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Local Brevities

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_Tho WMtol km--"01dProbaMihes - iMB, to bc in collusion wift the wooé men. - Tbo maligned profcssor's "short cut to glorv : maga and leave the rest to the CrWr. _ Getting up a colony for Groenland was the erious topic of discussion on Wednesday moming. - Order your BiU-Heads, Letter-Heods, Statements Carda, Circulara, etc., at the Anous office. - TVm. Parsoxs, of Bnglmd, loctures this oveuing at the M. E. Church, in the S. L. A. cour. , - SstiTU, of the CHfton House, Whitmore Lake, has issued carda for a Waehington's birth. day ball. - " Gone up "- to the House of Correchon for 90 day: Hibam Cotant. Justice McMahos gave him the boost. - About 6 o'clock last Fridny eveninpr a lamp was upset on a bed in the house of H. Kiteidoe, Third word. Loe : tlio bod. - When bOMOM is dnll is the time to advertUe. The Anous has a Htt'.e vacant space "to lot " to mercliiints and manufacturers. - The Ilerhter ventilates certain allowances for legal services made l.y the Cotnmon CouncilSour grapes and professional jealousy. _ The two best papers for a Washtenaw man to take are the MCI and Detroit Free Press. Sutamtw ior both and save money. The two only3.50. _ At the depot on Wednesday evening, vrnJe waiting for the express west, a horse attached to thohack of PoLHEJtua & Co. dropped down, and died soon after. =- If you are doing business at the Probate Office and advertising is necessary, don't forget to fcquest tliat the orders be made for publication in the Akgus. - The Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad Company is now issuing beautiful stock certifirates to subscribers who have paid thoir eubscriptions in full. - the advertising columns of a local newspa.per are the true index to a towa's prosperity. Stran gers consult the local paper fot the names of business men in all branches of professions. We hate'almost daily calis for exchanges: justto see an odvertisement. Who will take thia genue hint? Kelsox Mii.leb, of this city, died on Saurday last at Danbury, Conn., at whkh. place he n, speuding the winter. His remains arrived In this city last evening, for internuent. The funeral takes place this aftemoon and will he attended hy the Odd Fellows, of which he was a mc-mber. - The following newsy item we unearthed in the 'FenVeniiie Personáis" columns of the N. Y. WorUi "The lady sophomores of Ann Arbor, Mich., haze the freshmen terribly. One young fellow wiis badly injured reucntly by 'bcini trippel up by one of the playfnl &iasels as ho M passing througt dtrk hall." - Hou. Petkk CciOK, f the 3d Washtenaw district, was with the legislctive excursión party. 'We put ■óp fto mtervie-w Jt m hun, and leamed tho-t fegisftitins; .te kw snind was not muchahead of running n "boai-a f supervisors, though he confessed to a Httle better oader than was experienced 'durüig 'a orüon of the last session of the supervisóla. - Corohér'ï)F.XTKE held 'an mquest en the lSth 'inst., on the body of Michael Iíujjet, of tlüs 'city, killed by tbc-itivrcg In tï 'a ell which he vas digging ior Johs W. Bl.vkeslee, of York. The evidence .weui to show that Mueeay neglect'od to t-urb jjrbperly desjüte the rulvice fit his asUtants, abfltiö vordict n "uo blanie on tlio part of aiiyofte'but hmBblf" - Lat evüniug, ltaut 8 o'clock, the Bt-und of the fire bell was iWwrd to live, inHcating the Fifth ward. Upon rept-iring to spot it was discóversd that tlie school house waS' bh fire, liaving eaught from a stove in tie lower 'cast room aud ascended to the top story. Bilt fdrthe timrly intcrierunce of the fire depÉutment, tle ■smokU'riug mms cnly would have hoen left tb tt II ■the talo. - Auother tidal wave of cold hit $tfit of "Old Probabilities" dominions on Tucsdny aitrnoii, continuing througJi Uif mi&ti aal HU tó Wednesday. 'Viirious cbseryrs report Ihe mcricury at 6 o'clock WeJuesday niontáig fi-oin 22 to ■30 dcRTeos belöw zero- according to locality and; kiiKth of the tliBrui eineter tube. e notiMd it at 15 belo-, :it a quarter to tl o'clock, hanging ■ou tlie sunny Bide of .'ferick bnilding. At 7 ■o'clock yesterday moniing it stoodtrt-2" bolow-Aud wood from ?8 toSló a cord. - The iollo+ring sfentence is eiïracted from a ietter recently Teceis-ed by one of otir citizcns írom a wealthy gcifllöfiian rcsidiug in 'Connecti'cut : " I have occasimmlly received -piipors from you for wliich ï thauk you, utiil by wKth I ïtoice with interest the génetftl imfnovement of vour city, aud eapeciaHy ithfc move tuward sup'plyiñg it with water, the lack of which has been 'one of the grèatcst objecticni! wifh riiè to making Aun Arbor my permanent rësideneo." Which is commended to the committee now suppósed o to be develoDÍntr a plan for watering our city. Thè foílwÍBg-i3 the list of jurora drawn for the regular term èf thè Circuit Court, to com'menco Mefcday, ïVbruary 4tfc, Judge Cbane, prosidiug: Milo Baklwiu-, . 'Sylvan. Alfrod E. Beal, . Bcio. James Bcnhatn, . '. Bridgevater. jem F. fiück, . . .Saline. PrankHn Cate, . Ann Arbor.'City. Edward Clancy, . . "Northfleld'. 'Collins Ê. Cook, . . Ann Arbér City. Darwin I). Cook . . Salem. Samuel Fay, . . Scio. John F. Geil, . ". Ann Arbor City. Alox. Gilchrist, . . Ann Arbor City. D. L. Godfrey, . . Ann Arbor Towu. Jacob H. Hicks, . . Lodi. Thomo Hickman, . . Lodi. "William Kimmel, . . Superior. Joseph Lindon, . . Bridgewater. Patrick HcG-hmi, . . Scio. Joseph McMahon, . . Manchester. ■ John N. Morgan, . . Salino. Loren G. Ovenshire, . . Salem.] John S. Pacey, . . Scio. ■ Charles Root, . . Ann Arbor City. Thomas Shckell, . . Saline. Charles Shutts, . . -Bridgewater. Orson A. Sober, . . Superior. Geo. E. Spaulding, . . . Sharon. Jacob L. Strang, . . . Superior. Wm. C. Tinney, . . Ypsilanti City. "Win. Tompkins, . . Ypsilauti Town. Henry K. "Wliitre, . . Ann Arbor Town. Uhe Webster Society Public came off on Fri. day cvening last. The orator of the occasion ■■was G. W. Cass, of Coshocton, Ohio, and his subject, "English and American Politeuess," in treating which he cast " a plumper " for our ousins bevond the briny sea. After which the following question was discussed: flfisolrrd, That the names of the battles of the rebellion should not be continued on the army Tegister or placed on the regimeiital colors of the United States. The affirmative was maintained by D. F. Paine, of Saginaw City, and J. M. Beoozs, of Tebanon, Illinois ; while tho champiojis of the ■n?gative Were, T. E. K.nox, of Ann Arbor, and H. A. Neal, of Xtuttonborough, N. H. The music of the evening was iurnished by Jwinseii'b Band and tjie University titlce Club. A. rare treat is promiscd our citizen on Monday evBïliüg, Fob. lOtli, I5eil Bdwin ijfapTH, One of the greatest living acte, will as Hamlet at tlic öjmra House. Mr. Bootn is too Well knpíTi to ti.tle tlieater-going and general public to tiecil introduction or culogj-. He .wiU bc fnpporie.'l by McVicker's compatiy from Chicago. Every v%t yr no doubt be takon.


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Michigan Argus