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"the Heathen Passee."

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The Londou Spectator, in a review of "Tht! Light Green," ;i new ïook oí" parodies just published in Engiand, saya that íhe gem oí the wholo is "The Heathen Paas-ee," a "faas-o" it is expíained, being a term applied " To one whose voculion is passing The 'ordiuïiry li. A. dugrae' " The "heathen" in question, Tom Ciib by name, luis "piot that ure dark, and aot alwaya in v:un." One OÍ these plots sucoeeds; he passes au excellent examination in Kuciid, "the subject he ieared," but "Ilc'd placed tip liis slecve Mr. Todliuatfci'ti excellent Euoliu, The s:mie wilh uitent to deecive." In a second attempt his iate overtakes him, Mr. " Bred Hard " shali teil us how : 11 But I hall not forget, How the nuxl duy tt two A stift" papor w;is L-t By t&ftmtnei U üu Kuripidts' trugeriy, Baöch,1 A subject Tom -p.ii tiaily kauw.' 11 But the knowledge displayed by tbt heathen 1'hss-uu, Aud tlie uiuvei'tf he ui;ide Wan quite frightful tosoe, For he mpidly floored the wholo paper, By about twonty minutes lo three. ' Then T looked Op at U , Aud he jja.ed upun me. I obsei vcl, ' This won't do.' He replied, ' Uoodüüas me '. ' We ure looled by tuis artiul young person, Aud he sent for that heaihen Pass-ce. ' The scène that ensued Wus disracejul to utw, For the Uuur it was strewed Witli a tolerable fW Oí' the ' tips1 fchnt Toni ' !rib had been liidinjf, For the 'auhject he purtially knuw.' II On tlie cuff of lus shirt He had niiinuged to getj WUat wo hü)ed luul twen dirt, But which proved, I regr&t, To bt DOtEa on the rist? oi the Drama, A question iuvuiiably aüt. " In his various coats We pruoeeded to seek, ■Vhere we lound ffunéry noles, And with süiiou' t sjieak, One oí' Bohn'a put)licition( po usoful Tothe student of LaLin or tJrcek. " In the crown of his cap, Wtie the Furies and 'ates, And a dulicíite map Of the Doriitn rtiates, And wo founi in his palms, which wereliollow. Whut ure i'requentin pitlms- that in dutes."


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