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lho spoctaclo oí thn Kegeaia of tho Tuiii vorsity, tho men om anrj by the people to care for ths iuierests of t.liis, the trcwiiirig work cf all our State Instltiitions, being oompelled biennially to bcseech the Legislatura for necessary ■ ifims to keep up its existenco, ia becomin; ,-i matter of sctual shaine and distrriire to tho poopleof the Í 10 havo so far pursued a coursa towaid tho University whioh must be re; Httle short of niggardly. TheUniversityowes ito forndation to a gift of land trom tho United States ; and uatil the few years Last past has been no expense whatever to the St:ito. But !■ has now outgrown the provisión in:tcl; lor itbefore itsinci ption, and must eithor bs dwarfed at tliis Ktage of its growtb, or else bo amply snpplied with tin: I , whioh it may süll f u '.op its magnitude and uscfiilntss. Finding itself two years ago with nu adequate room in which to coaduct the instructicn of it.i thirtetm huh■ired and apward of studente, tha {cirouts asltud and obtnined ; Liegifli.iLurc a grant of $75,000 for th" en i_,{ a now building. The greater porti; n of tiii ís Ilow ii'tished and in use; but (25,000 ïjjore are nceded to finish the great i;;ill which is necded for tho larger ÜnivcrHity exorcises. But not in buildings loes xhe Univcrsi! y fee! its greale-tt need and suffer the most crisconragemeut. Por so;ne years its professors wbo bad aeqülred a vide reputation for thuir Lug and ability as instructora be been eniioed away to otber institutions by offers of salaries which were fur in excess of wh;:t the timied means at the oommaud of tho liegen tb1 wonld nllow them !o pay. In this way the Institutiou jffered vcry severely ; anJ it is high time shat its treasury should bo supplied with means sufiicient to pny so which may bo in some sovtcoiumensuriito with tho BerYÍefl rendered, tiul in keeping witb thoso paid V;y othor iirst-cluss institutiotis. It. is a matter of just prido that tiio 'Ctiiveisity bas in so wonderful a manner own the limited sphere of useful- whioh its tirst establitihincnt confined i has now arrivcdatu stage in its niutory'where it is idlo to expect that it es i'urtln ;■ develop itself os the iixc(i ineone of c.Vl.oi.'O - whioh has rarely suiiiced for the past. Xhe University tand must be largely increased or the honor it has dono tho State in the past, i vi n though cramped for l:;ok of adequate meana, and to soiuo extent opposed by unintelligent prejudice?, will bu able to exist only in the meinory of the past. Tbe Begents h&ye prepared and will present to tin: LegMatttTCf (it its cosuing d a memorial setting forth the finai i:il condition and needs of tho Uni versity, and asking that suffioient I may be placed it their disposal to , Puiversity Hul), as well is that sonio permanent provisión be mede fet an in■ of the funda to be o ■ .1 Eor the payment of proper salaries to prei' This financia) history of this great institution is deserving of the most eareful considoration 1 thoee who bave the intensts and wulfare ot' the Stle in their control; and if thoy but remeinber that throuj ;v. rsity our State hns aeijnire.l ii name and i i;f even in the an(..ais of leuning in England and on tbe continent, which we oannot afl'ord , and ir' ii. the saine timo wo uo not forget to be truo to tlm iuterests of bducation in i!s broadest i'o:ir,s and most eompvehensivé scope, we cana ot but bolioT tht the appe 1 of the Begeuts will I onded to with a heartiness whieh will demenstrate to the world that Michwill not oon sent to talen any geoond place in her love and devotion to her ed: :.l interest. Our peoplo ought. not on any account throngh their n lëgisliiforp, to expreM during the present winter, their oonfidenoe in Ihe management of this thfir greateet institution, and iit.tcnd to its wants in an open i and liberal manner. - Jockton Citiïen. Secretary Bontwell says that ho won't b in the Oabinet aftel the -ith of March next, and tliat.ho will bo a candidate for Senator,


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Michigan Argus