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ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTEE 2000 ISW SUBHCRIBEÍtS More Morchants añil Business men, who Jcuowing their own intorests will j tfe Argus, GBT YOUB BALL CAEDS, BÜSÏ.NES8 CAEDS, VISITING CAEDS, WSPPING CAEPS, ; At the Argus Oiücc, f GET YOUR ÏILX-HEADSi, CIECULAES, IETTEE-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office, Í GET YOXrSL l&W BLANKE 1LAW BEIEFS, IAW EECOEDS, PEOGKAMMES,; AT THE ABGUS OJFICE, New Type, Best Presses, j t Ixood Workmen, AND REASONABLE PRICES i Í & "WOED TO THE WÏSE-. VN Prospectus lor 1873. - Sixth lear. THE ALDINE. n Illustrated Montlily Journal un!versally ndinltted to be the t(audiomcst l'erlodical in the World. A Representativo actl Champion of America Taste. THE ALI INE. wh;le issued with all the regularity, hrts none of the 'témpora ry or timely Interest characterntic of ordlnry periodlcals, It ia an elgant mlBOeUftny of pure, lljiht, ' antt gracciul literaturc ; anda c'ollectión ofpictures, %h. ráreflí epcnU men of urpHtíc ikll? - Ín blak au. i wliite Although e'ach Buccecding immber aft'orde ii fresh plcusure to Ha friendo, the re ar vnlne orid béaoty of" TH F, AT,-' DIN K will be m-'St tipprednted after it bas been bound up'at the close oftho year. Whilo other pub liciiüous may' claim eupcrïor cheapuens as o -m pared with rivals of a similar clan, THE ALDINK la a ui.ique and original conception- aloie and mapproachtid - nbsolutely yithoJt 'competilion in price or cliaracter. The póaseosor of u Complete vojurne canuot duplícate the quantity ol flnenper and engnvlDga in anyothertshape ornumber of volumes fur ten timet its cost ; and then, thcre are the chromoi, betida ; AltT DEPABTÍIENT. Notwlthsitimdlng the Increase ia the price of subscription last Fall, when THE ALMNE a&umed its present uoble rropoitions and representativa char ucter, thu edition wol vwre than' during hn pant v,ear ; prqvjag thht the American public Qppjfe date, and wiTl'suppor, a sincere effort 'iu thtj c trise of Art. Th'; pub'lí-tíers, ;uixions toju-tify th; remi y cuufiduncc tfrus rièmoüHti'nittd, have exerted themPÓWès to the utmost to riuvelope and improve the work ; and the plana fur the coming year, as unfolded by the monthíy ïéraei , will Hstoninh anddeliLht even the most sauguiue frtundti of THE ALDINE The uubliahers ai e authorized to aiinounce esigiid iioni mauy of the most eminent attists of Amarle. In aJdUlpn. THE ALDINE will reprodupe oxamhmpics of tbe best forei.L'n masters, eclucted with a vley tq the hlfhest artivtic Bncccpe.aud praatc'st eeneritl Jutereat ; avoidlng such as havo bpoomö faiiliftr( thropüh photogrirpliH, or copies p{ uny kjnd. The quni'tcrly tinted plateé for 1&73', wtll reproduce fpú'r pf.iohn 0. Davis! ïjiimltnbfe ohild sketohst tpihe fourseaHons These phites, appelrlng in the issues for January , A pril, July and Oclobvr.'jtt'óuld bo ülone worth the price for a ye&r's ■ubsorfpuoB, The popular feature of a copioubly illustrated 44 Christmus " n amber will be continned. To posees euch a valuable epitomo of tr.e art world. at a cost no tr tting, wlli cqmmapd tho subscripti'nie of thousands in every necticiu oï" the country: but as the useiulnets and attractionB of THE ALDINE can bc enhanced, in proporfjon to the numeriral iiiircase of itfi sujjportfrs.tlje puljlishera proDoep tn ijaake ' asgurncé doublé uiire,11' by ttye followiug unpuralk'lèd oiïer of PBLITIII'M CJIROïHOS FOR 1873. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who paya in advauce for the yer 1873, will receiye, without additionalchurge, a pair of bcautiful oil cliromos. after S J. IX i 11, the eminent Engllbh paintur. The plctures, entiLled " The Village Belle," and " Crobsina: the Moo e " are 14 r 80 inchw- are urlnted frora 25 dineren t platea, reqpirintr '2 impreptipps aud tinta to perftipteaich picture. "ï'he" eame hrfjmo are sod fpr" ÍB per pair, In the art rprep. p it iVttie decermlnuloB of its conductora t'okeep THE ALDINb out of the reii-h of computifjup in ejlery department, thechroms wfll be fonnd corréupondiuly ahcad of any tliaf urn be oflered by other periodicuh. Every bubsciiber will receive a ceitlAcate, over the siguature of the pabHshOf ■ gwurtmitting tliat the chro mul delivered hall be equnl to the sam plets furnished the ageut, or the moaey will be fefUpded. he (listributiou of picturesof thj grade. íree to the subscriben; to a flje d"iar pef looical .wiUnarJcwu epoch inthehit-toryof Art: ana. coudenugtjie linurcceaenced cheapiiüss f.)$ the priee for THE ALDINE Useljr, the marvel falla little hort of a minicíe, even tp tcose bejjt acquainted with the achievemets of iayenijyje üUiö aid iinprovcd mechii;ia aulianj:es. vrlll continuo uudcr the care of Mr. RICHARD IÏENHYSTODIMKI, aseieted by the best fritera an4 poets of the day, who will ötiive to hnvè the literature of TUE ALDlljiÏÏ always ia Leemug jyith itis aftlstlc attractious f aOE ALDJNE wan, heieaftx, ie obtainable onlj by sulibcrlption. Th ere wtll be no reduced or club ratei cn-sh for subscriptione must be gent to the publii-hers direct, or handed to the local tigent without responsibility to the pnblishers, exc-pt in ciea whri-e a certifícate ie given. hearing the fac-timilt signatuie of James Sutxon t& Co; Gil-TS yA.iÍTiEPt Any pca'goa. wisliing jto act perjaan_ently as fi ocai agent, will receive full aud prompt informatiou by npplyir-g to JAMES SUTTON & CO., Publlshers, 58 MAIDEN LANE, N. J, HARPER'S WEEKLY, Notices of the Preñe. The Wkeklt is the ablest and moat pover ful illustrated pcriodical published lo'ftba country. lts ediloritls are scholarly and conyinqing, and carry ejgb,t. telluaüoius f cirrentevents are ; Tuil iinil frufth, and ace prepjytid ly or best ! era. With a ciroalation of 150,000, the Wkekley ie: read bv at least half a million persone, oud it influ-' euce aa an orgau of opinión is simply tremendous. The Vkkju-y maiutaius a poBÍtive position, and expvefises dedded views on political and Boclal problems. - Louiivütc Vutii'Ur.Joui na,l■STJBSCBIPTIONS-1873. TERMS : HAni-En's Webei-y, oue year $4.00 An exera copy of eithnr ihe Maoazine, "eeelï.i or Bazau will be suppJíed eïatis for weryOlub of' Five Subecribers nt .UO.eaeh, n onc remittaucc; or, ii Copies for $20.00, without extra copy. Subscriptions o Harvek's Maoazine, WEEKLr, aiulsU..B, to.afc.caiidrfjs fot ■ue year, Vü,00 : oc, tv of Harders Pr4üdicib8, io onê aidrüis foroie year, $7.(10: Back Ntimbers c n bc snpplied at arjy tAme The innual Volume of Harper's Wf.eklt, la neat clnth binding, willbeseut by express, free f expense, tor $T .00 each A complete Set, comprisiuj SJïteen yulumes, sent on receipt of cath ut the rau, of í6,i5,íea-,v,ui.,fcaigW ai expeíwe ofuri;er. Tbe stwtwe n Harpefs AVeably ts 20 cents a: year, wmch must be paid at the subecriber's post. office. Address HARPKll & BROTHERS, New York. IDO Í CX E3„ ; When flrst h, COLBY hung tysüïgn [ Ol 0. O. D.-AtNo.'.'9, And offered Groceries cheap, Sonie peqple sftid, " he's bound to go to smashAnd óld-time (jrooers would faintly smilr, Proplieyiüg "iG.O. 3J. -will last but little while. In Hixty dayB-we'-ll rno lum-Qfi'iietrttcV, Andcall our wwndcrjngcusLoniera lüicji.v The croakers said and thought ït true, He'll suiely tai! beíbre the year is New ! You ciiu't sell Groceries in this town And get your pay in greenbacks down ; Where dry good merchants on every street With ailkb and satans, liang.out ahiekuns to eat; ' Where tnicïe is mixed in avery ,placet At the siwne coauter you-buy (witter orlace;; Whero-Qiditand:lop6 go hfend m hand Jir, Q. Q. D. cbuice will BtanO." Let propïicta and croakers have their say i L. COLByseUsGRüCEitlESonlyforliKABYPAY,; And sells so cheap for daily cash He feara no danger of a smash. And to his patjons all, and business friends,, The greeting of -the seasqn.he etendei To young and oíd, a glad Xervv Yew, i With hosU of íriends and lotfe of cheer! Give him a cali, and from hia store Your tablfHi Hj)road with good things more. At tliat place you will aiways ftnd Fresh utw Gïoceries ot bcsi-gutthty andkinö - Fverything needful for good cheer at home ■ You eau buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are so sïiort thia bitter cold winter, To mention details would weary the printer. But ask if you choose for anything eatublej You get itttt once, in quality unbeutable.I Forhungry men who arevweapy sndccW, He Jifia OyeteïiH hot,iOystr8 tïiat jaust béeqift- Oysters pickled, Oystcr stew, andoytQr:y, , Or Oysters any other way youcln#ose to íry. lle will serve up Oysters at au y hour of day, And the best of cigars to smoke on your way. A dish of hot Oysters will do you much good. And cheer you while aeliing youi gruin or wooJ. AníMWifcli.f.íiflJi injliaaátlayiin n.tore '■ Of Cotfce, 'Tea, Swffftr, Plour andnnany'UiOie, Of all thinga ubstantial for daily .use. Nor treat Hfe's good thinga with abuse; Crockery and Qlassware and Fruits to put in them, N.iiis, ltaisins, and Candy, fqr childreu.who win them.; Ajad y.e wAw ore hlessed .w.ith thöinbiiautiful faces, ï W.fil find 12UJ the -beet of ah places, í To buy .a trille, tobriug a smile oj: cingínglftiigh, Your plensure, than theirs, will be greatei-iby .fcalf- Then do Hnt forget to cali on Mr. C. O. D.t ', And buy Qf iiiiip. your Fruita, tíugar, and Tea. Thotiph the ra A may fall frnm its place, ; The C. O. I). LyBtoiiei8till,on And doos not intend to üy front tbe couwe I Tlll croakers of eviH!tlk'themseive63iO!Be, (íroceries can be sold for reudy py, A ni. Oollay has learned the wsy : Rola five tinj'sware than he expected- J3y O. O# IX fiomlosB protected. And the neciet he is not afraid to tell- Keep the best of all thingts- with prices low- be good nattrred, give good measure, And you are boand to sellT 29! 29! 29! OEEDS ! SEEDS ! ! SEEDS ! ! TBUE TO NAP AP JffiLUgUE ! I put up ño aid worthlesa fíeeds, but all are fresh and rdiialUe. A náÜBum judiciously invested in Flower Seeds, ■vnlladdniuch to the beaujty andjoy ment of Home. ■ . it, ï have also'lurge and woll fllled Gioen Houses jritb. ' thechoicest Green llouse and jfeedá'hig-' Vlants and) Shrubs, wbich can be íafelyteíinsported.ani I sell af prices within all, atalogues i'ree. Agonti wanted to solicit.ordei.' AddresB, j. c. McGKAW, Rivcrajde OardoíiB, Boíhamtpji,iBroonio Cö... N. Y. UOSmS. 85O S(2OI'er da1 Agent wanted I Jlu V'ivíwda!,cl working pt.Opie, pf elther sex, youog or oíd, malte tnom moner at worklorusin their spare momcnU or oíl -th lime, llaa t nytblng le. Particular! free .AddrMt tr, Stlnagn k Co., JPortlsnd, líaiii "PAEMEES' STORE lISTIST AEBOE Wc will Mil all of uur Jall and Winter stock of Dry Coops! INCLUDINO jilflESú bDOflúi FKINGES, GIMPS, LONG & SQUARE SHAWLS, CAKPETING! REDUCED PR1CES Vatil uil are sold, as they must be sold befoTe Spring tiude opeuü. We ure uow receiviug rjEQESOfNEWSHADES CASHMERE & EMPRESS ICÍOTHSÍ' PLIASE CALL I SEE Our pQü$ ftd prlces before Vtaföftg W parchases, id jfvc.cau ah(,)w yflu th VERY BEST ASSORTMENT! Of Pfe$a Ov,9,tjl3 íht you can find ja this city, and ' liie utüuk iuust be koIJ, 4nci No Humbug, 2 BUTTOH KÍD GLOYES 3POJR 61.OO. We have the best stock oí BLACE SILES', AND 1RISH POPL.1IVS, G. W. HATS, Supt. January 10, 183S, 14)8mS "yPSILANÏÏ BOARD OF CONTROL JHícliigan Mutual UFE INSURANCE GQi Ypsilanti, Augusta, Superior, Salem, J'lj luouUi, Ctmiion, ViiBiu"ei, aud N uní pt er . , JBacbjaember insvres ior FlfJE THOUSAN DOWABS. Hob. J. Webster CeibUi, Hikam Batcheldkr, PnoF. D. 1'utsam, PnoF. L. Mcl.uie, E. ÏI. COLE (JLIKTON Sl'KNCE, T. C. Owen, JI. C.Caiu', ï. E. ÍSmit M. Jooie. Officerfe oí the Board! MBBMMb HON. iT. A EBSTER CHHáJa. . Tl ErnESIDE.T, PRCtí". D. PUTJSTAM. ;iBEASÜKEJt, HIRAH1 B i.TOirr.T.DPH. .T 'OBHrv, EDW3 Í F. 3JHI. EIIICAX. EXAMISEBS, A. T. KINNH, M. ft, F. ÍK. OWEK, M. D. triBxmcír agejít, O. L. FOOTB. Mihigan can at last boat of a flit .cjas Life'Insurmce l'ompany, oriiiztjdjiiridér hrowu laws, con-; üolLd by her uwjCUnitaUiitt;, tind posfssed.of all the ndVMtigce and ecutitie thit pcrUiin to the best cor,t'_ra'io]is of this class. Con. llftwt-iPihití reijart, Bays, after stating the áUmUptiricent thut s iïtguvcd ín thjs ötate,: "These tiguïis may with propriely be comroended to the conBideriition of some couipanies and their agenta in this State, vho spend vaiuable time and large nums of tnoner in detracting their rival, nnd thus virtually undermiuing the contidence of the people in the meritorious hutitntion of genuine Life Insurance, rather tha securing ther voujirtiou of the n.ineiyüye per '■ :t. wiu.ivre.uiiMisHrea." . l Tne Micïjigun Oonjpany has ,been dqing,busheen ' fcrüyeA'eirs, ánd tíieíirst dáy of January, 187 had isued !t,462 pol(Ceiusuriug $6,3(i5,3iiA;UO., jaaitinf; totil asijstfl Jufluaty 1, 18Ï2, $2S4;8.').46, and a'tótal liutiility nUhe same timo 'oí ?176,8G8 i?, 'rhe advaoitage to a policy l}pld.or to insure in the Michjjjivi'i CJompany can be thuaxplained: $1,000 at 10 per cent cqmjjo.urid interest for 50 years, emounts t - - -$117,380 40 $1,000 at 6 per(';etit,QoJBpound interest for S0 years, - '. - - ... 18,420 00 WWch (s nbfltihn difference oí interest eot or -gett. Tho offioera of fie Compmy are : JACOB S. ÏA.RLAÏJI),iredet. TV'ii. A. MooKt, Tica President. J. 1. rj'ioKTi'. Sesi.etary. James C-. "Wái&on, Autuary. 1). O. FabuaV, Slcdk-iU Eaminiy. X. M. Tbavek, General Ageot. J. S. Fauhanh, "] ■ J. J. Bagley, tw. Kwp, JiFioanceCJom. . A. Mooïe, . J. CmiirKCEi, 1


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Michigan Argus