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! ARGÜS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 ÍÍEW 8ÜBSORIBERS WANTED. More Mercbants and Business raon, wli9 knowing their own interests will advertise in the Aitotr. GET YOtTE BALL ÜAtcm, BUSINESS CÁSS3, TISITÍNG CAEDS1, WEDDIHG GAEDS, At the Argu Office. YOtTET BILL-HEADs;. irstjlars; LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, 1L tlie Irgas office GET TÖÜR' LAW BLASrSTs;. tAW BRIEFS;. ÜAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, 1T 2ÏÏE AEGUS OFFICE. i 'New. Typer Best Presses, Good Workmen, ANO REASONABLE PRICESi EST & WOBD TO "WISE. Chuncery Notice. C-TATEOFMICIIKiAN.Cmn.ivuf Washtenaw n y I'he Circuit Coorl for the County of Waahtenaw- InChancery. Ruina Theurer vs. John Theüref X Mttofaetorifr appearing una du. pwef by aM.vii t uu the defendant, John ïheurer, ú not a resident o the State oi Michigan, bui that lie reaidra atXew Hamburg. fCanadn, on inoiiou of Lawrenco & reazer. aolidtora for oomplainant, il U ordered tlm the defendant, John Thenrer, ennae his appearanee u be ciitciv.l „i lilis cao within thjree raonths trom th date oí thii order, aftthat in case ot hls appearsno he i onuM hia nswero the eomplataanfs bill of com plamt tobe flled and a oopy thereof to be served 01 threnm,,!,,;,,,,,,, within twenty daya after aervioe of i copy ot aaid bill nml notlee ot this order, and on dü tault theriMf, that the aaid bill be taken aa eonfesee( by the said defendant. .lohn Thcurer. And n i further 'Ordered, that within twenty daya the saic complaiiiant cause a oopy oí tliis order to be publishe. in the Mmhttan Argui, ft. public newspaper print and pabUahad in the city of A.m Art-, WiuKenaw Oounty, Michigan, and that sueh publieation be con tinued in said paper once in each week for aix success ïve weeks, or that abe cauae a eopy of this order to 'b pcraonnlly served on the said defendant, John Theurei at least twenty daya bcfore the time above prescribe tor his appearance. Bated, Aun Albor, Jan. S, 1873. JOHN F. T,A"VVRENCE, LmracE Sc Feazeü, Circuit Comt Commissioner in Boliciton for and for Waahtenaw Connty plumant. MichiRan. 1408 Chancory Notico. THE CIRCUIT COL'ET for the County of Wash tenaw : In Chaneery. John C. MUndy, (joniplainant, ts. Melville L Kuinaey, Avery B. Eumsey, Lemucl Foster, Henry p liRiinett, Sedirewick Dean. Ulysses T. Foster, The Warden aiid cstrymenof Bfc Andrew's Churoh of Ann Arbor, and School District number one of the city of Ann Arbor, Dcfondants. ■ ' '■ riVSilIlclr1'ily "PV-iMS to fhis Conrt by the nffidavitot B. E. Frazer, ene of the Solicito of the complamnnt , that ti,e reiidence of the aïove named defendant, Melvillo L. Rmmv and Averv B liumsey is not m the State of Michigan, but that they bota reside in the County ot Lake, and Htete of In' diana, and that. a subpernn Iüis licen dnlv issued out of and under the seul of this Court directed to the defendimts above named . bat that the same could not be served ujion the said dei endants, M elville Ij ltumsey and Avery B. Kumsey, because they could not be toundinthis bailiwiek ; therefore, on motiou of Lawrence and Krazer, Holicitor lor the eomplamant, it is ordered that the defendants, Melville L. Kumsev and Aviiv B. Rumsey, cause his or their appearatice in this canse to be entered within three months Irom the date of thw order, and in ense of their appearance tliey and each of thew cause his or their answer or answefs to the coinplainant's bill to be flled and a copy thereof tobe served on Lawrence & Frazer, the complainant's Bolioiton, aeeording to tho rules nnd practices 01 this Conrt, and in default thereof that the SHid bill of complaint in this canse be taken as contessed by the said deiendants, MelTille L Hiimsey and Avery 1!. Kumsey. And it is further ordered, that the said complainant within twenty days cause a copy of this order to be publishcd in the Michigan Argas, nnd that .the said puMication eontinne lor 'the term of six sucoessive weeks, onee in eaoh week, or that the said eomplainant cause a eopy of his order to be personaljy serTed on the defendants, Melville L. Eumsey and Avery B. llumsey, at least twenty days before the time above presenbed for his or their ntf pearanee. Dec. 18, 1872. B. BEAHAïT, -405w6 Circuit Cou?t C.-Wn., "Vashtenaw Co. Mich. Shoritfs Sale." CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of TVashtenaw, rs. O By virtue of a writ of execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court lor tho County of Waahtenaw, and to me directed and delivered, aprainst the troods, chattels lands and tenements of "William M. Brown, G. W. Brown, N. (irant'er, and A. Conklin, 1 have this twelfth ilay of December, A. 1). 1872, seizod and )evd rpon all the right tit,le and interest G. W. Brown bas in and tv the iollowing lands, to wit : A piece of land commeneing twenty roda west of the southoast corner of section twenty-mne, theneewest on the south line of said seetion i'ourteen rods. Hience north parallel with the cast line of said soetion twenty-nineto the south bank of the rivel Eauin, thence along said south bank in n northwretcrly direction to a point twenty rods west of the cast line of said seetion, thenw sonth parallel with the enst line of aaid seetion to the place of beginning, eontaining one acre and one-third of land, be the same more or less, also the followinjr described piece of land o whieh a flonring mili now stands, corninencing at a point tTentytive and ene-half rods north of the south line of said seetion twenty-nine and twenty rods west of ihc eaat line of sffid seetion, thence running north parallel wilh the enst Ime of said seetion eleven rods, thence east parallel with the south line of said seetion nirie rods, thence south parallel with the east line of said eection eleven íod, thence west parallel with the south line of s-.iid seetion nine rods to the place of 1 ginninf, oontainiog ninty-nine rods of the 1 Bame more or less; all ot the above described property . bi'ine situated in the township of Sharon, Connty of ( AVashtenaw, ana State of Michigan, whieh above I described property I shall expose for sale at pablic auction to the highest bidder at the south dooi f tho ( Court House in the city of Ann ArbOf, on the 1 twclfth lay of March, A. D. IS3, at ten o'elocli, A. II 1 Dated, this 3d day of Jannary A. I). 1873. t M07 MYKON WEBB, Sheriff. c SherífFs ' STATE OP MICHIGAN, Couirtyof -Washteníw, ss. By vírtue of one execntion isaued out of and under tho yeal of the Circuit Court for the County of ' Waabtenaw, to medireeted and delivored, against the joods, ohattels, land tnd tenements of éhailès C. , Church, and for the waut of fi-oods n-nd olmttela to Ratisfy the amxe, I dit] on the lOth dny of August, A: II. 1872, seize awï levy upon all the right, title nnd interest Charles C. Chiirch has m the following described roal eslate, towit: Lot number 34 in K. S. :Smith'sfirst nddilioA to the city of Ann rbor, to; pether with all the improvements and tenements tliereon, whkh nbove described real estáte teing situatedinthe city of Au Arboï, Counly of V;ishitenaw,and State of Miüfaigon ; Whioh abovAdeflerfbod i real estáte I shall sell at "the outer aomh door of the ; Court House, in Ihe city of Ann Ario.-, at public auc: tion to the bihest bidder, on the eleventh daV of t March, A. D. 1S73. at 1 L o'cloelt, A. M., of said day. p Datcd, January 18th, A. D. 1B73. MTRON WEBB, Sheriff. HIO By Joiim Tobbes, Under Sheriff. DR.CROOK'SWINEOFTAR álO YEASS PUBLIC TEST Iliis proved JDr. Crook's a ;To haTe more A&$ñJu2Í5á :er.t than any S; r similar prtarsui tbe piibüc. Tt is rioli in the medicina) qiialitiesof Tar, and uneqcialed for diseases of the Throat and Ijlings, performieg the most remarl eble cure. Coughs, Colt!. Chronic Conglu. It effectnally onres them all. Asthina and BronchitiSr Has enred so many casos it has been prononnced a specific for these complainta. iïor paías iu Breast, Sido or Back, GraTol or Kiflney Disease, j Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundico or any Liver ' Complaint, il nasnoeqnai, It is also a superior Toiiic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the S.ystem, Kestores the Wealc and Debilitated, Canses the Food to Digest, Eemoves Dyspepsia and Indigestión Prevenís Malarions Fevers, Gives tone to your System. A Rare Chanco TO LET. A large and modern noif Grocery ?trre'in Bnchoz Block, Detro t Street, Dndonbtedlj the best location in tluvt part of the city for said business. A saod ilarge cellar find nevr barn attaehed to the premiaes. The rent is $300 yearly, to b tnkeiiiagroceriesfor my family nse. Also a flue new Meflt Market, all complete, joining my Mock, with moierii improvements, marbíe table &c, large new Bmoke house, large brickcistern and cellür, new barn and all ready for nse, with threo family rooms above. Store reníe for 8Ü50 yearly ; taken in meiU for my family, use. Also a small store in my black, hoirees, rooms, c, to let. FOR SALE- Three good large oarriage or farm .horees, one fine new carriage, ing tools. Also three good cows. lWOtf InquireofL. E. BÜCHOZ. m For Scrofula, Scroff, iilou.s IHscuscs of jlg, the Kyes, or Scrofup la in any form. JSi ,"Any disease or eruption %!. of the Skin, disease of the w Liver, Eheumatism, PiniX-H ples,OldSores,Ulcers.Brok5 hv r en-down Constitu t i' o n s , Vi, Syphilis, or any disease devSri Pen(iigonadepravedcon:'J5fs5, dition of the blood, try ÉfgJ DR.CROOK'S W SYRUP OF fË POKE ROOT. pTS. It has the medicinal propA@lk ertyof rokecombinedwith iJêJ? a PreParatin of Iron whiph i jBI S09 at once 'nto the blood, KP'm performing the most rapid 'üy' and wonderful cures. ' Ask youf DruggiBt for Dr. Crook's Compound Syrup of Poke Koot- take .1 and be healed. g'.-l. ',.W I . i II',U!13BT Mortgage Sale. rjEFArLTlmvingboon marte in tbe eontlition of J OCT'Mn mortege, mude and executed by Kdward Ryan, of NorthfleM, Countjr of Washtenaw, and State rf J r,,l,,._-:,n,t Willi,,m K BMff, of lk',ffi9 lla,;.. imtln, ftratdtrVol Anpwi.A.è.MM, Mul re. rordediD the office oí th.Kegirtw of Deed forsaii Goun f y of Washtemiw, on the fourth day of Decemor, A.J). ]%(,, „t live oV.ock L II. of said doy in hber 87 of nrartgaaw, 011 puge ÍS, whioh snid mortg.go, wus iluly nsmgiiud by suiíl Willinm s. H,lrry to Lnther Jampa, of thu cit of Ann Arbor, County.ano. í '"t? ")oref' n e lourth dny of December, A. I). ISbli, and recordcd in the ornee uf the Register of Deeds lor said (Joimty of Washtenmr, on the fourth mi y of December, A. D. 1SG6, at ve o'clock 1 JI of JJidday, in libar 86 of mortgnges, on pago 234, and tliat the is elaimed to be duo at llie date hereof, the numofaix hundred and flfty-seven 97-100 dollars alai) an attorneys' fee of thirty dollars shouldany pn ceochng be liad to foreclose the same, and furthér instalments to become due on snid mortgage, and no smtorproceedings at law or in equity having been had to recover the debt secured by said niortKafre or any pait thereof. Notice is hereby given, tliat by rirture of the power of sale in said mortgage contafned, I shall sell at public auction, to the higheet bidder, on thetwenty-mnlh day of Mareh. A. D. 1873, at two o dock in the .-ifternoon of that day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in tho County of Washtenaw, and State of Mii-higan, tha premises desenbed in naid mortgage, as all those certain pieces or parcela of land desciibed as follows to wit: The west half of the northwest quarter of cction twenty-eight and four acres of the east half of the nor tb west quartor of said sention, heretoforo deeded by said p;irty of the flrst part to said party of the second part, all being in township one aouth of range six east, in faid township of Northrteld in th County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan JDated, Jaanuary 3, 1873. . _ jl LUTHER JAMES, John N Oott, Assignee of said Mortgnge. Attorney lor Assignce. 14O7td Eeal Estáte for Sale. CTATE OF MIOniGAN, County of Washtenaw, Y ss. -In the muiter of the eatate of Uarriet E llordine, Levi Bordino, and Lovina Bordine, miuor. fótico w hereby pivtn, thatin purauance of an order grauted to the undersigned, Guardian of the estáte of said minors by the Hon. Jndm Probate for the A n l'S4 Washtenaw, on the sixth day of Jamiary, A. iJ. 18,3. there will besold at public vendue to the hlghost bidder, at the homestead On tho premiw „'S ï eStril)el; ? thi '"y„t Wafhtenaw" in said 8t, on Wednesday, the twelfth dav of Iarch, A. D. 1SÍ3, at ten o'ctocV in the forenooS ot that day (subjeet to all enmimbrances by mortaageór othcrwise exieting at the time of sale), the foliowinjt desoribed real estáte, to wit : The undivided thre"? elevenths (3-11) of the east twenty-iivc aeres of tho northeast quarter of seetion thirty-three, the #ea h:,lf o he northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter ot the soulhwest quarter of section thirty-fo-nr awl the northwest quarter of the northeart quarter of section thirty-flve, oll n township foui south of range seven east, eontaininif one hundred and êtehtv-iive acres, more or less, in said State. lated, January Cth, A. V. 187Ï .... ASA M. DAELTNiï, 1410 Gaardian. Eeal Estáte tot Sale. STTATLOP MICHIGAN, County of Warirfeñftw, mu ' J In thê ntatter of the estáte of George SS.. Gooding deceased Noti.e to lwrehy given, that ra pur.uan?' of an order granted tothe undefsigned, Executrix of the last will and testament of said deóeased. by th Hon Judge of ITobate tor the County of Washtenaw,on the twentieth duy or January, A. D. 1873 thorè T Dl atültltvat ';UbnC vendue. to the highest bidder, t -the dwellvsg house ou the pïtmi. soa n the Cmty of W.hte9!.#, in sail State, on the tweltth day óf Márüh, Á. 1) 1873 it one o doek in the afternoon of that day (subject ttf a 1 encumbrances by mortgage or othei-Rine existing at the time of the death of said deeensed) thefollow. ngj kMM real estáte, to wit : The south flTeeighth ot the west half of the sontheast ouarter of scctiontwenty-nineiintotrriBliip to south of raniro' seven eaat m said State, and also the eiwt lialf of tho' outnwest qiuirter of said section tweñty-nrhe (ex cepting ten acres out of the northeast corner of saidast desenbed parcel of land in the lorm óf a parallelogram bout sixty rods in Jwijrtü from north ta outh), contaming m iï cie Irandred and i+entT acres, more or liss. ' Dated, January 20. 1S71. ANXIS S. If. GOODÏTfG, 141n Exeentrix. ïieal Éstate for Salo. CTATEOF1 MICHIGAN, Ccrnty f Waahtenaw, m, O In the matter o{ the estáte of Henry McPhillips ■ eeeased. Nolice fs liereoy given, thnt in pursance of an1 rder granted to the undersigned, administrnrrix of tho' estáte of suid deceased, 5y th3 Hon .Judge óf Probate for tbe County of Washtenaw, on the 13th day oí Jnuary A.D M73 f.hercifes-M at public ven-' 3ue, to the highert bidder, at. the sonth door of tho Court. House, in the dty of Ann Arbor, Jn the County it Yl .islitcnaw, m said State, on Wednesdoy, the 5th lay of Mun-h, A. D. 1873, at 10 o'clock ín the foremon of thm dy (subject to all enettrohrance by norttrage or otherwi eïtxting at tSe time of thé leath ot said deeensed. nnffafso swbjt tó the rightof lowerof hiswidow, thereinl, the followtng describe eal estáte, to wit : All of the east 6arf of the north-' 1 south of range flve east (except a strip nine chains and' , forty links in width at the north end, nnd nine chninif . f antt thvrty.-seven links in width srt t!i .■.mith end ei-" temïing along the west sMe f said ea half of said1 northwest quarter), corifcarning forty aria 30-100 acre moreorless. Also, all thaf part of fhé enst half of the southweat qunrter of said section twenty-four which hes east of the lsni in saill sectióri whicli was" herctoforc set off and pal titioned to Ellen E Latson under the deeree of the Circuit Court for the County' of U ashtcnuw, in Chxneery, and north of the laudr of said neetién set off to William I.fon, bv saiff decree. being twenf y chaina nnd seveáfy ánlre in iengtS and teri chains and 20 links in width, and coritaining twonty-one and 34-100 acres, more or less, all in saiuV State. Üatedj Jamiary I.ltli, A. T. 187.3. , „„ SLAKUAitET McPHILUM, ""' Administratrii. jfeeal Estafe for Ssrfe, OTATE OF MICniOAN, cöuntjf at -n'ashtenaw, s.0 In the matter of the Estáte of Daniel B. Oreene deceased. Notice is hereliy piven, that in nursuance' oí iii rrdf?T gi-antl to the undersfened, administrator 01 the estáte of MH gteewwj, gy the Soit. Jndge of Probate tor the Ceunty f Wnslitenaw, on the nineJteenth day of Febraary, A. D. 1S72. there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the higheso bidder, at the dwelling house on the prtmises lieroinafter described i the County cf Washtemw, msaid State, on Tucsday,. the eleventh dajf öf l'ehmary, B. IU73, at one o clock in the afternoon of that day (subject to all cnrmnliraTM-es by raortgsge or otherwise existine nt the time of thedeiitliof snid déeeased) the followinir desc.nbed real est.tte, to t ; The -west half oí ths Boutliwest quarter of section eiglit ; thé east half óf the east half of the eoutheast quarter of section seven ; and the west half of the northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of sefftibn t-rcaty, fri townshi three south of range three east, in said State, eoa-' taining one hundred and fortv acres more or lesa Jüated, November 26th, A.t). W1. BSBEBT P. ÍARPER, 1406 A'dministrstor. Eeal Estáte fbr Sale.. OTAvTE O? MICHIS-AN, County of Washtenaw,. O In the matter of Ui estste ot l'hilip Eiding, de-' ceased. Xotice is hereby g-ivefi, t!iat in pnrsiianc of an order granted to the undersigned, Administrator ot the estáte of said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of tVashtenai, on the seconddny of January, A. D. 1ST3, there crill be sold at pub-' lic vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in Ann Arbor, in the County of WMhtenw, in said State, on Wednesday. the twentysixth day of Febraary, A. D. 1873, ut ten o'clock ih; theforenoonof tlwt day (subjeet to all encumbrancj by mortguge or otherwise existinj at the time of tHè death of said deceased), the following described real' estáte, to wit : Lot two, block four, range one east in' William S. Maynnrd's additioo to the city of Arib.' Arbor, in said County, Dated, January 2, A. D. 1872. JOHN KECK, 140 AdmiBitrt3r Êeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of iwhtefunr-sï1 In the maiter of the estáte of Jacob Beatler, de-' ceased, notice is hereby glven that in pursuanee of an,order gninted to th undersipned. Administrator of the estáte of said tloceased, by the Hon. Judge Of Prö-' bate for the Couuty of Washtenaw, on the twenty Bttli day et NoTCmber. A. D. 1872, tSiere will be sold at public -reudue, to the liiftest bidder, at the dweil-' ing houao on the premises hereinafter described inV the County of Washtenau-, in said State, on Wednes--üajV the ñfth day of Febrnarr, A. J. 1878, at me o'cloek in the ifternoon of said day (subject te-' lll encumbranees by mortgage or otherwise existinif itthe timeofthedeathof paid dewasedj, the following described real estáte, to wit : The South half nt ;he Aortheast quarter of the Soofheast quarter of iection twenty-aix, in township ttiree South of Range'onr East, eontaining twesty acres more or les, irr isid st.-ite. Iated, November 25, A. D. l'S7ii k'3-td JOHN G. ANDKES, Estáte of Jacob Cook. OTATE OF MlClIie AN, County ai Washtena, mí K) Netloe is hereby Rifen, that by an order of the Probate Cotirt fur the County of VI ashtcnaw, made on." 1 he thirty-flrat day of December, A .1). 1872, six month trom thnt date were allowed for creditors to present their claims afrainst the estáte of Jacob Cook,. late Of sniil tvmrrty, daOMsei, and tht nll creditors oï saiil deemsad are required to present their claims to :said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arhnr-, for xaraimttisfl -tnd allowanre, on or be- foro the first day of Jnly Belt, and that sneh. claim will be heard before said Probate Court, on Baturday, the twenty-ninth day of March, andon Tuesday, the flrst day of July next, at ten o'clock ltt the forenoon of each of t lioso d.iys. Dated, Ann. Arbor, Deoeraber 31at, A. T. 1872. H1BAM J. ISEAKES, )7w; tuig of Probate. Estáte of Michael Kearney. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtena-w, ss. Noties ÍB hereby given, that by an order of th Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, madeon the thirty-lirst day of December, A. D. 1B72, six months from tbat date -were allowed for creditors to present their eluims iiyainst the estáte oi Michnpï Keiiriicy, late ot suid county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their : claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, i the city of Arm Arbor, for èxaminatioB and allnwanoer on m before the tirst day of Ju)y neit, Hiidthat siich claims will be lieard befor said Probate Court, on 8aturday, the twenty-nirith day oí Maroh, and on Tuesday, the rlrst day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each ot those days. Dmed, Ann Arber, December 31. 1872. HI11AM J. UEAKE8, HflTw4 Jvidge of Probate. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, . The undersigned, huvinf? been appointed ly the Probate Court lor said county, Commissioners to receive, examine, and adjust all claims and demand of all persuus aiainst the estáte oí' WiUiam iíifcinkT late of said county, deceased, hereby giye notioe that, six months froni date are allowed, by order oS said Probate Court, forereditorstopreeenttheir claims against thfl estáte 1 s;iid AeoeaMdj and that they wi)J meetat the house of Linus Hiscock, in Superior, iic said county, on tSaturday, the twclfthday of April, aml on Tnesday, the ti teenth day ot Julynext, at tea o'clock a. m. of each of eaid days, to reeeive, exumiiiff, and adjust said claims. Dated Jauuary Wth, A.D. 1S73. TRI'MAX B. GOOnSPEED, ÖEOKUK TnOMPSON, 14C9W-1 Y Coiumissionew, X - HURRY UP ! PARTIES wishine Wall Paper, Cloth and Paper Shndes. lïollancs, VVindow Pixtnres, Coids, Tasels, fcc, all New Stylea, at Satisfactorj Prices, by JÍ. K. Webster Co., Bjok Store, near the Exprese Office. X X


Old News
Michigan Argus