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e. j. nircoi Ilxil XüiXii fiAS RECEIVED níS" PALL & ÏÏMIl STOCK OF1 Hats and Gaps, ÏN LATÉST STYLES, LADIES' FURS cests' Finsisnna oods, etc, WIIICII HE PROPOSES TO BELL AT PIÏICE WIIIC1I DEFY COMPBTITIÖN. 7' South Main St., Ann Arboi J Q. A SESSIflWS' IÑSÜRANCS AGEMCT ui1! or.D iir.r.iAHi.r. pHCKNIX INSURANCE CO., HATtTFOnD, COJÍN. Boston lomes do not exceed $500 000, wblcti wUl bi. prominly pa!d, o r.t Chicago. Net cash set, ONE AND A HALF MILLI0N3. ClNOBOMTl, Nov. 11.11:15 P. 1;., 18.'. The Phoenix of ITnrtfortl will pay i!s Boston íopt espromptly, as it dil st Chicago, ud continuo to serve the public faithfully nnd w. H. tfv MAGILL, Qen'l Agent. T I VERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE IXSUBANL'E COMPASY. CniCAOO, Nov. 13th, 1ST3. J.Q. A.ñEWilONS, Esq., Agent. The 1( pny by the Orct Pire lo :.! tu fo'l '.y '.. .r. on the ' - ... ■ ItKatea (3,9üO,uu wlU runain nntouchuí]. ours vtry truly, WJ1 WARREN, Oen. Agent. Policlcs issued at my offlee at No. 11, East Iluron Street, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Agent. 4ftr. Chftncery Notiïo. TITK OIBOÜIT COl'KTfortheCountyot Wauhtonaw : In ihanoe] J John C. Munriy, Oomplainaot, ts. Melville T,. Rum&ey, 1ttj B. Ftnmsey, i.i ouel Posi ■-■, Heary i Bnnr ' er, The ."d Cbürch of ■'T, nnd B number on cí tlio city of Ann Ai ■ ; . It sal ihe nülúit.-it of B. E. :i :órn cf í1il compluidftDt, that ■'.).: : ai !i ..;"i f the obovo noned fiefendai ind Araj I!. KuraBey, lis not m the ';i ,.,n but that thcy ben resiito in tlio Cob of lndianft, mul tha1 n bu ily Isvued ■ it of nnd olider the ■ .i to the dtííoiiditnN above aamed but tbat the ■.-.m.e coiürl not boserr id defeadaat8,MsIH]e I. RumwyandAvi, e thy oould not be fouml in 'jliis b:iiliwick ; therefore, on mo Ion o ■I Frflser, BoUeitora for tho complmnnnt. it is ordeicri t!mt thö dafeodaiits, McUnilu 1.. ,iiv iï. i.uiuty, oauM hij oi theii appenntuoo in tliisc;ui !■■ 1 vritbin three moathd from tlio diite of this r, and i-i iz appearanOM tllBJ IIUll Oliuh ill tiiem Oftttn hl ■ IW6T 01 fo tbfl oomplainiBit'e bill to be BJed and a eopy th ■-, 1 i.ü 1 ,:ls, i. .i. ■ a: I'"r:ifr, tlie Domplainaut'fl Bolicitora, n ■ Jet and praotiofcBol th i d ín AefftQlt thereof, tbt ■ i )i of compinini ba this euase be taken u '. defendanta, Melvflla T. Humsoy and Avcry B. Riinuey. And It la forthex ordered tiuit tbfl ilonnt witMn i vtodI a v.w of tliis ordet t be piiblished in t he HJeAan .tií.(.í, and f l:at tile said pubUeation aontinne fox the term of aix suecossive weeks, onee in eacb week, Or thattlieaaJd oomplainant oatwe a oopy of thla ordtt to be popaonally rved on the dofendants, 'M ivtlle 1. ílumsey and Avery &umaéy, al leat tvent; daya lie time abovt preaoribód for hls or their apDl -u n:i e. ■, 1872. R. BEAHAK, 14o;wu Clrcnit Conrt Com., Waabtanaw Co. Mich. Cominissioncrs1 Noticc. Sr ATT. OF MICHIGAN, county of f uhtenav, as. 'l'hi' undetsigxiad. baving been appointed by the Piobftte Court for eaid oounty, Commusionen to receivé, ex;iiniiK-. tuit adjusi ;ill olaiina and demanda oí all perdona againat the estáte fMoM C Ëdwaxdai Sen , late i Bftiu oounty, il km ■ ■ ■ ■!. hereby jjive notice that BÏ3I uu mi ti'niii date are a lloved, by order of said Probate Court, foreredltontopreaenttheirolaimi ft0n.JTia tbo catate of siivl deoeaaedi nnd t hnt th meet at the house of said dedeased, in the tuwusni] of York,in siiiil ootinly. on ïiaturdtiy, the twenty-si-rom! dayof Febrrówj1 and on Uondari thj nlnth d;iy ( lune next, ai ten o'clock a. m. or eachof eaid day, to reoeive. examine, and adjustsnid claims. Dated December 9th, A. 1. is::1. r.. HAN80N, DANIEL MURIÏAY, I404w4 Conimiüsioncra. C'ifft C9ft PPr tïft7' Afirnts wnntodi A íl v' v ípAV oIamm of worklng people, of cltlier sex, yotinu or old. umkc more DQOfity at work for us in their spnru moment. ! or 11 tde tïiae, than at nnythiug tlsc. Tarticulars frec, Aadreat Q, Stinsoa & Co., Portland, Maiuc. Mortpagó Híilc. D'v i I.T :í tng been ma Ie ín O 3 co&ditíon of a mortgago execafc 6y I ■ ■-.; FM.abeth Goodyear, bis wife, ckHuson, bearingdato the ftrsi ■'■ l. one thou ■■ tndred and i " recorded in the office of th - f Wasb tenaw Connty, in ihe State ii' Michig Of MortgbgeB, on pne afil. on the lat d ;■ of A. I'. KB?, bv whieh dof :i tilt the powsr of sale contained in aaid raorl b ."'oiue opera there iaolaintëd by me to bodu ■ the date of thia notioe the sam of fon.' htmdred and forty-six doliarq and ftia vriiu'ipiil and interest, niidnlso the sum oí usonable Solfcitor'a órAtt rnoy'a feeon taking these proAeding tof ore - expr; Baly provided i, nnd no dt r '■ pro, ceeding atlaw or in chancery ] ■ instituted ►ver the debt rccupart thereof, notice is the a that by rirtue of the powei ■ and of the stututc in en . an4 pi o vid wï, said mortel tetfillbefon ■'■ . nle of the ftort1 pnmftM ■ arl ■ fhest Udder, on Jíondny, the2th ■"■.;■ '.?■■;■;. ■ -,,■ xt, t ten o'clook in the foronoon of I 4_:ic south door of the Con r. in snit! Connty of Waahtenaw. ;. Gourt lUv... being Uk plac ■ 'i I oldii gr the Cü ■ fortwid County of waafetenaw. The i rit: All of I half of the north weet quartcT of eaathalf of thenoi .. twentysix, and theaouthe ■ nll in Townahip time . utliin;B(mgethreee tliu northwent ; ■ erof pcction niitïfeun ir Townbhip thrc ric foor eaat; jiII iu the County of Washtenaw andbtutcof Michiiran. Dated Ann Arbor, ?í his in, NoemT r li - Felch & Grant, Attomeysfoi ïSOGtd Moi ale. DÉPAULT haiing been mede in the c o ".ú i f. ion of r. oertain Inden) m ■ nf aori ■ :c mudo :ind &xt cnted by Chai IcbG. Clark, Cl irk, nía wiH - ■! ite tlu I onl ono thonsnnd ewht hnndn 1 sn orded in tice oi the Register ■■; Deedn of Vu Connty and State of Michigan. I bm tbe power of ale con Ing treome operative by -■ i of eleven htmdred and twen [aimed to bp!nc upon said mortgage at the dnteof thisnotke, for pni tho iim of thirty aollars Btipulated fl sonable nttomey ff-o for tbe forcdoAnte Iliorcoincl nd suif or proiicetiinps at ïaw, nrr in ebanoerf I " i boen infttituled toree mortgage or nny p:ut thereof. heroby glvea thnt said mortgage will hc by vïrtuo of the power of premiaiso depenbed end Bel I hy me it pnblio aue to satisfy s:ui moríaíre and oo . a ith d;ty of Jannary next, ■' 'neon t tbe soulh door of the Coi D A.rbor- that beinpr the; Circuit CJfJürt ÖWthe Cminty oí .V wit : Lo: unmb.-r three in : ■ Hurón stre Land range el i ■ city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, aocording i Led plat of the Ann Arbor Land Compa ly Arldition. Dated Ann Arbor, Oco-. H LOUISA BACKET, E.-C. SteAHAit, .igoe. Att'y for Mortgngeo. l39Ötd SherifTs Sale. STA n; OF MICHIGAN', Coüntt or bs.- By vtrtne of a writ of i ei of and onder tho saai oi . County of Waahtenaw.and ■ ■■i a% tlnal the ■:'■■.'■: [andsi t tenei int-i of Oeorpre W. Fn r fho want of ffooda aml chattlea to sal sf y i ■. : Xovembvr, a. D. 187 ■ ZQ nnd ItfTy u, on all tho right, title anil int Fream Van In nI to roperty, to wit: I h ■■■ theaat quartcr of the boi teaonthweet oartn of tl nrt ir of socti ■ iu thetowB ; niso all x'- '. and to the wheat now nroving i otw de■eribed lnnds, all of whioh abora deaeribed propexty .;! b itisfy the abore m i Uoo, I ;::i-ill - public anction to thö hiffhest bidder, ;vt r of tïio Cour. ' ■ Ofey of Ann Arbor, on i'r.a twentyflrst day of Janwary, A. D. 187.". . ' Duted, thl.i I8th daf of Dc l D IÍYEON WEBB, B] eriffSale. CJTATE OF MICHTöAFT, Connfcy oTWabI r ga, i.y ■ ittue of o writ of ex i 1 crt. of and ondex t!i'i seal of the Cifcuit i ouri for the 'f. nty of WwhtenaW) and tome di; ftgaJDct tbajrooB, oh ttles, land aentof llenrr Goodyear. I did, on the tweni -thixd dayof Febroftry, A. D, . inod leryuponall the right I nry (iood--. . t to the ■, excf pt ■. threti n .e, ten, . .. exoeot o. AU of the icribed proj erty being Itnated of Man . ■ ity of wasïii I K :_■...■, -..-i. i . I bal! exporte for Bato ut publi tth door t. f th? Court House, . ty of Ann Arbor, on tbe30thday of December, A. D. 1572, t ten o'clock, A. U, lHtwlat Ann Arbor, XoTinnhcr 11, A. D 1S72. HHtd MYBON Wi:n:;, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waahtenair. ij sa. By virlne of one exeoution fesned nuf of and undtT the aeal of the Circuit Cotirt for the Coanty of VTaehtenaw, to medirected and delirered, agsJnal tlie goods,chnttrlfi,!:ir V1 and tenemsntflof r;iiiiel BrowneUi 1-y virt ef whisïi i did ot the -;li day of ■' nguati A. m nïl tlie right, title and Internat Danli i tothe followinp-deBeribedreale i ..-i V .ifof themuthgqèA (;Ti of rsnfte stx e-t-.:. ■ townahip o1 t'ounïy of VPaahteafwi ■' Kfichuran; which abovo fleacribed real estnte I shnll sell at ths outer sftuth ofjr oï t(i. ( tourt Hoaie, in t toe city of Ann Arbar, at :-.on tbe 1 Ith day uf ;i:ii::u, A. D. 1873, at ten o'clock, A. M., of aaid IV. Dated, Xov. 13th, A. D. 172. MYROïï WEBB Sheriff. HOI By Jortin orees, Under Sheriff. ShcriíF Sale. OTATE OF MICHÍGAN, Coun'y of Vrtsenftw, BB. ■ xecatioo tastted ou( of and tinertha sealof the Circuit Court fur the County of orw, to me directed nnd deliveredt againat the oods, chattela landa and teneme ■ Coli-cyve, by virtue of whiph I did on the ninth dny of LUfToatf A. i' 1872, y uj oi tü thanght itlo andinterest Qeorgo ColgroTi naa in and tothe rdearaibed Mei e tatê, towit: Lot wa our in bloek six, twelve aast said real estáte being itoated in the city of Ann Arbor. Coanty of Wa bmaji ;inl si.ito of Michigan, whieo iibA-e desoribfd ■alestAtel atialt aell at thooutcr south door of the , 'ourt House in thoritr of Ann Arbor, on the 28 th , ay of Dwember, A. D. i1; ', af ten o'oloek, A. M.,of , ii i day, t public anrtion to the highest lidtl r. j ] lal U, November ISth, 1872. HYRON wr.nn, Sheriff. 1400 By Joktin Forbes, Under Sheriff. Commissioners' Nntico. CJTATK OF MLCUKiAX.roimiy of Wwhtenuw, rr. 7 The ondersigned, haVing been appointed by the lobato Cotirt for snid conn toners to r tve examine and adjust til claims and demands ei 11 pononB againsi the estáte of WlUJam Howard, ' of aaid eounty deoeosed hereby give ootiee that ; ik raöntii ti . . date ave aUowed, by orcler of b&M 'róbate Court, fbr credltora bc pveseni their i'ainst the estáte of - . and thai they wÜI ■ the store of I.ukeCoyle, in tlio city oi Ann jrbor, ni said eoanty, on Baturday, the öfteontt j ay of Pebruary, and wednesday, the tourtfpnth dny ! f May, nexti "t ten o'clock a. r. ofaaèh of . said ' i ■ [i reoeive, examine, and odjusi BAid olaJnUt c Dated December Hth, A. D. i JOHN BTAK, LUEL COTLB, 1405 Comunas] o nors. l __ , o VroïïcE! S i ' o ■uunl naeetfiiff of tho stocklioltlors of the f IR8T NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor 'f or th t ee( ion of uinc Direclors, will bo huid at the Bttukiug b; ousc, on & iipsdaj, the lith day of Jiinr.nry, 1S7.5. , h Tollsfor elcction will be opon between 10 au.l 12' , !. ,'.; a. M. lly order of the Boanl. 3 ■■ W. KNIGHT, Cashicr. .nn Arbor, ücc. io, W2. H 4id l


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Michigan Argus