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Real Estatn for Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oranf y of Wftshtenaw ss 3 In the matter ul iheestateo] Jacob Bcni noti e la herebj givcn thal inpui order grantod to the umlertugned, Administrator of ■ .-. iiftli day oí ÍS the (lwelling housfl on the premin - the County v,-. ,ii,f. . day, the Hfth day of Febroary, A, D. oon oí sai 1 day i-iil-j. el to ;ill '■!!■ . exiating at the time oí the deatn of .ii.l ... m ,:.- .1;. n .- mbed i ni estáte, to wit: 1 i half oi' the Noi tlieast qnarter oí . in townsliíp three Boutfa i four Lfut, oontaining twenty acres woic or sai.] State. DaUit, November 25, A. T. 1872. WDKliH, Adminfatrator. Real Estáte for Se OTATBOP MICHIGAN, ComityorVO in tbe matter of the estato of Mi ble, Uta of FreeJora, Ín sald CouiUy, dceaed, do celsh nthntlp pursunbeo ofan order ■: to the andersignèd, A ,r of the by the [Ion. Judge of Píobate íbrtheConnty of Waehtenaw.on the twen tv - flfth day of November, A. I. IST2, there wUl bo t pnbllc vciirtuo, to the bl -. at the . Bidenc ■ of sal i-, Freed m ín the Coooty of WashtenaW, In satd State, on Wednesday Ene twecty-eecond day of Jannary, A. D, ten oclocx f n the forenoon of eafd fly (t al' Obci i I .- mortgage or othe at the time of the ':ii!i oí sald deceased, and nlw ■ rihtof dowWofhis widow i herrín). tnefollowlng desenbed to wït: The ■'-t half of theB!)iii!nMst q-irirt(r anti west ímlf oí the easthalf i iftrterof wctlon two one hnndred and tWent y acres, inore or }■-■ ; and the cast half of :Iie northeast qnarter of the tu rtor of sectlon Uno, co twpiíty acres, m i e .r lea, í'.II in township thrte louth of rutile lour enst. In naid tato. Dated, ífot 25ih. ID. 1408 td JOHN G. PELDKAMP, AdminUtrator. &eal Estáte for Salo. OTA'fB OF MICHIGAN, county of WaahtflDaw- Ín the ? ■ of Cornelias LuLhlin, deceaseu; notlce is hereby eiven.thfit ín parsnanted to the nndereinctl Admtn■ i'v the Hon Jndgd of Probato R , aw on berewlil leider, at thedwolling Iiotive ontbJB ■ ireinafter descrlbed, :i the con: i t-tate, on Monday, thc twentleth day of Jannfiry, A. D. ten o'clock In the forenoon of that ía ■ he time of the death of said !' the (bllowlng deccrlbed real estáte to wit: 'J h 11 of the p' '.'thwfst cjuarter of sectlon tívcntvihiee in townshlp one oath oí range slx e ast. En Fíiid Sia e , coiit Aining efghty acres, more or leas, rlbed ascommencfaiffal the qnarter post between sectlonatwenty'two and twenty tlirec, nnmo towssnlp asd rane.anfl rnnnin' i safd qnarter lim; to Che smtrvitSon poft, norfh on eftitl lino twenty fonr rods, tbence sald section lino elühty rods, theo y-fonr roda to the place ofbeginnUur, contaioIng :-.v. i'.v seres of land, exeepttóg from che foaf aerea conreyed by doed from satd Cornelina Laughlln and vrife, ander date of December h sald deed ia on paga 597, in thc of the Reglflter of Deeda iuarilJ county. I)atccIrDecembíír-th,17-. 1403 td UU,, ate of Daniel S. Birch. STAT" ov BOCHIGAN, County i r Notti ivri, that by nn ordev i Trobiïto Court íor the County of Wanhteniw, made on ■lifcunLh day of November, A - fruía thal datewere aIïoTed foret.: their elaima against the estáte of I nic-l ch, late ofsaid eonnty, deceased, and that all a-eoiton oí s:id deeeased aro required to to sald Probaio Opnrt, ;it ihe Probtite OlHce,iti theCitj of Ann Arbor.for cxainination and allowanoe, on or bol'ore the ninetcenth day i nc-xt, an;l that snch claims will be henrd snid Propte Court, on Satnrday. the Bfteentbday of ebruary, and on Ato dneteéñtii dny of II ny next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ot e;ieh of those days. Dated, Aun Arbor, Xov. mber IRth. A. I). 1872. JLiiliAM J. U05w4 Ju.le of Probate. Estáte of Marshall Newell. OTATE OF HICHXGAN,Ooantyof Waahtetta.w,0s. Lj E7oticel liereby given, th;t by an order of tlio Probate Court for the County of Waffhtenai ot lia ninih day of November, A. I. 1 from that date were allovred ftí creilitora to l their claims agaii Newell, Inte of hjiüT connty, deettased, aad I creditoxsof said deceased are reuired to tte Court, ut the Prol i í :m Arbor , for examúiaUoB and aHi on or bef ore the r.inth day oí ■ ill bü beard bei Ooort, on Safnrday, the ei ;■■. and on Friday, the nlnth day i : t ten o'clock in the forenoon of of ■ i:iys. Biitcd, Ann Arbor, Novemn(?r ftth ÏWa, HIK. KE8, :■.'.- 4 Judge of Probate. Estáte of John Wortley. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "Washtcnaw, ss. 't Xotics is hereby ■. an order of the Promrl for the County ol SVa btenaw, nrüleontho eeconddr.y of December, A. I. 1872, aix ment: that Cntc were Jillorred for creditors tó present theiz ast the estrile of John ' ■d coanty, dceosc L, .i:I creditors of íiil de i to present thcir elüims Prdbate Court, at the Probate Office, m the ( tv nt" Ann Arbor, foT oxamination and ailowance, on or bsfore the aeeond day of June nea such (daian vill bc heard before sald Probate Conrt, on Baturday, t:s Kh and on on Monday, the seoónd day of .Tan - at ten o'olock in tho foren I, Ann Arbor, December Id, A. D, 1403 Jua ge of Probate. . Estato of Luick Minors. STATEOFMIOHIOAN, ConntyofWaAhteBaw,8 Ai aseasion of the Probate Conrt for the Coanty hteoaw, holden al e Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wedrfesday t. day of Dtcrznber, :n thcyeurono thou0indeiiht hond red and eeventy two. Present Iliram i ic of Probate. In the matter of the etíite ofMnry Lnick, 1 Luick, Amella fctolck, and Lydla Loick, minor;1. Lílinfí und ftlinff the petition, rtuly Tertfied, of Ahs'li. !u i Eiuta l. Guardian, prayiDg that he i li'eused to sell certain retd estáte btlonginy to snid minors. Theroupon it is ordered,th;ii Monday, the ín. January next,atten o'doeku ned lor the hearfofrof said petition, and that the next of kin of said minor.?, asd all othr ponons Interested in said eüt:ife, are fecjtfired toappeai i of said court, thes to b ai he 1' e, in the Cfty of Ann Arbor, and . any there be, why tbe prayer of the i i slionld not t granted: And it is furfchei that ;iiil i'L'íitioner irivp notice to tho pcrsoss Interestod in said estáte, of the pendanej of md Uw heazins tt oopy of thiït order to be published in the M Arffvtt nempaper printed and oiroulatinK in aid couni , tbret snccesüive weeks previoiis to suid day of heariatf (Atrucopy.) HI3A3I J. BÉAKES. 1405 Judgeof Pro Estáte of George E. Gooding. t TATKOI'1 MICHIGAN, County of Wnehtennv, 98. d "f the Probate onrt forthei ■ il iv, liolden at tïie Probate Otfioe,in tl nf Ann Arbor, on Iffonday, the itrteentii day ot l)eccrber, in the feoroaethousasdelght hnndredund ■two. at líirara J. Bef.kes, Jndfre of Prohnte. In r3" matter of the estáte of Gtorge E. Ucoding, ' ■ ' O1) reádmg and fllInffthépcUtlpn.dnly verifledof 3 lï Goodinjr.lEzecntrlx, pray Ing that &he 1 ] to aelï thc real eatatewhêrcof said dled selsed. Thereapoolt ia onlered.that Monday, the iweutieth . day of Jannarj next, t ten o'cloctc In the forenoon beuf=5Ípnetl for the hearingofsald petltloa,and that the ltiirt&es. derlseesand heirs at law of ; eased, and nllother persona Interetted lo ite, are reqnired to ppear atawsslon of sald Conrt, then to be holden, t the Probate Ofilce. In the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, Ifani therebe, why the pnijèr of the petltlonervhoald i not be granted: And it is f art her ordored, thatsnid petitioner i e notice to the persons tnterested In : ;c', of the pendeney of said petition and t tbe heartng thereof. by canskig a oopy oftliiy order to be pnbllshedin tbe a aewspaper printed and circulating in said Cbniity, forfr 1 Ive weeks previousto aid day of beari ( (AtruRcopy.J 1IIKAM J. BfiAKKÖ, 1405 Jnue ot Probate. Estáte of Arthur H. Champlin - Minor. TATEOÏ MICHIOAN, County oí Ws At a session of the Probate Coqrt for tlie C or Waahtenair, holden at the Probate Üüio, in the , (,'ity of Ann Arbor, on .'-' Dinth dnj j of becember, in the yeai one fehousand eight Inu and -nty-two. i il i! iï'.ifn J. Beakes, Jtide of Probate In tbe nüitier of th iplin, c minor. g (ing and fllins tho peti'ion, duly vcrifld, of t ! tu aella A. Blanohard, praying that Ëlüha Taylor, of f Detroit, or svoh suitabie person as she may nonUiiate, m.'iy be appoinicd Guardian for said minor. Thexeupon it Is ordered tïmt IConday, the slzth day of Jnnuury ut-xt, ut ' tn the forsQoon, be anigned for the b íd petition, and that the nest of kin of said minor, and e uil othor persons ïntt-rcsted in saiil ex:itt', are required f toappeai - court, then. to be holden - it ific lobate ottice, in th'e city of A mi Arbor. and ihow oauae, U m there be, why the prayer of the pc tioser BÏioul.l not beaUawod: And it is tuit! leréd that sai . BOtiot to ile pfr-, ione intt'i'cstctl in ;ii'i pende&ey of snid Hïlitcon, and the hearing thereof, l py et c in the Michigan Argus a lewspafler pn ■ mlating In snid opunty, j tbree sucoossivo weeks prerious to said day of j [Átxuooopy.) lillïAI J. BEAES8, 1404 Judijo üf Probate. (1 . . h Estato oi' Frederiok J. Wanzeok, JTATKOF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, sa. a At 11 seasion of tlio I'robatc Court tor thttoounty Í' f Washtenaw, holden al I In tbe :i "jy oí Ana Arbor. on ttaturday, tl day of p Deoember , Ín the year one thousand oight Imndrtd is u' 1 soventy two. tl : . iliram J. Boakee, Judcc of Probate. i In tho matter of thc estáte of FrederickJ. Wanzcik, et Itíctrtsod, A OnrcadingandíUinzthopPtilion, duly verifled, of C Leonard ( ■ . qring that he may oi tolicensed to sell the real i state whereol said dec Ued seised, for the puxpose of distributiny thepro, .,■ Lis ht ira ;it law. Thereuponit IsordereOtthaf M01 teenth Uiy of January next, at teo 1 forenoon, d for the ■ etition, und Q h;it tho heirs at l;iw of ..ii deceased, and all K. itlicr persons inlci"e.stcd in setíd estáte, ure b: ■ 1 ir. ,1 to oippear ot a spsion { :-.iid court, then to bo tl: I Office, In the city of Ann Arfr tor, !' 1 shofl cana . if any there bo, why tbe prayex lïi ■f the petitioner slioiild not be pr;intod : And it i& la : Icred thatftld petil toner bo the sa itcrestedin saia estatei of the pendeney oí tv uid petition, and the hearing thereef, by cansing a Ai upy of this order to be published in tho Michigan fo rguty n newspaper printed and eirculntin in. said di n-nty f foor suobesarva wee)ui previousto saxd day of s onrinjr. dn jAtiuecopy.) HIKAM .7. BEAKEF, tí. hui Judge ot" Probate. -"♦O rOTUR FARMKRS'STORE ANDBUY YOÜK JT Carpeta, Oil Cluths and Rtgs chean íor cash. E3 tate of Wïlliam Q CTA' O Atasflttionoi I I Conrl for tbe Couniy nf Wnahtenaw, hulden at the Lic atU ity ui Anri Axbor, on tlio tenlli diy of December, in the yur one thousand oicrht hun. dief i h i ... -.Judgeof Probate. In the matter of tbe eatate of Willmm Uiscock, On readlng nnd flling the petition, dnly rerifled,of r'" o onent I ■ 10 Ie tl.eldMt WJ'! ■ -irimittcd ■ ■- heraay h. . le Éiecu''■"'■ the bixth ■ k in tíie ïoreot11 ■ I tion, ■ d boira ai luw . and nu persona tnteiwtod. iite, are reguired to u] th ut ut ;l - ■ Court, 1 fwn to be holden, ai th' . . . (] Sliftv, . . . th ■ pereons . of the pendoncy of h;i4 i tion, and the hearing the roof, by a lliis order to ba pubushed h , ■.-, a printed nnd ciroulating bi cutid oí ■ thxee . . [Atruecopy.) HIKAM J. l'.r..Ki, 1404 Judjta of Probate, Eeta-te of Mary E. Shigley. OTATE OF MICB atyof Waahtenaw,s. O At a session of the Probate Court forti of Wa-ohtenaw, holden at the Probate oflïce in the cltyof Ann Arbor, ou Wednesday, the ploventhdny of December, iu theyear une thousaud ei"hi handled and ?eventy-two. I'resent,HiramJ. Beake,Jadfe of Probate. In : oftheoetate of Mary B Shigley, deceased. Augustas Shigley, Bxecutor of the Int wili and testament of sald 1 omes into Coa rt and repn se uta tbat he a uow prepared to renderhis final account as Buch Bxmitor. Therenpon it Is Ordercd, that Meoday. theslxth day of Jaooary, ncxt, at te oe)ock i ihu forenoon, be -r cxamininje and itllow luir rfucti account, and that the frganea, devlsces, and heirsat law oí said deceaseOy and all othur oni in teres ted in , are required to ancnf at a sesslon of sirfd Conrt, then holden nt the the City of Aan Arboi antj and showt aae [fanytbere be wnytbeflaidacconötshonldnotbealfcrwed: And itia fnrthcr oraered, that Bald Kxectttor ,'ve notice to the persons Inlerestedln Baid eí tale, of the pen. dency of :iïd account. :uid the ucarint: thercof, hy canslng a eopy ofthte order tobe uublishetl in the Micfa BewspaperpnntedandcirralaUDg inMidCotroty, three duccesttive week previous to ■ of hunríng. ÍAtrtie copy.) HIKAM J. !W:.KKS. 1404 Jtrdueor Probate. ito of Bordino Minors. TATEOPMKJIIKtAN'ouiityotWiifhifnaw.SB 0 Al m the Probate Conrt for thcCounty 01 Waflhtenaw, holden iït the Probate OfHce. in tho City of Ann Arbor, on Ttnrednj', tin; flfth C.&y oï nnecmber. In the ycai ouc thousand eïght hnnrlred and seventv-two. Present, Ifiram J.'Beakeft, Jndgeof ProHat In the matter of the Estáte ofHarrtetK.BíirdÍB Levi Bordlne, and : q ■, rninofi, Onr i:ion,dalyverifíed, of AsaM. Dfirlin, Guardian, prayin? that hp mayba heen cd lo scil ccrr.aiu real eaCatfc Ijcluiiiag loeaid' minors. Therenpon ït is ordercd ïhat Monday. the 1 day of Jantiarj nea, as ten o'clock in the: pea for the hearing of Bftid peiltion, and that thfi neit of kin ol eaiO minor, and all other persons inferes ted in aaid estste, ara reqnlred 10 nppetfi n b ofaatd Couru to be hold ;nat the Prbbaï..iieCity of Aun Atbor, and Bhow canee, il , whytbe prayer of the petitïoncr Bhotüd not be (trantttd:- And it itfurtker oráered thai 1 aer gvé notice to che ; ■■■-ons lütei%stedSnsaicl estáte, oï the pendoiicy of said petition. nm thehearl&c thereoby enningncopy of thia order to bc pabushetl In the. 1 . aeWspaper printditnd circnlntir. in siiKt Couaty. threesa k previooa tö AríDg 1Ï1RA5Ï .1. BEA1At me copy. utigcof Probate. Éetate of lïenry McPhUlips. OTATKO MICHIGAN, -ounty of Wruhtcnnw, sb. ■ At a Bestión ot ti Pvobate Coiirt for the county of Washtenaw. holden at the Pi e, in tho day of tber, In the year ono tliousancl cigbt hundred And srven'i-two. tun J. Beakcs, Jndga of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Henry SlcPhillips, Or. - fïlin the' petition, veriflcd, of i-a, Administrütrix, 1. .11 thnt ■i to seli the real estte -wherbef said deceased died !;Lid. Thereapon it ia -■, tbe thïr-' tcenth day of ■' l k in tbc forerdr the hcarinf? oí' said pelitiun, ;ini' , ; ad al] other person ro appeal hen to be holden, ai the ■how . iï any there be, -,7hy tho prayer oj the petitioner should noL lie grantcd : And it ia furtbei orderstl, that said] i B noiicc to tho T);i"?ftns interested in -ndeucyof a ... nnl thi hearing thej b ■ publisned in the JA . n oewspaper printed and circulatiüL' in sold oounty, four aoooessiTe weeu previoub to siiil duy ot' hoaffnfi'. (Atmecopy.) ' HEaAM 3. BEArtES, HM Judseof Pxl Estáte of James Mitchell. ■ , Ctmnty of Washtena-M Atnaemionol tbe Probate Court for tíieCo'tirityot1 Waflhtenaw, holden at tbe Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the second day of lïe- ocmber, ín the yeir.'(ue tl:oiaand eight hnudred and se ven i; - . , Hiiam T. Beaï'es, Judg'cof Probate. r of the of Jttmea Mifchell,; !("■, Executog ol tbelasi will :'i:ithe isnow prtpaitdio renaërhia _ Ton it is ordcii oaday, tl instant, at ten o'clock in the íoienoon, bö rt&áitmed tbr exaxnintag nu I uní. and that the legntee, devieee : 1 rtt iaw of soid deceased, nd all other persons inteii' I 1 -tate, uro refiuirc".! I in of flaid Court, then to be holden, a C' the Probate Office, in the City o! r, :nd' show cause, if any thcre bc, why of tho . 1 noi be gr:::. : is further" ordered, tfaat :-;ii'l exeoutor Rive roticetothej d in Baid estáte, of the pendextey of said tion, and ui the Michigan Argmt a news-' paper printed and oirculating in stiid coxinty, thiti weeks previousto snid.dav of hearing. (Atruecopy.) H1BAMJ. BEAKE8, L4U8 Judtrcof Probate. Estáte of John Hhoinfrank-. STATE Oï MimiOAN, County of Woshterlftw, sa. At it Beeaion of the Probate Court for the County of Wahtenaw, holden at the Probate Oiïieein the Cif 7 ■ of Aim Á rbór, OU Taeaday, the third day í-í' December, in tbe yenr one thou;;:m4 aigbt hundrtd and seveaty-two. m -T. Beakee, Jndga of Probate. In the matter ol the estáte of John lihtinfrftnk, deceased, William Rheinfranlr, Executor of the laf-t will and te?tarn9flt oí ftuid dtceased, comea intocourt' and representa that be is nov prepored to render hifirst account as such Extcutor. " Thercupon itisorilered, tha ÜM thirtieth day of iJeconitier instant, .it ten o'clock in thefore-" noon, be nsaignéd for oxaminroK and aJIovinfi such ac-' count.and that the leyatees derifteca and hein ut law of al] other persons interested in. on of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Profeste Office.' iñ the Ckv of Ar.n Arbor, in s.üci " ■■inrv, ::nt! show eimee, if any ;■. nid account should.' not be nllowutl: And it is forther ordejred, tht ?aïd f-xerutor f'w notiee to the persons interested in said the pendqncy of aaid account, and the hearing thereof, l opy of tbis order tobe publisbea Juffan A "fftttt a nu'-vspaper printed and circuLittinp1 in Baid County, three sucoessiv weeks previou to said day of hearing. (A trae copy.) HIRA3I J. BKAKES, H08 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Mattliew Schaihle. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenair, BV. esaiota ottïie Probate Oañji í-t the couniycf Washteimw, lioldcn at the Probate ottice, in the city f Ann ArbOÏ, on Mond:iy, the eighteenth day of N'ovcmber, in tbe year one thousaud eight hundred ná seventy-two. . , Euram J. Boakes, Juise of Probate. In tho nitttterof tho estáte of Malthew Kchaibler leceased. Divand Hlin.T the petifion, fluly verified, of ícorge L. Undorkúoher,, AdniJniatrator, prayingthat it m;iy belioensed to seu oertxin real estáte whtrcof cd . ThereapoD it isofdered, that Kfonday, the thirtieth lay of Deeenibi r next, :it ten oc1ook in tlie foreïoön, be assignödfOf che htnring of said petition, tw hat tlio heirs at law of said deoeaMd, and. ill otlier persoAfl interested in said e.tjite, aro lequired to opi ion of sairt Court, theo en at the Probate Olficei in the city of Ann rbor, an 1 show canse, if any there be, wby tha the petitioner shoold not be granted; And 1 is further ordered, tbal Baid petitionergire notice to iiï interested h 1 , of the pendenry I tion and the hearing thereof, by cansina a opy of this be puhlishcd in m ArTif, a newsp&per printed and circalnting in snid couny, saeeesaiTfl weeks prerioua to said dny of ie;irin. (Atruecopy.) EOXUM J. BEATCES, liiii Judtfo of Vrobate. Estáte of Philip Eiding. N. County of Waantanaw, es j Al asesskraof UieProbatol ourtfor theCoontrof VashtenaTi . ho Probate Otiice, in the City f Ann Arbor, on ' dn Bdayt the twéntietb day oï , n the year one thousnnd eight hundiid .vr. seventp-two. ! HiriiTiiJ. Beakes, Jndgeof Probaie. In tiie matter of the estáte ei Pnüip BidJag, d dased. ding aad filinir the poli tion, duly verified, of oïiïi K'cc'.ï, Administfator, praymg tlmt he may ho oensed to sall the real estáte whercof said deceased 1 ,1. Tliereupon it is onlpred.that Jlond.iy, tho Üiirt'eth . ;it ten o'clock in the forenoon, e assigned for the hearing of snid petil ion, and that the eirsst law of i ■ personaiD vu, ure requirtd tO appcai ot . . .i?vt, then to be holden "t tha 'robutc Oflicf, in the city of Aun Arfe r, nd show cause, if any there be, why the rayerof the pel i' ionerahonld noi be grauted : aso it iiivih.T oraered, that Baid petitioner pi ve notice to ■ i i-..;.: Dstatetoí tl ependencyoz ■n, and the hearing: thereof, by cimning a ipyofthls order to be published tn tne Michigan rguti ;v newspaper printed and cürculating in aaid aux BueceauTe weeks pniious tosaid day ! hearing. (A trnecopy.) UIIEAM J. BEAKES. 1409 duilitot l'robiite. Estáte of Seth Smith. ITATE OF HU B [OA1T, County ofWaBhtenaw-w, en, tl al bj nnord 1 i ftbs Pwh mty of v, :i-,jjti nnw. made on ie rk'veiith day of Deoemb r, A. D. isT2, six mocths date were nllowed for creditors toprewnt te of said county, deeeased, and thftt hII creditoi1 of ■.■ ; b' ii' cl..ims to irt, it tlie ProbateOfflce, in City of ttion and aUowanod,on or hoh day of Jt ne next, and tlmt snch Unu wiU be heard befbre said Probate rt, on , the dnh'li day of March, and on WdBs. , ; duy 01 June next, at uxjo'clockiar ■ m fii eaeh of daya. Üatetl. Ann Arbor. December ltth. A. I. IfC2. UUtA.M J. BEAKBS, J40ÍW-4 Judge of Probate


Old News
Michigan Argus