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! mi 51 7 O. I. ! Whpn flrst L. COIBT hung liis rign or C. o. 1).- At Nu. _!, And offered Groceries cheap for cash, Some people Baia, " hc's bound to go to smash. Ynd old-tiino Grocera would faintly simio, Prophesying ■■ C. O. D. will lftt bat little wlulo. In sixty day we'll run lum off tbc trad, Aud cali uur wandering eustomers buck. The eroakers said :vnd thouuht it true, "He'll urely tuil before the year is New I You can't sell Grocerie in tliis tffw And gfet youv pay in greenbacks dowa : hore dry gooda merchante on every street With silktjand satins, hang out chicken to eat; Where trda is mixed in every place, At the eame cuimiir you buy butter orluoe ; "Whei-o credit and lo go hüiid in hand ilr. (J. O. D. bul a alim cliauco will sUnd.' Let orophata and oroakïi have their say, L.0OLBY sella OROCüBHtSonlyiorBBADTPAY, And Bejla so cheap for dnily bash lic II ara n ÜRner of u smash. .Vnd to hi- pittroas nll, and buaincss friend, Tlic uroetinf.' ot' the wsiison lie pxtcnda, Tn youiif,' and old, il jlad New Feaï, "itii Luati of írieudi uud lots oí uhcur ! Give him a cali, nnd frnm hip store Your tiMes spread with goed things more. At that. pluce you will always rtnd Fresh riKW Grooeriea ot beat quality untl kind- Vvrrythintf necdt'ul for food clieer at home You om buy at his counter whenever you come. The daysareno short this bitter eokl winter, 'l'oniention details would weary the printw. JJut usk if you ohoose tVir anythine eatable, You gul it ut ouee, iu quillity unbeutiiblc 1 ForliUDgty men who are wenry andcold, líe Iimh OynteTs hot, Oystera that must beBold- Oystcrs p'ickled, Oystei atew, nnd oyster fry, Oi Oyetera my other way you choose to try. He will serve up Oyiten at any hora of day, And the bost of cigwa tu smoke on your wny. A diah of hot Oyster will do you niueh goed, Aud clieer you while öelliwu your giaiu or wood. And with cash in hand lny in a etora Of CotFec, Toa, StiL'ar. Floiir and uiany more, Oí all things BubstantM for daily ue, Nor treat life's frood thinga with abuse ; Crookíry and Glassware and Frnlte to put in them, Nute, Baisina, imd Candy, for childrea who win them. And ye who are bleásed with their bouutiful laces, Will flnd [2:)1 the best of all ulaera, To buy a tri lie, to bring a. smile or ringing laugh, Your pleaaure, thau tlieirs, wrill be greatèr by huif - Then do not forgfit to i-all on Mr C. O. !-., And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and Tea. Tliough the big fjjn muy fa!l f rom i'.s place, The C. O. II. ZJ storeisslillon the raoe. And does r.ot inteurl to öy from the eourse Till croakers of evil tnlk'tht'ius.'lveshoarae. Groeeries can br sjld for ready pay. And Tj. CJr.l.Tcy has learned tho way : Sold five times more Iban he expected- By C. O. I). from loss protected. And the secret he is not alraid to teil - Keep the best of all thinga- with pricea low- be good naturcd, give good moasme, And you are bound to -sell ! 29! 29! 29! . i NN All BOE Mineral Springs House. ls be.iutiful reeort for health-seekerí Ís now open, with its ÍRON, MAGNESIA,' AND SULPHÜR WATERS Commodionsbnildiig heated by steam, and large and well-veiitüated roomsWATER AND AIR BATÏÏS, Of íi!I temperatura?, also Showcr, 'Vapor, Medlcated and Electric Batha are oniploytd with advantafíe in th treatmeut of all lorms of chruiiic diseaeoe and diseanes of females. Special atteutioi. paid to diet. With pleasant sarroundinírs, and sitnatea in one of the most healtliy and beantlful citiea iu the country, tt poBsesse attractlonB foriuvalide or forpleasure-seakereseHlom found. The analysis of the Springs will be luruished on appllc.itioii. Pereor.s desfrisg cirrulars to eend to tneir frieude can procure tliem at Ihe office of the Troprietors on Hurón street, or at the Sprlngs. Address all letters of inquiry to MOIUUS HALE, M. D., Supt. Ann Arror, JIicii. Sutlicrlanaand Vrliedon, Prop': Ann Arbor, Mich. June, 11, 1S72. "YÖOKS. WP é?% (f P-C i -- J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORE SEAB THE " EXPKESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL. oOOECSa J , L OEEDS! SEEDSÜ SEEDS ! ! ! FUSSH, THUE Tö NAME AM) RELIARLE ! I put up no old wortliless SeedB, but all are freah and ruliaDle. A amall fcum judiciously invested m Flower Seeds, will add muoli tu tlie beauty and enjoyrnent of llouie. I hnve also large and well fillcd Green Hrmses with tlie choicest öreou House und Bedding Plants and Shruba, which can be Kufely trunsported.imi I sell at prices within rfacb of all. Catalogues i'ree. Agenta wanted to solieit order. Addrem, . C. McGBAW, lliverjide Gardens, Biujhnmton .liroome Co., N. Y. 140(m3. P"oroL anders o 1 Good ior ITIust. - Infiammation of all kinds, Diphtneria, WoundB, nxises, Burns, Sprains, Rbeu. natisra. Sore Throftt, Swelling of tire Gtands, Iniiammation of the Eyes, Broken Breast, Frost Bitcs, Chilblains, Pilos, Bee Stings, and all Sorca. jood for Boast.- Fresli Wounds, Galla, Poll Evil, Bpraina, Bruises. Cracked Heels, Hing Bone, WiTirl íinllí; SnnvniR Kwnpiiiv 1?nnndfr. T.ilTTieTiePR. Sand Cracks, Scratclies, or Greaee, Mange, Horso Distcmper. Xlil truly wonderfnl Linlmcnt was discovered by 1Í0MEK ANDEKSON, A.M., lato Proffeflsor of ChcmiBtry and MathematicB in the Clinton liberal Instituto, of Oneida County, N. Y. In exnerineiïting for the purposc of making Prussic Acid. by Uniting the independent gaseous bodies of which it ia comnosed, a rcsiduura was left, which, on beinff ap plied to bruiscs and inflaracd parts, by the studente of the Instituto, was found to possess the remarkablo property of cooling down and carrying off the mflammation and sorencss at once, and restoring the parts to souudncss and health in a few houre without l)ain or irrkation. It Is not a heatlng Iilnlment, lint acts by its peculiar speciíic or chcmical qualities in disHolvbig and scattering the goreness and inflammatiou of the iujured part. By a free application, the red Borface soon becomes cool,moist and natural, and ia restored to natural uealth without Buppuration or destruction . As a J.Iniiii'jit for Ilorso Flcsli, for the cure of all the ailments namcd above.wc challenge the world to lind its cqual. Price 25 & 50 cents per bottle. D. EAÏT50M, SOU & CO., Propr's, BUTPALO, N.T. . See notico in local column. X ■ 'X HURRY UP ! PARTIKS wishing Wall Paper, Cloth und Paper Bhade, Hollands, Wlndow Fixtnres, Coidft, Tanels, &c, all New Stvlee, at Satiafaetorj PriccF.byJ. It. Webster & Jo., Book Store, uearthe Exprciib Office. X- -X 17AKMERS' STORE j r ; A-NN AEBOR I "VVo will solí ull uf our fall and Winter stock of Dry Co.ods! ijícluding 1 JMSS 11 ] FRINGES, GIMPS, LONG & SQUARE SHAWLS, CAEPETING! . --AT REDUCED PR3CES Until all nre soM, as they must he nold before Spring tmde opeua. Wo uio now leativttig 30FIECE3OFNEWSHADES CASHMERE k EMPRB "i'ÖLOTHS[ AND FMINGES TO MATCH. PLEASE CALL SEE Our gooda and prices before making your purchases, ua we eau sliow you tiio VERY BEST ASSORTMENT! Oí Dress Goods tbat you can flnd in tbis city, and tüc stock mubt bo sold, And No Humbug. 2 BUTTON KID GLOVES POR $1.OO. We havo the best stock of BLACK SILKS', AND 1RISH JfOPLINS, G. W. HAYS, Supt. Jaauary 10, 187S. . I8m3 yPSILANTI BOARD OF CONTROL Oï THB Michigan Slutual UFE INSURANCE CO. OF DETROIT, FOE THE TOWNS 05 Ypsilanti, Augusta, Superior, Salem, Plymouth, Cantón, Van Buren, and Sumpter. Each member inauros for FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. Hon. J. "Websteb GfliLOs, Hirxm Batcheldeb, Pnor. D. Tutsam, Prof. L. McLdtb, E. M. Cole Jlikton Bpencee, ï. C. Owen, H. CICamp, J. Ê. Bmiib, G. L. Foüib. Qiïicer5 of tiie IBoard! TBESIDENT, HON. J. A EBSTBR CHILDS. VI KpjiESIDENT, P. g . D. PUTNAM-. TKEA8UKEB, s HIRAIXI B 1TCHELDER. AT -OBNET t EDWI 9 F. UHL ME1HCAL EXAMINEB6, A. F. KINNE, M. D., F. K. OWBN, M. D. DIBTBICT AGEKT, G. L. FOOTE. Michigan con nt last bonst of a firet clíws Lifc'infiuraiiCü Company, organizad under hcrown laws.conkroUed by her own caiJitalii&ts, and poBbessed oi' all the advantages and seeuxïtieB thut pertain to the best cor purationt of tkiaclaas-. Coiu. Ko-fre, iu lns report, says, after otating the small per cent. that is inaured in thia State: ' These Ösuzea may with propriely be commonded to the con Bideration of aome companifes and their agenta ün this State, who spond vaiuable time and ltirge suihh of monoy in dctractiiip Iheir rivals, aml thus virtually uudeniüniiiti the contideiiee uf the in the meiïtorioua instiLution ui eimhie ÏAtc Inaurunce, ratker than Beouring thetr proporttea ut' the nincty-üve per cent. wliu are iininsnred." The Michiyun Oompany luis been doing buwinesö for tive years, and the iirat dny of Jnuury, 1872, had issued ;i,4í) policios, inmiriug 6,365,261.00, mukioK total aaaete January 1, 1872, #284. 488.46, and a total liabllity at the same tune of $L7O,b(i8 47. The adVantage to a policy holder to insure in the Michigan Conipany can be thus explained: $1,000 at 10 per cent compuund interest iur 50 jears, amounts to - - - $117,300 40 $l,()0() at (i xer cent compound interest for 50 years, ------- 18,420 00 Which is about the diiTerence of iuterost cast or wost. The offleers of the Cempany are : JACOB S. TAlíIíAXt), President. Wil. A. Mooue, Vjce i'rcsident. J. T. Ijggktt, Öccrtitary. Jamep (-'. Watbon, Autuary. I). O. J''aiu{and, Medical Kxaminer. Ij. M. Tbatxk, General AgcuL. J. S. Farband, J. J., ]{. W. Kimo, Finance Com. W. A. Moobh, Í UO'-WZ W, J. CftlTTODEJJ, j


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