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Good Points Of A Cow

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Observa ti on and expenence have taught Borne i-uies to be obsorved in ths choice of fool piilkors, which, thoagh not infallible, me by no maans to be despiesed. The ofaaraoteristic3 of a gootl milksr, are : 1. Youth. A ccw is in her prircfl at from fcur to six yeare, and tiiO best jpayin% time to buy is jut af ter the birtJi of hor gsooüd .or third cflif. 2. Piominence and fuilncas oí niík veirs, and velvety softnes of skin. The milk veina run dewu on eitíier sido of il9 animal toward the udder, p,re easily perjuptible to the eys, or eau bö readily touud by pressure of the hand, ii tV.o mal ia e ot over fat. "?he skin shculd bj .soft aud inellow, noi hard, rough, and " staring." 3. Symmetry, fuïïnefs, s.nJ soitness of the udder. It should bo broad, weJl sprsad out, projecüng bühind thd Ifcg.i, and also reaCflrag forward nnder the belïy . Th ere should ba a soí'tr. -,„3 and tlunness o the touch, as.d an toaonce of flestiiness and thickness. 4. Perfect number and condition of ieats. If one teat ia wantinj.-, abont a 'ourth less milk wiil he the rosult. A cow's udder is not, aa aomo Ruppoca, a arrol with four taps, bu is diviáed into onr fhtfewnt oomTi.irtmriuti), cnlled " mil'i; ;lands," each of '.yhioh has itaowu tap or :eat. It is not only important thüt thii fuü number of teats b'j present aud in working order, bat it is desirable that they be -wall placed, not crowded togother, but pretty i'ar and uniformly aaart ; rathar long and tapeiinf; ; all pointiag out and downward ; ecual in slze and even appearanoa.. 5. Docility and quietness of disposition These are indicatod by Icrge, mild and nlear eyes, and air of oontantmeat p-enerA cow that is quiet and centen ted feeds.t eroö, ohews hor ood with ea tire íatis '.iction. and will secrete szkï yitild more aiilk int n aay restlesR a-d turbulent animal, liaving similar


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