School 'irtl Mlfsoenapeoo Books. XoJKm1.. itrcci '. un Arbor. TÍ2VI,EY & tliffiS, DeslersinHoo-p.Shoes, f (}.iiters,.S Ippers, Jü K. 2 Kant Iluron f treet, 4nO Vriior. toah w dHiEFfiu, AfTOENEY AT LAW ! with K. w. Morgiw, BatsfdeofOrar.tHoue4 íqoire. J.i-"1. SCÏÏAE3EBLE, .; Teacher (f Mauic. Qwe instmcWon on thí ftAMO, VIOÜN ANO GÜITAB, ílhl ofliec, X 1. SJ s: ,!! !:n rtr.-ca. tMoorci Í!lding),r ;ií tíe resdeai ■ of "ipil. PIA.NO TUNIiG, ade IpecialHy iurt satlsfactloti gs'atanteedi ie ; RdCKEli Y fGLASSWARE & GROCEIÍ ES, J. & ïonnelly liav.' i núorc alarbe stoelt ■fOrockery.aU!vnre, " ated Ware, Cntlery ilrocenoa, &c, 4c. all tobe ldt nDnsqally low pricoe. No i BaEt Bnron strcot.Ann Arbor. : UiStf 3. & . DOXiEIr.Y. tcThn "g. gall, DEALEE ITT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, t.RI), SM'SACF.S, Kr., Or.lcffiJf!Vtediindpromtlv nilcd witli tbebnut e.atB In the market S' B 1SÍ Washington street. Ann Arbor, Sept. lth, 1-'C!. 12SMÍ XT ARKSKY, g ■ I J. Manufncturer of Carnajes, Buggies, WagoDs, ÁHD SLKI;}HS. of every tylo, madn of the best mitcrial, and warranted. Rrpairinc done promptly and prlcei reasonable. Detroit ítreet, near R, H Depot, Aun Arüor, ich. fiWyl. Í)R. C. A. LEIT i; I í CONTINÚES TO PUT CP AND FIIL Pliysicians Prescriptions, At all honre, al No. 1 dregary lilock. C. A.LEITER CO. Ann Arbor. De-. 22(U ST1.. 1354 ÍS r . ü .1j7po üterT" DE1STTIST. ftloein theSAVINGE BANK3L0GK, Ann Arbor. 4.11 Operaiions on the Natural Teeth PSRFORMKll WITH CARE. CT3TJRPAS3BD FACIÜITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTIXVi ARTIFICIAL TEETÏ1, TO GIVK '.ACH tXDIVnuiAL, Pintar! of the proper sík, rkaye f.oltr% firmntffnná na al ñtpreision. 1344 T"HÜRRY'üP"! X PAUTIIIS wlshlng W;ill Píipcr, Sh.iíVs Hollands, Wiiulow Fix tures. Co-di, Tftst-els, fcc , all New Stvic-i, nt Bntts factor j .Pricpp, bv J. II. Webster V Vo, BookStorc(near the Rspiess Ofiicc. x x OR SALE. Thr sootl and substancial Brirk Ilousr and lwo lois, beaulifiíliy situsfrd on Síafr Street, sonth: aiw S!:rcocd Honi-r and (o lot, Ho. '. l'nlversity Piare; also Building and lot on Pear Street] also Buüdlng and lot on Pontiac Street: also lots on, Pantiac, Peaeh. Trnvcr and liu - Streels. The above lots are very accessiblcto water anl ín tac ñus' heajthy ' "f h Ky. V)'.M Appiytó A. II. PAKTItll)(.E. ISTO T I C E ! .Fhe mibsbrlbor hnqo Fit tholr ci-mnnnd. nn a prnernl thincr, f rom flvo hmi1r(Ml to flvr thou?and doí larn to loan nn ftfst and flrst rlns mortirae rUtintc In tho County of WjiBhtotiaw.- Mni from thno to flv vcars. Terms Hhfrnl OÍIííí opposite the Pont O(Hft.nn1 tC ,. Lelter&Oo,8 lrug Store. Mo, i Orertry Ulock. Our Abstract iíooku are posted up lo date. Apu Arbnr. fa ?,0, 1ST2. Haoy w. nooT, ROOT & LETTRR. HAS. A. L'.lihU. 13" Ctí WAL. WIIEUR ARE YOTT QOCNO ? DOWN TO the numera Store where thej have introceived Riich lots of NewGoods; why tht-yarpo cheni) yon can L:- ob much for SO cents in Prcna GoodlKhëM is yon cau gótfor $1.00 utanyother il'jrc íd ttvi a county. MI( íIH;A CEXTRAI UAILUOAD. FATiL TIMK LACLE. PnsscngertrainsnowlenTe the sever.-xl atutions.u follous: l STAT.ONS. M S L . ?a j_ A?_iA-i_A A. M. A. M P. M. T. M. r. M.JP. M. Detroit, lcavc, i 1 S 9 40 4 06 5 43 8 I.V 9 W Kir, I'1 " 05 B '-: " 10 ls " -:' ..kL.m 11 00 HM 9 35; 100 1! 40 Culinwoo I M 12 S5 4 JO OlNli KAST. ■ "iir Lillili-li. !■. M. 1'. M. ■ '■ ■ '. hieapo, lcHve, 5 15 9 08 6 3o I OS Knlamazoo, S SM S OOiU SP 2 04 on. ÍS % 4 45 s os ij 4 40 reu I.nke, s J : ' ,V, ., ; r, 2.', 8 15 4 ld nVi AÍbor 1 M 6 (K e M 9 tt 4 24 n' lui ! M SO ' 2" 1" 1 '■ OS _Kt nmvo.__ ! Mi B M U M 6 20 0 43 The Atlmtic ;in.l Puciftc Kpress run bulween ickson nnl Kilcs on tlie Air Line. DotU)ct. 27.1872. OHT WAYNE, JACKáON AND Sarinaw Rail re ad. Tlicmost ilircct routo tO Ptttabnnt, rliündolphin, .iliinxiro, Wadiington, nnd uil )iints south and tuüiwest. Traina run by Chioago Time. iiïAi' oortre souTn. Mail. Stprtti. Angola Ace. nskaoü 7 H ■ ll) ''■ ■ '' ''■ ManoT, 5 M M -!l 6 onosville, 25 1 20 ■;' agol, S ' 3Í W.itorloo. 1" M 8 I' obum, . li' 47 8 29 ort Wnvn", 11 45 9 25 nilianoiili, C 00 p. U. 10 SOi.M. inoinnntti 50 ouisville, W 45 , 10 45 P.M. TnAINK GOINO NORTH. Mignla Ace. Ksprtss. Mail. ouisviHe, 9 ;0i.M. 10 25 P.M. ineinnnti, JJ Idianapoll, 4IK)p.m. 10 10 ort Wttyne, 7 OkU XI " " ubmx, 8 Ört 1 ■■- Vut.rl.-xi, 13 3' „gola, 8 50 6 S5 MMviUe, io is 3 os r. m. 8 02 Huuovor, 10 5 3 S8 8 32 son, 11 30 4 15 9 10 At Jnckpon- ('h'sc ronnoctions aré niu 'c with Mir.hntral, JaokaeB, L&dng & Ssfinaw, waliüiuui iver 'llcy Hitllroads. At Jom'MvilK- Wilii Lnke SlioreS MichignnSouth■n Uyiko-ul. Al Vul''.rtco-'VVith IjiUc S!wre& Michigan bouthn (Air Line]. _ t Fort Wiiync-V.'it'i riltsbuiir, Fort WP hic:ifro Toledo, Wabnrti Western, and Ft. t aj n. ncie&Cineinnati Ralboa.. Hob't. Rii.i.ii:, Gen'l. Ticket Ag't. J-jJy ÍS. M74. _ PLiTATÏl BSTTII1S. S. T. - 1860 - X. Tjiis wondeviul veiretnMo restoraivc is tlie shee-anchor of the teeble imi debilttatad. Ar a tonic ami ordkil for the %geü ii;1 1i;ipnid it tas no eqaal atnong etomachics. Vs a rmetfy for tbe neryooe weak- wliich wamen aro especiaUy ubject-ed, it is cnpereeding eerj othev stiniu!?,Tit. In all climates, ropíaí, températe or t'"i;;í, it act? as a specitic in every species of rnrder wbicli underminea the Ixxiüy trength and breafce djvn the animal í])irrts. 1355-yl. iipvirtA' vt'ctivo livnirv1 MLaIIAA MtSlAAu LÜÜIlAij FOR MAN AND BE AST. Prebably few rllrlcs hnvc ever liad so e(enslve a Sale, wliüc none have been more milversally euriifial Ihan iLc celehraji'd .HEX!A JllSTAÏG LIMHEST. hü'Jien. A!:il(f, Horses, anl Pomeslk ln!miis. are always ilr.ble Lo arfident, and ü Is safo ; sav, t!at no f.iniüy ran pa-( a singte !■■;;?:! BÜiioul ucne kind of anemolüent !sei:is neesary. II lwtOBie6 a maller of iu-joi (Aiiíe (lien to secure tlie best. (u,r Jircrhundrcdlivory stnblce in tlie city of New York slooe are uainj the Meileim Hoitang l.Miimi-nt, iuall uf which it ivoe u"ivtrl salisractlon. A ITTIOTí.- The .■■ruine ïi trn)ire1 in n in Sttel ríale engravlBg UU ' 67. il' ir. is'."Hnd " Tra&tHark, MPAT1CAX MUSTANG tA'. fYHNT," ngraved ncrots.the face of ech wrapper The wliole lieaTs tho proprictor's private Unltod Btatea Sf enne Stamp, and not ic-mmou stamp, as utsi'd hy driiL'L'ii'ty ■ I.VON MANTJFAfTTKINO CO.. lSSfoBwyl 85 Park Pincc. N-T. .a ilí [books? J. B. WEB8TEB & CO. NEW OOK STORE SEAE nr, EXPRF.SS OFFirE." LOOB TO Y O LH IXTEREST AM) CALL. BOOKS. _M _J_ NN AKBOE Mineral Springs House. Thl bonutiful reeort for hcaHh-eeckere ie now open, with Ita IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SÜLPHÜR WATERS Commodionsbuildirj; heatcd by steara, and largo iuid wcll-vcutiluted roomsWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of .ill tempprntun'. :i]o S'.mvcr. V:inr, Medicnted nnd lilcctric limli ure cmployi d "itli advantage ie the trnntment of all ftirnm o', obrunlc dlseüsei and diseaaet "f fcmalei. special atteutloi. pnid Witii pleftfinnt anrroandlnfn, and sltnated In one of the moet beaHhï and beaiulfnlcltlea in ponscfsi1 allrnctiiins for iuvnlidu or forpleasare-eckert oldon ftrand ... Th(! of thu Springs will bc lurulsbcd on npplICiition. Penona dosirinj; rlrctiUrs to send to tliHr frionri can prnenre tnom nt the i fliri'ol tho l roprie tors ii) lluron l-treet.or at Ihe i-'pi inga. AddresK all li-ttori ol Inqnir; to MOKKIS HALE, H. ., Swpt. Ann A.BB0B, ilicu SutbcrlniKl nl Wlicdon, I'rop': Ann Arbor.Mich. Junf, 11, ISV5.


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