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gMÉlMlf Q WASHTEfíAW COUjMTY:Jf i NOTARY PUBLIC! AND k [''■-' fl GENERAL 5 LJjl -J1 tLJLaJICONVEYANCER LafcPl SlBS] ANN ARBOR W 'fH7jrTl m tejjj r&ffcai'iiËjwsLjj few Zlm Uhc Jk3í jjC jjy LS I ËmmI liilllli!hiliilHli'iii;ili'. ,hi!!'r,!'i:i;ij!l':Y:i.;:H ■ïü:.1 ;]ii-:i::.-;!H=lHil OUR ABSTRACT BOOKS! As pnrtlally ïnrlicatod nbovo, are now postod to date. They at oic1, in i oondeiised or posted form, show the origualcliuinunduUntiWchainsuf title. Inulouce, such as AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEEDS, Known as Tax-Titlos, which ure very uuraeroua in tbi County, Decrees, Contracts, Deeds ! WILLS, ScO. Ala, now as well M all of the oM nndiíchnrgpd Mort(tirw a far bock a 18-24- whioh are legloni. PannnatnklOKtlUewmortaragea and liona wül rememlier thnt Tux-Titles and other collaterul mutters are not fonnrt in the usual mode of search by Indcxcs at the Begixter'a office. The books or lioers in the Register's ottieo have becomeso numcrousand volumino"us thnt Ion?? time i nt'csssarily reciuiied even to m:ike n hasty and unroliablc soarcll. W'ith our faciliticu we say to the public thnt we cnn show thoin tule and Tltle Iliatory, makc Deeds, Morttr.-n-'es, Asslgnments, Discharges, &c, ns corroctly, quicker aud ín tetter stylo than uuy other office in the County. v e have MONE7 TO LOAN ! On Hond and Mortguge en Ion? time. REH. ESTÁTE Sold or exchnnged. HOUSES TO RENT. 33 acres opjiosite the Observatory for uule in lots to suit parchasers. ROOT & LEITER, Ee41 kitato AgentB, No. 1. Greirory Block, Tucí W. Rot', and opposite the Toatoffice. CHACES A. LEITEIl. UÜtt The Ciieapcst and Bnst Firc Department in tlie World. Over One Th&usand Actual Fires Put Out WITH IT, AND MORE THAJl $1O, 000,000. O O Worth of Property Saved Frojn the Flanees. THE BA B C O C K FIRE ExtingüisheB A1.S0. THE Babcock Self-ActingFire Engine, fSfo IKHf , City, Towa and Víllnge Use. It is always ready to use instantly, and is moro effective thnn a steam flre entine, bccause it is sooner brmiKht into action and throwea powerfal tream of ïfateï impregiitited itli carbouicucid gasfor auy length of time. It dispenses with compl"S macluncry ; fire companiea, resei vuirs and suction hoee. Clarbnnic acid gula boththe .working and eztlngnUhins agent. No steam to be raiseci- uo.rtre tobe kindletl- no hose to beiüid, no lnre company to be musterei.. The time thu saved is a building saved. It will throw 1 or 2 streams at a time, and one cj-liuder eau be r charert while the other is workinu'. It savrs from destiT.ctipu by vter, wliat the flre has suared ; it amnthen, bnt does not deluu'e. It ia In daily dm in Chicago, Cinciunati, St. Louia, Mobile, PhiUdeliihta and othar fc'Ue Depaitrasnts scud for their record, Oood agenta wanted. E. T. BABNl Jl, Gcn.Asrent, 118 Woodward Ave, Detroit. Mannfaotvirer of Iron, Copper and Brass VVire, Wireüloth, Holting Cloth, Burr Mili Stnnes, Broom Wiro and Twine, Copper Weather Vanes, Wne Counter Railing, VVire Keucing and Ornamental Wire Work. :410yrl BOOKS. TbOOKSJI! - J. R. WEB8TEB & f O. NEW ÜOOK STOKE HEAB THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK j,Ó TOUR INTEREST ASI) CALL. I ! OÖKSb Nj T3EST THING IN THE WEST. Atchison, Topcka & Sapte Fe R. E. IjANDSÍ THREE M1LLIO1V ACRES Sitiu:tod,in nd near the Avkanflaa VtUJey, the i'inust Fortion of Knuuaii I " ■Kleven years1 Credit, toeven per Cent. Interest. 22i per cont. rtduelion to eettluts wlio ïmprove. A FRÍE PASS TO M BÜYERS. THE FACTS abont . thisiirantnre- LowPlicps. Long Credit, and a Heuato to Mt.tlir of noaily onefourili : a Eid Sojl, and Splendjd CUmate ; short and mild Winters; eurly plmitinu, and 110 wiutciinf; of plenty oí ' Kninfiill. and just ut thf rijjlit euson ; God, Stpne flnd Bliek on the line : (,'heap linies oc Lumbrr, ('QiJ, im. ; no land owned by Upeoulntnrs ; Horpeitead and Pte-emptionB now abundant ; a flrst-clus Rivilroad m the of il ffreut Throngh Koutc ; l'roduota will pay for Land and ImprovemQnts. . ,. ït in the best opportunity ever offeved lo the public, through the recent completion of the Iload. Fox Circulara a.ud (ieneral Information, Addreas A. E. TOUZAMN, M,anagcr Land Dep't. 1410mp3 Topeka, Kansas. TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of tlie Peace, Ofiioe in new blook, NortU of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over, IN8URANCE AGENT. Trlnmph, assete, $TÏT.90S.ll Horth Mlssoari, " 615,417.91 Hibernla, " 850.OO0.0U htcaIj jstatk. I have Si acres of bind '... oí a. m'.ie .lïom the city imita, tincly located for fruit or gar.den pur.poscs. Also 40 acre. AIbo 10 aeree, witfc lyirne and barn.and alivcl stream f water reunilii,' throujjh the barn yard. 60 acre, a. tafle ojjt. 1 win mïW any or all' the above chcap, or exchanije: for city piüntTty. ltíi , JAM.K8 McMAHON. GENTS WANTED TOK IÍOOK8 NEEDED BY ALL " FARMERS ! Thobest bnoicf pnbÜBhed on the HorKc and the Coiv. Liberal tarms. mout; madrrapidly by Agentp i-t ï il pc tht'no books. .S'-'iW for rirm lar?, FQJttEK & fOKS.i'vmiííiJERfi-rbnfldolphífla BACH k ABEL 26 MAIN STREET, Buy of Manufacturera and Importers, and exclusively tbr cash, a invite theinspectionof the closest cash tad. OTJB STOr c X LADIBi' ifiiBSS COODS Will be tbiind large and attractive, embracing many new styles - Black Silks and Lyons Poplins at very Lbw Pricës: BitClt ft ABEL. FIFTY PIEOES BLA9K ALPACAS 4ust received. We shall inake a SPECIALTY of these goods, and will make pnces lower thaü eyer offered before in this ci'y. BACH & ABEL. 50 PiecesWani8utta Bleach. Cottone 50 " L.onsdale " " 50 "Iim'sSem.Idem" " At lower prices than they have been sold for in the city in ten fëdrê. BACH & ABEL. Our Cloth Department ís very íeoieplete, cousisting of .Englisli, French, and Germán Coatings and Suitings, with many of the best American brands. We give especial attention to this brancli of our business and invite an inspection of the goods. BACÍÍ & ABEL. "" 85 IDOZEIST Felt and Emlbossed Skirts. We have the Celebrated " Ponson " O!oaÍí8,ahd Cloth (the Beat Imported.) " " BACIÍ & ABEL. We are agenta in thia city for the celebrated rtHlS' SEAHLSSS ÜD GLOVES, Ahd have in store a Full Asaortment. BACH & ABEL. Fdermador Good for Man.- Inflammation of all kinfls, Diphtheria, Wounds, Bruises. Burns, Sprain, Rhcu. jnatism, Sore Throat, gwclling Qf thè Giands, In. üammation of the Ejes, Brpkeh Breadt, Frost Bitca, Chilblains, I'iles, Bee Stinas 'and all Sores. tiood for Benírt.- Fresh Woonds, Galls, Poll Evi], Sprains, .Briilscs. Cracked Hecls, Ring Bone, Wind Galls, Spavms, Swceney, Founder, Lameness, 8and Cracks, Scratches, or Grease, Mange, liorsa ÏMstemper. Tlii truly wonderfnl Iilnlmcnt was discovercd by IIOMKK ANDEKSON, A.M., late Pro'icBsor of Chemlstry and Mathematics in the Clinton Aiberal Institnte, of Oneida County, N. Y. In experimenting for the purpoBe of making PniBsic Acid. by nnitiiig the independent galons bodies of which it ia composed, a reBiduum was left, which, on bcing applicd to bruises and inflamed parts, by the Btndcnts of the Institute, was found to posseBS the remaïkable property of cooling down and carrying ofT tlic inflaratnation and sorcuess at once, and reBtorfng the parts to Boundness and liealth in a f uw hors without paip. or imtation, It In not a beatilla I4niincnt, bnt acte by its peculiar specific or ehsmWal' qualittes in flisBolvinz and Bcatterina the sortneBH and inflammaüon of the injured part. By ai freè applteation, 'the red BOTface soon bccomes cool,moist and natural, and is restored to natuxal healtli without euppuration or destrnctïon. A a XlHlment fir Hor Flesh, for the ture of all the ailments named above.wc challopga '.the world to ñnd its egjiaL JPrlce S& & 5O cents per bottle. D. EAJÍS0M, SON & 00., Propi's, ■ BUITALO, N. Y. See notico inlocnliolumn. OEEDS! SEEDSÜ SEEDSÜ! ]& HL E JSIX , IMITO KAMI ASI) BELUBIB!" I put up no oíd worthleBs íeofli, lmt aU are fresh andraliaW"'. A sjiiíU siaru judiciossly uwested in Flower Seta, rij add muél to-the beauty aad eujoyment oi Hpw;. I haic lüso lnrgo rad well ttllcd Green BOOM with the ühoicc-st Green Houu aad Bedding Fltata una Bínuba, whioh Bn ba ufoly trunsportod.nn 1 1 si-U at prices within reunli of all. Cataloguen i ree. Ageut wanted to solicit orders. „„- Eiverside Gardpns, Binirl)imton,.Broomo Co., K. Y. 110lu;t.


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Michigan Argus