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- Mr. Tromain says that ono of the Tweed jury was "vh;t ís Itnown as a 'bummer'or 'loafcr'andwasprovided with a ncw suit of clothes especiully fot the trial ;" that " another boasted lio would mako money if on the jury;" and "still another had servcd in prison in Virginia, fox violating the revenuo laws, though pirdoned ont," - by President Grant, we resnmo. Otbcr jurors, it is charged, were tampered with. Can anything betor be looked for on a new trial 'í - The Hawaiian legislativo assembly las ratisfied the election of Prince Lunailo as King of tho Hawaiian Islands, and he was inaugurated, installed or crowned on tho 8th of January. His cabinet has boen constituted as fellows : Minister of Foreign Affairs, Charles E. Bishop; of Interior, E. A. Hall; Pinance, Bobert Sterling ; Attorney General, A. B. Judd. - The President has vetoed the bill 'or the relief of East Tennesaee Universi:y, on the ground that if Congress onoe rccognizes the principie of obligation to pay war damages the treasury bottom will soon fall out. Ho thinks the institution was " loil," and will aign a bill for aid in the shape of a donation. Qenerous or oharitable rather than just is his niaxim. - $64,623,512 is tho amount of the bonds issued in aid of tho several Pacific railroads, and on whinh the government has paid interest in excess of collections from the companies, amounting to $14,390,848. Who will lend us a few hundred thousand dollars on necond mortgages, and then be so generous as to relieve us from payment of the interest as it becomes due? - Ex-Com. M. F. Maury, once so popular as an officer in the Coaat Survey service and as an author, but whose fame and prospecta were dimmed by his throwing up his commission and entering into the rebellion, died on the 3()th of January, agfld 07 years and 16 days. - Tho Hillsdale Demoerat concurs in our suggestion that the proposed new in Insano Asylum, and other State institutions to be established, be located atLansing, where they can be moro easily and leaply supervised by the State authori;es. - The jury in the "Wharton-Van Ness poisoning case, Annapolis, Md., reported a disagreement on Monday, having been out since Priday. The poli stood : guilty, 8 ; not guilty, 4. Mrs. Wharton has een held to bail tor anew trial. - The financial statement for the raonth of January reports an increase of ;he public debt during the month of $4,62,423. The debt aggregated January lst, less cash in the treasury, $2,162,08,581. - Dr. C. P. Burch a sort of quasi pro'esssr in the Lausing Hoinoeopahic Medeal college at Lansing, has been arrested, xaxnined, and held to bail on a charge of gravo robbery. - The President is bulletined for a Southern tour soon after the close of the ession : to Eichmond, Baleigh, Columjia, Charleston, Mobile, New Oileans, Memphis etc. - Our old feiend Seth Lewishaa-again rotired from the Marshall Statesman. Hia successor is Morgan Bates, late of the Wyandotte Enterprüc. a printer bred. - The Tweed jury disagreed, standing eight for acquittal, three for conviction, and one on the fence. The prosecution charge bribery and corruption. - ün Tuesday a bilí was introduced into the Senate increasing tho salary of tho President to $50,000 ; and of tho Vice-President to f10,000. - A Calcutta disputch of lst inst. reports the city of Lebree in the territory of Scindo nearly destroyed by an earthquake, with a loss of 500 lives. - Judgo Allison, of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, has denied a petition for tho dissolution of the Credit Mobilier Corporation. - The Pennsylvania Sonate, with but ono dissenting vote, hns passed a resolution condemning the governniont or postal tclegraph "job." - Senator Caldwell put in his own statement bef oro tho invustigating coinmitteo on Tucsrlay ; but it was not sworn to. - Tho New York Evening Post gives Mackinaw a first-class puff, but ridicules tho proposition to make it a national park. - The small-pox has got into Harvard, and President Eliot has given the use of his house for a hospital for afflicted students. - " Subsidy " Pomeroy waived an examination on the charge of bribory, and gave bail for his appoarance at court. - President Grant has signed the bill abolishing the franking privilege. Tuk Buffaio Commercial AdvertUer (Rep.) suggests that the Senate " ought to vindicate its dignity and honor by expelling" Senator Pattebson. It is questionalile in tho light of recent events whethur the job of white washing that body can be so easily accomplished. One Jonah would hardly suffico. Besides, individual members are a little timid, having some time or other read or hcard tho injimction, " let him that is without sin cast the firstgstone." Or putting it in another way, too many of the Senators have had a piece of the Credit Mobilier pig or some other well-fattened anima). The Commercial Advertiser need not look for any such action of the Senate. The TJansing liepublican of last week suggested that the coming Republican State convention, recognizing a Regent as a non-politieal officer, nomínate one Ropublican and one Democrat. It says : "We express our opinión individually in maintaining that the policy of making tlie election of Regenta to the State University a political matter is adverse to the best interests of the institution." And so say we, and we hopo that the proposition of the Ilepuhlican will be indorsed by both political conventions, and the precedent followed in future. The World Almanac for 1873 is an excellent number of that popular annual. lts statistical and election tables are more full and complete than thoso of an7 similar publication, making it a conyenient and nccessary handbook for the business man and politician. 20 cents will bny it.


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