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I; animmintn prarfke, extenrtin r. m-v -h .1 many thona ... . , [; . ,„, r ■ ■ . ■ ■■.■ t catfons preientPd hy r:st. cías of diaease w;th lioty and ejac , 'te thia natural tpccüic coznnuucl I hnvtí l,];i;C:t it Dr. Pierce'a Favorito Pracripiion. The (creí. bmróTrer. !s bnt n !cehe exressinn of mjrin , , , ... . , .. ttctwü ad ituc Hed n i a 1 .■■:■ í;li's ':: "■' i i( to thu ' I ' . ■ ' l il out 83 mot)ralcarcpr. On 1 a apo.-itiv& rill et il timeaan I rcura. elavv3 R'"'!l yntein. I d willins to mil clan, Nay even fojmo'rtuMti 1 ■ ■ .7 : a 6 a laients tor ■miren 1 !■■■■,■".■!:■: t, !' f otter ond eell it OlnJw A PWSi'1'ir il'AKj.TÏEK. If k ■" ■.'■ ciR-ct ís not iperioiiced bylha tims two-tbirdsoftheconteuta . ' the bottle are n-Pi I Ti'!. n return cf bottie, two-thlrds of the mcdi lic Laviu been taken accntñlM lo oires1 iou, id the caro b Ing oiw for n hicfi I recommi'rü! 1!. nrompily rcfaüd tho Dionfy pam f(,r it liad I u!t the mrt p rfcet confkience ld iti rirtB. I conld nat wIt { do un;i r the; conditino; hut havInK wiftuaceed its traly mimculoni cures la lhotand ol' fases, 3 tfrol %rar. rsHic( a! jicrf-tïy afo in rsxisïti bolK in y rrpotatiou aud tav uioiiey om (t :uf rits. 'J '■■'■ ■ "! ft" 9Tnn-.ii; ihntc rHsntüca in Rhicti my I'MTArltn 'rrr,-iptiii haa I cures- ft 11 hy mf ■: ttnd v th r e, rfainty urver brbr ntlaim-il by .-iííy medicio: enrorrha, BxceimiTe Flowlpg, Faiaful Monthly 1, 8upt)r(iKi0IlB wlien from rmr.r.tnral csiisri. rrrftjuüirities, Weak Fick, Prolapdui or of the Iticnia, AiiteToriloE and RetrorerMon, BKip(( Oown Sriitl ds, Intemal Heat, JTvetiu lv..r-'-s .m, i'i'.ilitv, lieponrleury amm(lfn aad L'Icemtlon -f tho L'firim, Impot'iicy, Karrrrnxjoi. (,r Sterility, Female Weakseai Pütl u-y imiay othor oltronfc diseüjfs incident to ntnnan not d bcre, in whirh n weli e in the case Khith I liare mentiood, my nnrorne Frewnption vork oares- Hie tiinrvp! r i:o w o r ld Thls medicine Ido oot oxtoj ■ re-all, bnt It adimrr,ly tm&nt a ► i;iIi'i4 o( pnrpoHp, befnga wrkv t yiiclilc in Bil cumuic :ho:i:-ck of the soumi fy-rcin of woran-o. It v.ll ut clixappoint nor ill it ilo jiann in any etate pr condiium It will ii'j fngnd inralnable in difai w rnctden t to preoan-y. an 1 can '■■; takco in moderate doses witt I I et pafifrj vr!i.!c in thtt line. l!:deeil, it ia siiuin tot partnrhioa tliat it Krodere ci-.ild-Jabor es'v-. r have r, -oivi!.! the beartfelt nn.c from !, :n :rc1 of m:n ftjr the estimable beucüh I olTef iy Favorito Prewri-ption to the Ladies of Ajuerica wlth t'io ninrority of aa honest heart MM for tholr best welfare. TIio?e who dcsirè furtber informatici on these robiects can obtain it in iny Tueatise Chbozhc ÍJíkases of' the OBHESATtn ANO Vll!N,'.r ÜÍ1SAL. Bent ■Mire' from obsLTvatinn unon ríccipt of two potaa itaiaps. It lr'■, tolnutolj on tfcose dtseues pe■ culiar to Fsmales, ait! givcs mueii valuableadvice ui regard to l)i;ru';,.ï ..-.■■■.■.i. Pittrr CLASSÜBGGISXS, at $1?O Itonnhetttred t the Chemical Laboratory of _ H. V. FllMCE, M. D., Urop'r - BUTFALO. Nl. VlncRar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink Jiade of Pnor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened tn i)iease tlie tóste, caüed '"Tonics," " Appetizera," "Restorers," Sc, that lead tlie tippler on to dninkermess and ruin, but are a triie Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principie, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthv condition, enrichiog it, refresliing and invijjoratin both mind and body. "They are easy of administration, prompt in tlleir action, certainin their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease Ku Person can Inlte these Bitters accordmg to directions, and remain long miwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison orother means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. ]j-sir]tnorltifllc:ri!tian. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tiglitness of the Chest, Dizxiness, Sour Eructatious of the Stomach, Kad Taste in the Mouth, Bilioiu Attacks, Palpitaiion of the Heart, Inflammationof the Lungs, Pain in the regionsof the Kidneys, and a hnndred other painful symptoms, are the oflspiings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits tlian a lengthy advertisement For Feinulo Complaiuts, in young or oH, marned or single, at the dawn of womanhnod, or the turn of life. these Tonic Bitters display so decided an ■nflueuce tlut a marked iiuprovemeut is soon perceptible. ■!- nnrt cnronlc Il.irnninlism ami Gout.Dyspepsiaor Indigestión, Bilioua. Remittent and Inlcnnittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitlers have been most snccessful. Siich Diseases are camed by Vitialed Iilood, wh'.ch is generally produced by deraneement of ihe Digeslive Organs. Thcy are Gcmle lNirn(lvc nu vrell as Tolllc, possessing also the peculiar merit of acling as a powerful agent in rclievine Congestión or Innammation of the Liver and Visceral Orgarj3, and in Biliou JJiseases. For Skin Diseairi, Ernptions, Teller, SaltRhcum, Hlotchcs, Spots, Pimples, Puslules, Boils Carhunclej, King-worm, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes Eryfpelas, itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humora tnd Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dujj up and carried oiit of tbe system in a hort time by the nse of tliese Bitters. One bottle in uch cases will conviuce the most incredulous of their curative eflects. Cleanae the VKInf pI niood whenever yoo ind it impnrities bursting through tlieskinin Pinniles, Eniptions, or Sores; cleanse it whên you find it obEtructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your fceünss will teil you when. Keep the blood pure, and the heallh of Ihe system will follow. Grnteful Ilionsanila proclaim Vinegar BtTtkrs the most wonderful Iuvigoraut that ever sustained the sinkintr system. Plik, Tape, and ofher Worm, lurking in the systein of se many thousauds, are effectually detroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiof. ogist : Thereisscarcely an individua! tipon the face of the earth whose bíídy hcxempt from the presence of worm It is not upon Ihe heallhy elemenls of the body that Worms emsl, hut upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminuics, will free the system fiotu worms like tliese Bitters. Hlaeose. Persons engaged in Paints and Mineral, snch as Plun.bers, Type-setters, Guld-bealers, and Mincrs, as they advance inlife, will be subiect to Jiaralvsis of the Bowels. To guard ai;ainst this take a dose of Walkkr's Vinkgar Bittkks once er twice .1 week. as a Prevemive. Eillou, Bemlttent, nncl Intermltfent F"cverg, which are eo prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughotit the United especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos Kio Grande, Pearl, Alabaina, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many Dthers, with their vast tributarles, throughout our entire country during tbe Slimmer and Autumn, and rcmnrkably so duriiig seasons of unusiml heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive deransemeuts of the Itomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are alwavs mora nr les otntriictions of the hver, a weakness and irritable slate of the stomach, and great torpor of the bnwels, being clogged up wtth vitiated accnmulations. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is cssentially neeessary. There is no eathartic for the purpose equal to Dk. J. Walker'3 Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colured visad matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at the same time stimulating the secreliotis of the Iiver, and generally restoring the liealthy functions of the digestive organs. Serofula, or Kln's Hvll, White Swelimes, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, ScroMoB Innammations, Indolent Inflammaüons, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruntions oT the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all other conslilutional Diseases, Wai.ker's Vinegar Jïitteks have snown their great curative powers in the must obstinate and intractable cases. lr. Walkcr's California Vinegar Bitten net on all these cases in a similar marmer. lïy purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and byresolving away the efiects of the inflamtnation (the tubercular deposits) the aiTected parts receive heaitli, and a permanent cure is ciTijcted. The propertlcs of Dr. Wai.krr's Vinegar PiiTTKRs are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxativo, Diurttic, Sedaüve, Counter-Irritant, Sndorific, Altewlive, and Anti-Bilious. Tlie Aperiijit and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walkkr's Vineoar Bitters are the best safeguard in all cases of eruptions and malignan! fevers, their balsamic, beallng, nnd soothing properties protect tlie luimors of the f.uices. 'iheir Sedative properties allay pain in tlie nervous Bystenv. stonuch, and bowels, eitlier from inflamm.ition, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Tlieir Counler-Irritant influence extends throughout tlie systera. Their Diuretic properties act on the' Kidlicys, correcting and refrütating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Iïilious properties stimulate the liver, in tlie secretion of bile, and its discharges through the biliaryducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ar-ue etc Fortlfy (lic oly naint iliflease by pnrifyini; all its fluids wilh Vinkcak BlTTKRS. No epi. demic can take hold of a System thus forearmed The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invigorant. Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to ono and one-half winc-glatsfull. Eat good noarishing food, stich as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable ingredients, and contain no spirit. J.WALKER, Prop'r. R.H. McDONALD&CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. andcor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. J" O T I 0 Ël . Tw'lbscibcrfl h!tqe twfr ccmmdBd, m a gcnprnl Jhing, from five hundrad to flve thonsaod Toll-irstoloiinonürstonrl flrst clR mortgage eit.mte nthc Cm,„, „f Wa.htemuv- time fronf thrco 'o .1 ;yira Jorras liberal odien oppoaUe the Post : S,VaTi'U, " L 'k8' ;)'" D2 K loSé ' üurAl8iract Booksn-c .ostcd tip Ani) Arbor. Maj 30, 1872. :"S. EO0T4LKITKR. J-ö t Ut I IWHEÍRE Tí) BUY BLEACHED C0TT0N8 ! MACK St SCHNUD llave just rcccivca a lnrgo stock of tlio BEST AND MOST POPULAR BRANDS I Few York Mills, Wamsuttas, Utica, Nonpareils, Tuscaroras, FRUIT OF THE LOOM Lonadalc, Jlilli Sempcr ídem, Cábots, &c. AI.8O, IN BEOm GOTTOIS! As well aa in other linea of onr ffoods, we are enablcd to show the Largest and Best Assoríment In the city, nt the LOWEST PRICES. 1409 J B. GIDLEY, Snccoasor to COLGROVE L SON. DRUCGÏST AND GUST IN COOK'S NEW IIOTEL, No. 12 E. HUEON STREET, DEALER IN DRCfig, ÏIEBICISES, SIRÜICAL nSTROIETTS, PIBE WISES AID LIQIOR8, tFOR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLT.) Fancy Goods, Periumery, PAIIVTS, OÏI.S, VAKNISHES, ÍS TASS AST PCXTÏ, PHTSICIASS1 PBESCIIPTIÖSS Cnref'jlly compormded at all honrs. I PEOPnE NOT TO BE TTJÏDER3OLD BY ANY FIRM IN TEE CITY WHOFURHISH AS GOOD AN AKTICLE. ymm wagmer , is now BEADY FOX.TDE FALL TRADR Having Receiveda Large Stock of G-OODS, oloths, 1NCI-ÜDING . CA8SIMEEE8, VE8TINGS, AC. oftheBEST STYLES and ÖÜALITIES, WHICH HE WILL MAN U F AOTUKE on tcrmg to sult. Also a full line of READY-MADE CLOTHJNG Aira Gents' FURNISHIKÖ Goods. BEST STYLB, ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCCO 8ATCHEL8 ( No.21 SonthMain Street,- EastSide CALL AND 8EE THEM. I WII.I.SA? WAVKiR. ' Ann rhor, Octobor lat, 1S72 '' V M0THER8! MOTHERSÜ ItOTHERS!!! Don't fa!l to procure OTItS. TVIIVS.. LOW'S SO0THÏNCJ SÏKIP FOB UHILBHKfll XEEXHIIVG. Tilia valtmble preparation has been used with NEVKR-ll'AILING SUOCKSS IN THOUSANDS Ot' CASES. It not oiily relieves th? child from pain, bnt invigoratef the stomich and bowels. correets acidity, and gives tone and eDergy to the wholo -yytKiu. It will aïso inatautly reitere (íripingíü the Bowels and Wind (olie. Webelleve UtbeBBST nnd SÜREST REMEDY IN THE WOKLÜ, in all caaes of DYSENTERY ANO DIARRIKHA ÍN CHILDIiEN, whethfr arlsin froin töethlDS or any other case. Depend npoL it mothers, it will givereattoyour. eclves, aud Relief and Health to Yonr Infants. Be snre and cali for "Mrs. Winslow's Sootliin Syrup." Hnvina tlie fac-siniile of " CURTÍS PFRKINS' on the outyide wrapper. Sold by Druggistb throuïhout the world. Til (iüüMEAR FARM FOR SALE. nENRY OOODYEAK, ..f Sharon, having assiened all lus property to us for tho beneüt of his ersditors we now oTer the property for Balein parréis (o snit purobase. 'ilci, mis ar6ffrat oias - none bttef in the State. Over one thons;uid acies of improved land in a body. Persons buying can ussinnr mortgageslor a part of the parchase money.. All having claims ngailist the Baid Uoodyear are requested to present them to the assignees. Uatcd, September 26tb, 1672. n. S. SMITH. W. H. fAT,KIN-, l'WS JOS. JIcilAHON. TEN REASONS WHY No Family shonld l,c without a bottle o f WHITTLESE Y ík the house. „!"V-Itw!" reli=ve the worst case of BiliOU 52 ''C'ir Cholera Morbus in 15 minutes, n a'lt wl" cure the most obstinate case f wcoksP8P8la aUd lndlSaatíon in a fe B-3!,"1' '3 tho 1)Cst remcdy in the world frj , f Headacho, as thousands can testify, i takcn when th first symptoms appear. 1 í.r ' 'S ' bes' diuretc ever put beforl ÏP; curing thosc distressing complaints, Siffls ItlV Crawo1 ""dotherUrínary 5th.- It s ■ most excellent Fmmenn ,Kiüe' and t0 thc Youna Clrls, middle eed Wpmen, and at the Turn of Life, thb remedy is of incalculable valué. ? wi" reraove. w'"d from tlie boweh, and henee a few drops in some sweetened water givento ababo, is belter than a tlozen cordials tó Relieve and mako it Sleep. ContainIng no anpdyne. 7th.- It ís a sure relief for adiilts and children nected with Worms and Pin Worm. It will hnng away the worms. rítftí'iSÜSi' P"eSand Hemr" 9th.- Itwill cure Con st Ipat Ion and Ieep th bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case ofSummer Complalntai.d Dy senté ry. lOth. - It will cure Sour Stomach. Stlmulate the Llver to healthy action. Relieve He art-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the systcm. Wlicn taken diluía the' dose with lugar and Water to a Win e-CI a so fu 1 1 and you havea pleasant tonic. Whutlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $,.oo per bottle. WhlU ey Agüe Cure 5oc. per bottle. Whmlesey Cough Granules 25c. pc-r bottle. Sold by all druggiati and vvarranted. WiütUesej Prop. Hed. Co., Toledo, 0, E. J. Misil H ATT EB ! HAS EECEIVED HI3 FALL & WINTI STOCK OiTj Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIES' FUR8, GE5TS" FCR3I5EJSS GOOOS, KTC, rt'niCH TiV, PROPCSES TO SKT.T. AT PRICES WDICH DEFT COMPETITIGN. 7 South Main St., Ann Arboi. WISHART'S PINE TEEE NATUHE'S GREAT REMEDY FOR THE TIlllOAT AND JLÜJYGS. It Is gratifying to na to inform the public üiat Dr Q. (J. WUliarfs Pine Tteo Tar Corita], for Throat and Lnng niseases, has gaincd an enviable reputation from Ihi Atl.-:ntic to the Pacifie coast, and from thence to Bomc ofthefirst families of Earope, not through the prejs alone, bnt by persons Oronghont the States actiially benefited and cnred at his ollíce. While he punliehes lesa, so payour reporteis, he is unable to enpply the demand. It gaius and holde its reputation - First. Notby stopping cotigh, bat by loosening and aseisting nature to throw off the uuhealthy matter collcctod . bont the throat ard bronchial tabes which causes irriiation. Second. It removes the canses of irritation (which produces conghj of the mncous membrane and bronchiai tabea, a Msis the lnups to net and throw off the mihealthy secretions, and pn rifles the blood. Third. It is free from squtlls, lobelia, ipecac and opium, oi wlik-h most ihroatanrt lunn remedius are composed, which allay eough only, anrl dssorganize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on the ?tomach, acts on the liver and kidneys, and lymMthic and norvoas reg ons, thus naching to every mrt of the system, and in its iovigorating and purfjing efleets it hna gained a repntatioii which it nust hold above all others In the market. COTICE. THE PJNZ TREE TAR CORDIAL, GREAT AMERICAN DISPEPSIA PILL8. WORM SUGAR DROPS Beingnndcr my immediíiate direction, thcy ehal1 : i:ot loóse thcir curativo qualities Uj the use o cheap and impuro anieles, HENRY R. WISHART, PEOHRIKTOE. ; FREE OF CHARGE. Sr. L. Q. C. Wshart3 OÍIice Farlbra aro open on Mondays, ïiiescliys and VVccliH'Bilay.s Trom !) A. M to 5 P. M., for consultation by Dr. tt'm.T. Magee. With Inm aie associated two conpulting physicians of acknowledged ability. This opiiortunity ia not bffere'd by nny other institution In the city. All letters must le aildrcsscd te L. Q. E WISHAJIT, M. Dv No. 232 N. Pecond St„ PHILADELPHIA. l-105uif) i


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