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Prospectus lor 1873.- SixtJi lear. THE lLDIISTE. n IlluRtrntcdMontlily Journal, nnlvcrsally nclmit. ert to bc the Ilandsonicst Periofilcal In tho World. . Bepraaentatlva and Champion ut America Taste. THE LMNK, while lmned with all tho rccnlarV hns none of the tempornry or timcly lntemt baractwtotlc of ordtnary periodicals. It is n elnant mlMellany of puro.llght, andgraceinl htcraires anda collectton of pletnros, the rarest spedmens of artlctic skin . in black and whit.0. Altbonph ach BDccecilini' number nfforilB a fn-sh pleasnre tn ts Mende, thereal valne nnd beauty of THE ALDIM E wil] 1; apprectated after it hnsbeen ound iip at the close of tho ycar. While otber pnbcatlona mat claim imperiot cheapnes. aa c mpared vith rivals of a Imilar claps, THE ALDIHS b a nuiqae and original eoneeptlon- alone and uupproached- absolntcly wlthnnt competitlon in rico or diameter. Tho posse&spr ot a complete velme cnimot duplícate the quai.tity ol fine paper and nsravinCBin aoj otherFhapcormimlierofvolmnee trtm tintel i's aai ; and then, thcre are the chrmnos, beides ! ABT DEPAnTJTïENT. NotwHhstandlne the lúcrense in the pnce oranhcription laat Fall, wben THB AL1 INK auramed Ita resem noble n.ponionsnnd representaliv. chnrcior the cdilioji '""■■ mon than iouNed during the last year ■ provlng tDut tho American public uppre lato, and wlll support, n effort in the canje r Art Ihfi publfhera, anxlonstojn tify tbu ready onfldencc thn domonBtratfld, have exertod themclvfs to thentmoM todevdope and improve th vink; und the pinna tor the coming year, asunfoldd by t!ie monthly Imaee, wlll nBtonlsh and delisht ■ven the most sanguine tHends of THE ALDIsh lhe pobllthers are tuuhorized to announce doigns from inany of Che most eminent artista of In addltion, 1ITE AiDINE will reproduce - mpleti of the best toxelpn masters, Belected 'viih a ■ lew to the bigbeat artistic Hnccees, and greatestsenral Inten at avoidiug "uch as hava becomo familiar, hrouah photographs, or copien of sny kind. The quartcrly tinted pintes, for 1873, will reprohice four of John S. üavi' inimitable chlld sketche, appropriati toth fomr seaaon These platea, . pp. -iriiiciii the issues for January, April, July and ; Octobi'r, would be alone wortli tbc prico fur a year'B ubHcripïiou. ,„ , . - - The poin'ar feature of a copionsly lllaslratod ' Ohrletmas " number will be contlüued. To possesfl BOCh a vnluable epitome of tr.e art voild at a oost so tr fling, wili commanil tho ubcripti-iw of thonsands )n every nection of the couiiry : bnt as the osofnlnMB and attractioiis of Tilt, LT)INE can be enhanced, in proportlon to tne -.umerieal inerease of lts sr.pporters.the pnbiiahen iropoae t makc ' amurwice duubleanre," by the ollowing anparallèled oft'cr of PIIEMIUISI CIIHOMOS FOK 1873. Every Bubucriber to THE ALDINK, who pay in advance for the yer 18T3, will receive, without addltonal charee, apalr of heautifuloil cliromo. after H J Hill, the eminent Enjtlinh pftinter. The picure?, entitled ■ The Village Helle," and "Crowlng the Moo e " are 14 x 8(1 Inchet- are printed from 86 llfferent platea, requlrlne 25 imprweions una tinta o nerfect each picture. Tho unit chromosare sold otso per pair, in tho art atores, as it Is the de.ermtnatlou of it? conductora to keep THE AI,I)lïs 1(. int "f thu rench of competltl"n in every depurtment . iiechromos wlll be fonnd correspondlnly aheaflol inv tint can bc offered by ether poriodicals. tvery ib-criber will receive i cei tifíente, over the signature of the pttbliihers, gwn-mUrinf that the chro m" delbered shnll be cqual to the BnmplPe nunun.,1 the aeent,' or the money wlll be tetundefl. he diatrlbntion of plotnrea of tliis vernde. (reo to the budBcribere to n fh e di llar periodlcal . w'.'l mai k n epoch uthehitoryfArt:and.conalderinRtheunpr(cedeiitedeheapnessofthepricpfor THE ALU.SB itself, th" marvel falis littlo -hort of a mlracle, even to ïrofcbestacquaintod wlth the achievementa ol lnventive gonlnu and improvod mechanica! appllantes. THE UTESABÏ DHrABTMEST. will con! iimeunder' the care of Mr. RICHARD HENKY 8TOD11AKH, assisted by the best wrlters anti poets of the day, who willstriveto have the literatnre of THE ALDiNE always in keeping with us artlstic attractioiis , , IHE ALPINE will, obtainable nnly by snbseriptlon. There will be no reduced or club rato cash for sulwcriiitions must bc S"Ht to the publishera direct, or hnnded to the lecal ogent without responslblllty to tho publiriiers, exc pt in ca-es where' a certinente is Elven, hearing tho fae-timile nignatnVe of Jamks SutTok & Co. AGEBÍTS WANTID. Any person. wishing to act permanently as a local agem, will receive fuil and prompt informatiou by applylig to JAiïES SÜTT05 & CO., Publlslicrs, 58 M-ATDEN LAÑE, N. Y. IhrpèWsweëklyT SP.LENDIDLY ILLUSTEATED. Notice" of the Prees. Tho'iVnEja.T is the r.blest and most powerSll 1lnstrated p'erïonicnl pubHshed ia.'sthis country. lts editorals are Bcholarlj and convincinc, and curry much wei"ht. lts illnstrations of currentevents are füll and fresh, and are prepared by onr best designers. With acirculation of 150,000, he Wif.kif.ï is re'adby at lea et half a mi'lion pers"iis, and lts luflacbco aa an organ of opinión is simply tremcndoiis. 'The Weikly maiutains a posltive potition, and expreBses de lded views on polltlcal and social proölenla. Loui&viUt Cuurier SÜBSCKIPTIONS-1873. TERMS : iiAnpEi1: "Weeki-t, one year $4.00 An exer copy of etther tho Maoazine, Wkiklt. orBAïAwHl heenpplieil ftratis for cvery Club of Pive Subecribers at S4.00 each, m one rernittance; or, tïx Copies for $20.00, without extra copy. Subscription to BinDi M mjim, , Wjoki ndBAüA, tn one addmw for . re year, 0.00 ; or, two of Harper'i Periodicals, to one address lor one yoar, $7.00: Back Nnmbera c n bc snpplled at any tAme The nnual Volume of Harptr's Weekit, m n(-ntc!othbiniMrg, wulboscnt by express, freeof expense, for $7 .00 each A completo Set, compnsing bixteun V'lumes, sent on roceipt of cash nt the rute of $S.S per vol., freight at expense of purchnser. Tho noBtaee nn Hatper's Woekly is 20 cents a ye:u, wlüch must bc Raid at the subacriber'a postffice. nAdpR6 & B3OTHEES, New York. MTURE'S"REMEDY"'% JTHE &REAT BLOODfPURirilg' V üUi-ïiNU is mude t xclueiveiy (rom the juicos of carsfully BBlectsd bark, roois and herbs. and eo stroivly cODCentrated that it wlll effectually er.u.i cate (om the systcm cvery taint of Borofula, acrornlous Humor, inmot, Cáncer, Cancermn Ilnnor, Krysipilas, alt Rheum, Syphilitic DlseareB.C uiker, Famtnesa at Hu' Stmach, aud all dleeaeia thut ari"c frum impure bluod, iiuicn, Inflnmmutory and Chronic RhenmatUm, Neuralgia Oout and Spinal Uomplalnta, canonly be effectually cured through the For Ulcers f.nd Eruptivo üiseases of tho skin, Postulen, Pimples, Blotches, Boils 'l'otter, Scaldhead and Ringworm, VKGKTINE has never lailedto effect a permanent cure. Por i) dus iu the back. Kidney Complavnts, Dropsy. Female WeaknceB. Lencorrhoea, arlulng trom mternal ulceratlon, and uterina dlaeases and General Dc_ bllity. VEUKri.VË acts dy-ectly upou the canses ol these coroplaiute. It inyiorates and strengthens the whole system, acts np"n the secretive orgam, allays inflammation, curee ulceraliou and regulatea the For Catarrh, I)yepcpsia,HRl)ittml L'ostiveness, Palpltttlun of the Heurt Headache, Piles, NerTousne-s and General prpstratlon of the Ncrvous System, no medicine hls ever giveü sueh perfect satisfaction aa theVEGÈTINE. It pn rifle -i the blood cleansee all "f tlie árgana, and poesesass a controlling power over ' TheremarkableSiies effectcd by VEGETINE have indnced rmiiy physicians and apotnecarles whom we kuow to piescribeand u e itin their own families. ( t'In fact, VtGKTINK is tlic beft remedy vet dlscov, cred for tha above di easee, and is the only ri'liable Biood Purifier yet placed before the public. Prepared by II. ït. S4tcvens, Boston Mass. i'riceS1.23. S"lcl by allliruyyists. 1400 Chanoery Notioe. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, W. The Circuit Covirt for the Countyoi' Wushten.w- In Chnneery. Rasina Theorer TB. John Theurer. It satisfaciorily appearing npon duo preof by iithdavit, thalthe defendant, .lolm Thenrer, is not n resident of the State of Michigan, but that he residís at New Hamburf?, iCanada, on moion of Lawrenco & Frazersolicitorsfor oomplainant, it ia ordered ihat the defendRnt, John Thurcr, causo lus appenrancu to bo enlered in tliis cause witbin three montos lïom the date of Ibis order, and that in case ot hls appearance he cause his answer to the oomplainant's bill of complaint to be filed and n copy thereof to be served on the complainant within twonty days aftar eervice ot u copy oí' aaid bilí and notice ot tms oruer, ana on a1t'ault thero-tf, that the said bill bo taken as con f cb d hy tho said defendant, John Theurer. And it ia furtherordcred, that within twemy days tbe mM complniuant causo acopy of this ord r to be ptiblished in the Michigan Argus, a public néwspttpti i niued and publishd in the city of Ann Arbor, Waant naw County, Michigan, and that such publioation bc continueu in said paper ouco 111 cach week for six succossivu weüks, or lIiul ske eaüfte a, copy of this order to be pereonally eerved on tJw aáid (ïefttzidant, .John Thcurer, at least twenty days btífore ího timo abovu prtBoriDeu ior bis appearanoe. Buted, Ann Arbor, Jan. 3. 1S73. JOHN F. LAWRFNCE, _ Lawrknck & Fbazbb, Circuit Couit Comíais i ner in Sölicitors t'or and ior Washteuuw Oovn y, plttinant. Michigan. 14ud Real Estáte for Salo. STATE OFMIlHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw,Ba, _ In tbc matter of tho estáte ot Philip Eiding, dceased. Notioe is nsrby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to tbc underuigned, Admlnis trator ot che estáte of said deoeaeed by the Hon. Judge ot Probate lor the County of Wasltteuaw, on Ihe Becoid day of January, A. D. 173, thcre wili bo suld at public vendue, to the hiahest bidder, at the soutn door of tho Court House, in Ann Arbor, ín the County of Washtenuw, in said Btate, on Wednesday, the twentysixtb. day of February, A. l-. 1878, at ten o'cloc!; in tbe iorenoon oí that day {subject to all encumbranoes by mortgage or otherwjse existing ut tbe timecf the dealhof aaid dec6aeed), thu íollowing describen real estáte, to wit: Lot two, block four, rango one east in Wiíliam tí. MaynaTd's additioa to the city of Ann Aibor, 111 Hftid County. Dated, January 2t A. D. 1872. JOHN" KECK, HOS Ad minia tra tor. EEDS ! SEEDS ! ! SEEDS ! ! ! 3S SFS. 3L3 S3 XE , ÏRBB Tö NAME AM) RELIARLE ! I put up no oíd worthlesfi BeedB, but nll are fresh and reliable. A suuül euia udiciously iaveated in FI0W6I Üetida, w41 add uiucJi to thu büuuty uiid. CD}oyinL-ut of Hume," I bave ateo larga and well íillctl Creen ümisos with fiíc ch.oicEBt Green Houkc n?id BedtUiif? Planta md tíhrubs, whïoh oan be sufely tranBportea,anÍ I Bell at pTÍoeu withiu vcíieh ot' mi. GutcUogmn Kree. Agcuts wiiuted to Bolicit oraers. Addrese, Ö. C. McCRAW, Kiver de üardcttSi Blnhamton Bvoyine ('o. N. T". "VrrSILANTI X BOARD OF CONTROL OF THE Michigan Mutual UFE INSURANCE CO, OF DETROIT, FOR THE TOWNS OF Ypsilaiitï, Augusta, Superior, Wnleni, i Plyinoutli, Cantón, Vaníliireii, and Sumpter. ' Each mcmber insures for FITB THOUSAKD DOLLARS. HOK. J. WBB1TKB ClIILDS, HlEAM BATCnELDEll, Tnor. D. I'uxkam, Csov. L. McLutii, E. M. Coi.b Clinton Si-ehceb, T. O. Owen, H. C-ECamp, J. E. Smixh, U. L. Foote. Ofíicers of the Board I I'IIUSIDKNT, HON. J. W3BSTERSCHILDS. VIOK PRESIDENT, PROF. D. POTNAM. TREAHUEEIÏ, HIRAM BAT a HELDER. ATTORNEY, EDWIN F. UH1 MEDICAL EXAMINEE3, A. F. -KISNB, M. r., F. K. OWEN.iM. D. DISTBICT AGENT, G. L. FOOTE. Micliigan can ftt laat bonst of a flrflt claaa Lifo'inBurdnoe Compuuy, organizad under hcr own lawR, controlled by lier own cupitalists, und ijosscbscí. ol 11 tho advantagea ;nd seountiea that pcrtuin to tho best corporatioua oí liña class. Com. llowe, in lus report, says, after Btnting tbo snuill per cent, that is iiiöurod in thisBtate: "Thosc lijiinca mivy with propriety bo commended to tho considcruíion uf soiau oompanles arid their agents in this Btftte, "who spcnd vaiuable tirac and largo mima of monoy in detrncting their rivals, and thus virUially undeiminiiïg the conüdence of tlic people in the meritonous institution ot germine Lito Insurance, ruther thun securicg thcir proportion of tho ninety-fivo por cent. who are uniuaurea." Tho Michigan (.Jüinpany lias boen doing business for üve ycHi, and the tirst day of Jnnuiiry, 1872, had issued 3,402 Bollóles, insuring 16,869,861.00, making total Mseta Jonttary 1, 1872, $284.483.40, and u total liability at tho eamt time of ?176,bC8 47. The advantage to a policy holdcr to insuro in the Michigan Company can bo thus cxplained : $1,000 at 10 per cent corupound interest for 50 years, amounts to ... $117,390 40 $1,000 at (i per cent compound interest for SOyeara, 18,420 00 AVhich is about the dilference ol' interest eaat or west. i Tho ollicers of tho Company are : JAÓOB 8. FARRAND.rresidont. Wk. A. MöpiiE, Vice Freaideut. 'J. T. LiIügett, Socretary. Jaijes O. Watbon, Autuary. p. O. Farband, llcdiral Examinor. L. M. Thaver, General Ageiit. 'J. B. FIUÏAND, "1 1 J. J. Bagley, E. W. King; Finance Com. W. A. Moobe, 1Í07W3 "W. J. ClUTTENDEN, j The Choapcst and Bost Fire Department in the World. Oeer One Thousand Actual Mres Put Out WITIt IT, AND MOItE THAN $8, 000,000.00 Wortli of Property Savod From the Flamea. THE ■ "2 q a - IQ ÏIRE EXTINGUISHER Towns that have bonght them say twclve Extinguisbere make a fire departmert aa tfllciont aua mure availablo than a tteam engine. AI.SO. The Babcock Self-Acting Fire Eugine, FOE, CITY, TOWN and VILLAGE USE, It la more offective than the Steam Fire Enjiine liecauso it ia instantancoucly roady and throws a powerful stroaia of carbonic acid gas aud water Ki anj lenath of time . It is the bet and cheapost Firc EnRino In the worlil, aud cornos withiu the flnancialabihtU'Bof evcry place. It does not rccinire an expensive system of water works, and ie uever out of repair. Send for their record. Kvery town in the State should have thcm before the dry weuther sets iu, and prevent conflagratious. E.T. BABNUBI, Gen.Atfent, 118 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Manntoctnrer of Irou, Brass and Copper Wire, firc Clolh, Wire Eailing and Fcncing, Copper Wenthor Vanes, and Wiie.Work generally, 13S3 lyr Magnetic Ointment FOR THE CURE OP IOTLA1ÍUAT0BI DISEASES. Dr TrasK was cngagod for twcnty yesra Ín a courso of experimenta upoa the medical propertiea and powor of vegetables, separate and combined. At the age of seventy years he succeeded in presenting to tho world, as the result of nía experimenta, a combination of Vegetable extraets, tho power of which lnremoving diaeasea is uaequaled in the annala of Medicine. Hls dlscovcry consista Ín acombinationof these powerful Vegetable Extraets with Bleetricity or Magnotism in the íorm of an Ointment. , Córtala, it Ís, tuat tKe remarkablo andrmprccedented success wnich has attended its application m the cure of diseases, etamps it at once ae tho greateat discovery of the age, and calla for a trial and closo mvestigation of its proporties. It never faüs, whilo thoro rcmaina Enfflcient Ufe to restore a natural and Uealthy actiou to the oarjillarv vesaels of the body, and equahzo the circulation of the blood. By this means a controllm" power Ís sained over the most malignant forma of diaeasc, whicU cannot be obtained from any othor remedy. Saeli Is tho po trer of tlils combtnatloii, that it penétrate to every portion of tho human every bono and mnacle, vein, nerve and ligament ia searched out and made sensible of its purifylng and healiug influcncc. Heneo it copes aa readily wilh iuternal as external discase. Nnmcrous lnstanees aro on record whora thia remedy has restored hcalth to pationta so near the írrave that the most powerfiü iuternal remotlies failed to produce any eflect. Such has frequently becu the case ín Iullamma tion of the Bowels. No patiënt ever nced dio with this dlsease where tho Maguctic Ointment can be obtained. For Infla mmatory Rliemnatlsm this Ointmont is tho most completo remedv ever preparad. For Diphtaeria or Futrid Sore Throat it is uunvaled. Innlnety-ulno cases ontof alinndred, it will afford entire relief to the worst caaes oí Nervoua Ileadachc in tlurty inmutes. Vor Nervous Dlseases tbis medicino iB of Immense value. AlTectlonsof t!io Splno, Ulionmatism, Lamenena, Ulccrated Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Beurtay, Croup, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Aluio in the ï acu or Breèst liunm, Scald Head, Scrofula, SaltKhemn, Kry. Bipelas, Inllamed Bye, Fev Sores, Sores, otc, wiH beimmediatiüy reUevcd by the uae of Dr. Trask'a Magnetic Oiutment. D. Kínsom, Son & Co., Propr's, Buffajo, N. Y. n HE PLACE TO OKT TOUR NEW HTYLE8 CF i Drese Trimminse, ia at tlae Farmers1 bture.


Old News
Michigan Argus