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_ Tho ouWio schools opened again on Monday. _ Now is the timo to subscribe fot the Abgus ÍOT- The overal dopartments of U.o University are umin in full Haat. -That January thaw came to hand Ttanday oveuing of tart week, with in ml deet, but it nroTod a short-waated ooncem. _, Wasted at this office, 10 conr.3 of good peen body Hickory, ateo 6 coeds of good body White Ash. Apply immediately. _ ïhere is snow enough for good sleighmg: but, ugh! it ia too cold to be enjoyed. Wood and Iumbeimen are mproving it, however. _ At the recent session of tho State Teachers Aociation, at Jackson, President Ahll, of the Univenity, WM olected President for tho on"ÜflílTa of the Detroit Union, writing up Tp8ilnfi, y. ttot ODf modest "' oLideratun, of 1he connty seat trith fte Court Hou square thrown in, wffl gree to ou.ld a $100,000 Court House. _ The weather-Thursday-is sain cold and blustoring-wilh the mercury hovering httle too near Zcro and strong tótmg winds. We have kopt no (mok of the thermometer-m fact, are disffusted wftfc that weafter measurer. _ G W HiTB, Superintendent oi the i armerf Store, drops in a uew ad. in to-day's issue, ealling especial attenticn to the dosing out ot tlieir Foll and Winter stock of Dry öoods, &0. A vit to the above named store WlD more than rei 'BV any one. _ Calicó Dress Party wül bc held at Agncultural Hall, on Friday evening next, being the cloe of the fint ten of Prof. Fowis dancing . s ■!- ooi Prof. F. has met with grent suceess with Mb -.chool in our city-having over 200 Bohölars. He fríü organias class, commencmg on the 24th inst. See in another column. _ The editor-iu-chief of the Register is fulIy persuaded that 100 is too mail a slry for a Circuit Judge to live on, uvert!,eless he affects to believe that a small salary wül command bettcr judgesthaii alarge oe; prorided any can be foimd wlio have made il fortune m real éstate or otberwise and seek honor wid f ame m a seat ob the lnch. Tei-hape ! _ On Monday moniing -rery serious accident happened Wlixuï Masok, of Northfield. Mr. Mason was engaged ia cutting rtalke with a ■power cutter hie left hand getting cauglit m the knivcs and drawn in, cutting off üie thuinb, first three fingere, and hand betveen the little finger ■and the wrist below the thumb. _ On Friday rcorning last about 3 o'clock, a fire broke out in the residence of MonaAN O'Beiek, in the tomnship of Webster, which was entü-ely deetroyed, togetlier with a hrge .bXre of turnitara, clothiug, etc. J'he cause of -the fire is uknown, having taken in a back wood part of Üie hoúe, where no shes were ■ stored or fire used. We did not learn the amotini the ainount of toss. Insured iu the Washtenaw Mutual : ou house, ?1,500; furuiture, 1,000. We would suggest to üie Common Council and 'other citizens interested that economy and conTeiiience may büth be Bubserved by an amendmcnt to finaucial ciiapter of üie city charter. Electing tbree collectors nd parceling out the sovcraltai roUs aciong them m&y keep uj) au actrre campaign among vraid politiciaiiB, but at the expense oí th conveniuce and pookets of the tax-payew- many of wkom have taxes to pay in each collectiug district. These coller.tora -in our individual opinión- ehould be aboliehed and the collecüon oí the entire taxes oí tho city be devolved upon the city treaaurer. The fee for collecting oould then be reduced from one per ceut., now allowed prior to the first of January, to one-half of one per cent. And thon the charter saould eciScaUy provide ■what per cent should be added for delay, iiistend of leaving ü optional with the Couucil to fix the sanie, an option wuich is liable to b oyerlooked nad neglcctcd- as the iJrtsent year. The sections ïbdiig the terms oL tho warrant nd tho methud of raisiiig the collecfion fee hould also be unended aad made uniform withi the corresponding provisión in the State law : that is uo coUeutioii fee should be epxená oponq the roll, but both tho charter luid the warrant ■direct the per ceut,, to be ttdded to üie tax both before and afterthe firet day of January. The changes we propose would aot only sim-11 plify and cheapen the collection of our tues, but they wotJd also answer the designs of the ehaxtei uot carried out by tlie preeeut provibions. The object of a discriminating íee in favor of tho prompt tax-payer is to place the funds in the city treasury at an early day, that it may meet ita 'demanda with the Bonie promptuesB required of the individual citizen ; but as the collectors, as m the charter now is, may retain all the mouey they collect until the first of February, the toxpayer who pays in December is the only party bcneñted- save the collector- the city getting no use of the funds until after tho first of February. How do these propositions strike those interested? The Ann Albor and Lodi Plank Road Com, pany, held their annual meeting on Tuesday, tha f ollowing officers were elected ; President - Petke H. Abel. Treasurer and Superintendent - Nelson B. Cole. Dircetors- SiLAS H.DOUOLAS, JÍELSON BOOTS, JAME3 H. Stephehs, Jacob H. Hicks, and Geo. F. Eiün. A dividend of five per cent was deelared. Thia is the first dividend by the company for a number of years. Mr. N. B. Colé has had charge of tho road for the past year, and has put it in good condition and on a paj-ing basis. The Young Ladies' Industrial Society connected with the Presbyterian Church, advertisc a Vocal and Instrumental Concert for Monday evening next, January 13thf on which occasion the now organ will be first played upon by Mr. W. F. Ca8e, late organist at Tremont Temple, Boston, and by other playera. Mdlle Lamí, oí Detroit, a popular vocalist, will take a prominent part ; and there will also be Flute trios, piano mufiic, quartette singing, etc. Go and help swcl the organ fund. In another column wiil be found the prospectus of the Aldine, probably the finest illustrated monthly periodical published in the country. It is considerad a model both in typogïaphy and the graver's art, and besides has high merit as a littíary journal. Now is the time to subscribe. - We also invite attention to the prospectus of Haupkk'b Weekly. Thia journal is too widely knovii and too popular to need furlher meution. At the annual meeting of Forest Hill Cemetery Company held on Tuesday, the following ofïicers were elected for thü ensuing ycar : President - J. AusTIx Scott. Treasurer - Emakttel Mann. Clerk - Geokoe Geesville. Trustees - C. H. Milten, T. Bach, and E. A. Beal. Sexton - A. II. Mjekham. On passing "by Coiien's one day this week, at No. 33 South Main itreet, wo weve astonished at Beeiiig Uie large crowd assemhlp.d, and on going in, we were astonislied at the novelty of his sale of dry goodp, How lie does it is a mystery, but he certainly does sell dresses, blankets and pieces oL shoetings, etc., to the lucky ones, for ouo dollar. A look at hi8 advcrtiaoment wül repay a.ny ono. The Lvdies' Eepository for January is f uil of .„0,1 thingB, an.l is beautiful both in typographvMn.lüUistrations. The most noticeabie papen are: " Old Law," or the Inquivmg Mand-u-in, W the editor, giving a new view of efforte at progresa in China; KigMs and Wrongs, bv Mrs H. C. Gardncr, discussing onc phase ot the "woman question;" The "Strike" of the Ministers, by Joseph R. T. Gray; Tho Women of the Paris Commxine-a now chapter m the hirtoiy rf the riege and overthrow oí Paris; Los Ángeles, Olturtmted, in whioh Ma Lester makes one long fot a chango of baae üicse rongh cold davs; and Octavia Solara, chaps. I.-ni., by the aut}.orof Mary Powell. The editorial dopartmsnt i3 fresh, racy and piquant-espcdally m lts Foreign and Art Notes and Literary Table. $3.50 a year. Hitciicock & Walden, Cincinnati, Ohio. _ From the saine publlshera we ateo nave the January (Solden Hotos, a capital number of a capital magarina for the boys and girla of the household-big and littte. lts sketches and ossays and stories aro fnll of interest and instniction. Ï2. a year.


Old News
Michigan Argus