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MIC'IIKJA GEimtAl RAILEOAI). WINTER 'fI.UK TABLE. Piuweiigertrainsnow lunvo tlio MTtrnl gt;itions,n CoHows: going wfcsl. X L L H 5 M BTATIONS. „ W lL tt , o 'S & ÍS s S s A. M. A. M. I'. M. " ■ !'- " Detroit, leave, 7 15 ü 40 Í Ou 5 46 14 Vpsihuiti. S 1'. 10 :; S 88 7 12 2 58 11 0 ii,. Ier - ' ö 30 S 1(1 S 40 Chds"' ' f SSO 3 4Í .:: ;,ke, 10251 - 44 ss k. . P. U. r. M. A. -M.. (Tnlnmozoo, 2 20 2 58 12 25 8 00 Ohicago-urrire, _ 8jK sio M0 ! 8 00 QO1WG KAST. TïRülü il i " X ■"-' . O : ' =i -i lj i', ft A (a H fi r. m. i'. M. k. . M. Chicneo, lenve, Í IS a 00 6 30 9 en a. ;. i. w. !■ f, BJiUmaxoo, ! 2 20 3 00 11 "0 2 05 A. M. I'. K. Jaclison. 12 40 4 45 S 0.1 S hrowLake, I ■ " -'"■ - CheUea, A. H. s 67 3 6S Dexter, 6 -' 9 ' ♦ 1, Vim Albor, 1 8 (i Ofl ñ M 0 U 4 411' 5 24 Ynsilnnti, . 2 2:1 JA I á'1 Ml 1 ! o 8 43, 3 851 '7 g 8 ib H aol'8 85 6_45 The Atlnnlir and Tncific Express run between rackson and Mies on Ilic Air Line. Dated.Jan. 13. 1S73. A NNARBOB Mineral Springs House, is beautifal resort for hcalth-seèkers 'is'pjow open, withits RON, MAGNESIA,' AND SÜLPHOB WATERS Öéumo&ttmê bailar g beatedby .team, apd large and weïi-vcntiliited roomeWATER AND AIE BATHS3 Of :ií1 tcmprr.ittsrep. aifo Shower, Vnpor, Merticated mul Eh'C trie Bftthfl are nptoyid "'ith ativantiie ín the ijeatmojii. of nli forma of clirunic dlseasee aud diseaees oí ft'n?ales. Special attentioL paid to öie. of -íhcino-st healtliy nnrl hi':int4IV'i citit'S In the country, it poRseèsea attractions fur invalida or for pleasareseekers aeioffi toaud. The ann1y&is ef .tlxe Ëprings will be iurnisbed on ap)lic;itin]i. PferBonB ñ&fafax círoulnrs to pend to their friendscan procure tnem ut the qEBceof tfccl'roriutorö on Iluron Street, or at tfie Pprlngft. Addrt'ss all lettere of iii;uir.v to 5I01UIIS HAiE, M. n.,#Hpt. Ann Ait-iïOTi, Mïcü. Sutiierland and WSwjdtm, lrop'. Ann Arhor, Vlch Jane, I!. i$t2. I ! ; J. K. TVEHSTFïi & f'O ïf-ETt' Ï500K STORE y.y.xii ir: e " EXPRESS OFFICE. Utt)K X# HJK IM'EREST AX1) CAIiL. ; ' i - ■ - a I J FALSKliEPOItTI TH AT KASGOTE.,OÜTOF T11ADE KE STÏLL LÏVES, AKD .HAS A tARGE AND OOM PLËlli STOOK tfL" HATS & CAPS !. JUST THE STYLE, &.f[T) At PÏUCËS TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO AFULLDINEOF MSSW FURMSKISG G0ÜDS! BON'T PDSOHASS YOÜH Fall and Winter OtÏTFÏT-S ÜNTIL TOU ai "ve i-ïiüvc acall,. 15 Soutli Main St., Ann Arbci 1321-U TAMKS iMcMAHON., Justlce of tho Peiiec, Office in new blo&k, ïiorth of .Court Hauso Money collccteJ aml pïomptly paid over. isurtyVisr.cE agent. Trtetoph, assets, $T2T.9f)3.n Noitti .Mïfïsonti, " H45,417.U1 Hibetniii, ' Lr,o,üDü.ou RKAL ESTÁTE. rtave 81 acres nf land 'i oí a mile from the city imita, fliK'ly lociitod for fruit or gurden purposes. Aiso 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with h"use nnil bnrn,nncl a livel 8tream of water runninifthruui-'h the barn yard. GO acres, a mile out, -1 wfll eell an y or all the above choan, or exchace lor city prupony. r'74 JAME8 MeMABOW. Koeps on hand a first elass stock OF CIÖ ARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, SNUFF And all smoliers articlcs AT THE OLÍ) STAXD 2 doors west of Cook's Hotel at the sign of the BIG INJÜ2T i:2mr, VlTriIITMOKE LAKE. Havlng rcccntly refltted and furríFlucl the CLIFTON HOUSE ! I am no proparefi to reccive and entertain plenpure, fiflbiflg and dancing pnrties, at one of th mopt attrficüvc, pleasant and healthy wateriu places ín the Went. Ml bcMtta nro. now. Iftrge and rmnnriious, and wcll julapted fnr Ihe iip of pleas0i-fffakerp. An[íltTH w!ll ftnd a. i'till and complete equipment fllwftya on hjind. s i ri-il attention eiven to tho wants n,nd comfort of those vho wih to ppriul a Cew wenkt in recreution diirinL' tb 4 warm punnnor mort ns NopfHnswlHbe Bpr4 U áalce WIlïTMOIiM AKK. ín tho future nsin the pi-t, i favorite syminer resort. D. F. SMITH.


Old News
Michigan Argus