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. i. o. y f. Mastten of Washtenaw Lodge, No. 9, I. O. O. F., are notified to meet at the Lodge Room, at ono o'clock F. M., on this Friday, Jan. 31st, for the purpose of attending the funeral of Brother Nelsou Miller. Members of the order aro respectfidly invited to attcnd. L. E. MORRIS, Secretary. Kldncy Complaints.- In discasea of the kldneys the YioF.TtKr. gives immediate relief. It has uever lailctl to cnre when it U taken regiili.rly, and direetions followod. In many cases it muy take seversl bottles, especially casea of long standinff. It acts direetly upon the secretiona, cleansingandstrenstheuing, remuving all obstructions and impurities. A great many enn to cases of lung standing havIsgbeen pcrfectly cured by thu Vkoetisb, even aftcr trj ing nvuny of tlio known icniedie which are said to be Oipressly for tliis disease. M H Important to Ilorsemcn. Prof. "Andeb son's Dekmadoii" is tlw ïiest Limnient in use for Homo. This fact is shown by numeroua letter from all pmta of the country. A latí one reads as iolluws : We havo been experimenting with your Dermudor on liorae flesn, and flnd it a very superior remcdymuch superior to any other linimont we ever used in our livery stable. l'lease aand n two_ dozen large bottles by expresa, C. 0. 1). Watsos Cooper, 8ee advortisemont in another column. WaTWljr, lud. ifévr to 'Btab 500.- Buy for a song, a styliah broken-down iiorse, one tht ia pronounccd played out from lameuess ;-cure liira with n bottle or t.woof C.Vutaur IJuiment, and pocket the dilforence. The Linjment is simpiy one of the wondere of the. world. Dumb beasts eigh out thoir ghidneia, and the ore, maintoi and crippled of the human family hobble in and go on thoir way rejoioing. Yes, it la woudertuf, . m tnüilicii cry- for Pitchcr'e Castoria. ItregBlaten e Etomach, curs wind colic, and cau?ea natarul sloep. J t is a t.nhatttute for castor oil. UlCivri "mICUÏÏuX CESTlt-VL lt.ULUOAI). #INTBB ÏIMK TABLB. PusseiigeltrainsnowleuTe the sfc.veral stations, foiiov-s: GO1NG WÏS1. . 1 ièLIü 1 41 i I f f ■ i 'I . z_ _o_ja_j_!__w_l m l Ia. m.U. M.r. m.p. m.Ip. m. Detroit, leave, 7 lfi! 9 10 4 00 5 45i 1 46 9 bt f ',.,„ 1 nke i in 25 r 9 00 4 23 A. M. uXlon ' U 00 ÍC 20 .9 35' 5 00 12 40 !p. M. 1'. M.! A. M.; J Klamaioo, 2 20; 2 }s W 8 f10!"-Chirttffo .umve, !; #li Ml . . b 3Q '_ OOINO KAKT. Tïïïtrili il , lé is II f 5 ! W ! K H B ■ B ' ÍÍm"!p.''m.I I A. M.!A. M. KlMnMOO, -- Í 5OO,n3OÍO5 Jkon, 24. j f Sr.s.Uk, - H 5 , „: Vwr' ! 6 1! 9 U 4 10 aS AÍb IS1 '! 6 M 9 45 ! 4 40 5 24 vSSiVia ! 2 22 6 20 7 20 10 10, 5 05 5 43 jgLymt_J58j-Lg-"!_6J!i 6 - ThG A'tlrmtio and Pacific Express run between Jnckafin and Nilen m the Air Line. l)ntecl. Inn. l.i. 1873. ÏEAL ESTÁTE FOK SAlJIi THE VOLNE? iQÏAPIS HüMiSTEAD, Near the north eftst corner oftlie Court Houee squfire. This pioperty will he iH nt remunahle srtce, !n lits aaltable t' ftresldeace. or fur busl üsii pnrpusea. Alao hts on Millur Avenue eat o' Tuuib' green house. Aleo a Farm of 160 Acres, Well watcred and fenccd, with eooil orchurrt nrd fslrhuiWinL', withiu amile of the foart House in St Johnn, Mlchliran. and sevuriil bnndred neren ol piiie anl oak tirabered lauds in Saginaw t'ouuty, Mi-hitfan. Dquire of N cnl!llvBHiOr 1390rn0 C A CHAPÍN. VVriLITMOUE LAKE. llnvini; reccntlyVeöitd and fiirniphrd the CLIFTON HOUSE! lamnowprcpared tn receive and entertain pleaeure flsnlttg ud dancing partios, at oue of the mout attriictlve, plcasnntaudhoalthy watering places in 6 My'boats arenew.lsrtje and commoflious, and welladalited for the uae of pleaenro seekerf. AiiKli-r will flud a full nnd complete equipmem always on hand. Sni'cial attention Rivcn to the wants and comfort of thoBe who wish to ípend a Tew weeks in mr-rpition tlurini; the warm smnmer montlis r NopainswiHbe gareel to make WHLTMORB ■ AKK. in the future asui the pit, a fevurite urn.nerresort. p L.C.RiSDON'S ADVERTI3EMENT. Now is tho time to buy PARLOR & HBAT1NG STOVES. I will sell them at COST wptil further notice. lïo. 31 S. Main Ife Ann Arbor. I npHE BRIGHT SIDE FJHAiTTu1r CILCLE will putüsïietï tpfeí-y in 1873, better and prettier thanerar, at only Sí. (O per yrar, and iv bcautifu Cluíotno, "The Calla Lüie," will be piven to everj aubseriber. Agenta waatea evevywljere. Ijibeifl mamission. Spleudid Preraiume. Bubscrib uqw SrtTclnb. iiiUUUTsIJ.Kd)., 1S99W12 Chicago, llhnqis. TjSTRAY! C'.nmo -iftto.the tmiamma of the sub&criber abont the líth of November, 1S72, a tiro year oíd HEIFUJl, with smal) led iinil white spuls. Tile owner wiU. prove propeiMy,, pay cliaigta nuil tnke said imüaal. ilW'lyJOHX T.AYE I!. Siiline, Jan. in, 1S73.. lil'Jwd


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Michigan Argus