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Elinar "Wright, of Boston, a welltnown lifo insurance actuary, wants the t'ollowiDg questions answered ; 1. How to asoertain the proper coinniission to bo paid to agenta, it' any aro paid. 2. How to assess the office or working expensef, inoluding commissions, on tho membora of mutual oompanies. 3. IIow to ascortain tho cquatiblo surronder value of a policy. Mr. "Wright claima that undcr the old or comruon system great injustice ia done to policyjholders, and that hisnew or " Savings Bank Lifo Insurance " systom is more equitable, and he, therefore offiors " prize of $1,000 to the writer who will (within one year) first demonatrate that the old method of answering either or all of tho three questions above is more correct, reasonable, and equitable than that given by the 'Savings Bank Insurance ' systeni" propoaed by him. Prof. Benj. Pierco, of the U. ,8. Coaat Survey, and Prof. Wm. H. C. Bartlett, of the M. L. I. Co., of N. Y., are designated as the judges upon the papers offered. Here is a chance for life insuranco m en to do theinselves and policy holders a service. - J. P. Jones, the newly elected Kansas Senator, declares " inEfavor of the Federal governnaent controlling the channels of communication and highways of commerce ; pledges himself to support nieasures for the regulation, oqualizution and reduction, by Federal authority, of fares and freights upen all railroads, particularly tkose built wholly or partly by government subsidy ; and favors the project of postal telegraph ; " or so the report of his accepting speech saya. What functions would Senator Jones reservo for the State governraents to exercise ? - The Rural New Yorker ridiculing the appTOpriation of $75,000 for distribution of seeds by the Agricultural Department, suggests the purehase and free distribution of "a few Ayrshire, Holstein, Alderney or Short-horn bulls and cows ; also a few improved Cheshire, Essex, Victoria, Berkshire or Noapoliton pigs; also a stock of Cotswold, Leicester, Merino or South Down sheep, eto. "We go that proposition, prooided we can draw an Ayrshiro or Alderney cow. - Oakes Ames says that the Union Paciflo Railroad Company had to borrow $600,000 to pay its January interest on its own bonds, each of the ten directora giving his own note for $60,000. As these directora were probably one and all in the Credit Mobilier Ring, it is but justice that they should assume and pay this interest, it being but a small per cent. of what thcy swindled the railroad company out of. - Susan B. Anthony is threatenetl with prosecution at Washington, " for giving an exhibition without a license : " the " exhibition " being the meeting and exercises oí tne Womans Duiirago Association of which Susan is President. Is that one of Susan's sly gainea to win the reputation of a martyr P - In the U. S. Senate, on Wednesday, a bill to allow women to vote and hold ffice in tho Territories was inckfinitely jostponed. And this is the rcward the woman-siiffragists get for rallyiug to thO upport vt tho Kepublican ticket ia tW ast campaign. - Josie Mansfield claims to have lost 12,500 by the failure of Bowles Bros. in "aris: and Fiske being dcad and Stokes u prison, awaiting hanging, it is an inieresting question who Josie will " go for " next to replenish her depleted treasury. - Dr. Livingstone has been heard from again. Having received the Stanley supplies he left Unyanyembe for the interior on the 18th of August. He will never agaiu be happy until " lost " once more. - The Columbas (ühio) Slate.vnan, called Samuel E. Kilo, county auditor, a thief, wherefore the editor, John F. Lir.ton, has been prosecuted for libel. - Mrs. Mary O., widow of the late Hon. Robert J. Waïker, died at Washington on Sunday last. She was a granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin. $2, 000 : that is what one Kangas journalist got for supporting Caldwell for Senator. He would like a Senatorial election every year. - McMillan, Fusión, and Eay, Pinchbaolc, are knocking at the door of the United States Senate. Eaoh wants Kollog's place, Edward Lytton Bulwer (Lord Lytton) B woll-known English novelist, died on the 18th inst., aged 67 years. Biela's lost cotnet bas been found : Posrson, a Madras astronomerspotted the wandcrer, and thereby " hangs a tale." ■ - Alexander H. Stephons, of Georgia, has aocepted a nomination for Congress, to fill a vacanoy, - Bergh has decided that a man can lawfully pound his nother, because she is not an animal, A BILL is pending in tho State Senate repealing the Eniigration Conimision act, in accordance with the recommendation of Grov. Baldwin. It ought to pass. We do not belie-ïo in sending Eniigration agents abroad. Wo weieome all newcomers to our State, froai whatever nationality or cliino (exccpt paupers and crimínala now and then - if not oftener - sent over by tho ship load), but believo in intelligent, voluntary immigration, and want every man to como on his own hook. We do not think the State will suffer by letting immigration take its naai course. It is neither nccessity nor wisdom to forcé immigratiou. A moderate immigration, the settling of families here and there, is botter, in our way of thinking, than colonization by towns and counties. The nsw aecessions canbe assimilated and Americanized quicker and more effectually if obtained as we suggestthan when wholesale colonization ia resorted to. It will not injuro our State to retain awhile a few sections or townships of unsettled lands. The next goneration of our own sons may be benelited by having access to our own foresta. The present policy, however, is to drive thera to other Statea.


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