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The Lost Character Of The Republican Party

The Lost Character Of The Republican Party image
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"I.lin.-.ï! n. i flartr. I jj„t Lthiuk !!:-ir ;;irry ]1(. aotet in Ülifl Hifite. It is led bj a coterio wln.. 1, nul helie each otber, and intreigiie 411 aay ',-. phu publio. IflSMir COALEBOB WttH SOCH A PAEtt.' - Jíaú-mega: The Eepublican party lost cliaracter by eheltering and perpetuating the proven New York Custom-house 'frauds which prolitcd tho White House Ring ïho R.ipublican party lost char.ieter by ro-electing General Grant, who had Used his groat office as a private omoluïnont and nut as a publio trust, recoiving gifts f rein politicians audgiviag office to u atore of his relativos. Tha Eepublioan party lost character by ro-electing General Grant afterhe had usurped the war-powor to push ahead tho Santo Domingo job. The Republicaa party lostcuaracterby men, and óf these Grant is ehiet, who set all constitutional litnitatious at defiance, although these should havo bouud tliem merely as mon of honor ; who put tho military ibove the civil power; who lont their influence to uphold the carpet-baggers iti plundering tho Southern States of $200,000,000 sinoo the war olosed. Tho Eepublican party lost charactor by tolaratiag in its leadershp men who used tlie bayoneta of Unitod States soldiere and the patronage of the United States Government to ooutrol conventions and o.arry ïloctions. Tho Repablioan party lost character by working out no botter statosmanship, t effect ita own oontinuanoe in power, than to array the ntire black race of the 8öuth against the w hitos, and to p natu thusa social and industrial disorder tbere whioh prevenís tho South from ■ensibly lifting at the bnrdon of our pubJic debt oio vel 12,000,000,000. . The iiopublican party lost charactpr by permitting General (ïrant to i ïiis power to cont'er office nud profit upoji 100,000 porsons, into an iastrament to secura his own ro-eloction. The Eepublican party lost character vaen all its leaders who had beenbribed with Cre Ut Mobilier stock, two Vicc-Presdüuts, two Senators, six or scvtn EeprpBeutativüs -made with siinnlated indignition, open dafiial of the truth. Tha Kci.ublioan paity lost character whon, claimiug to hu tho party of groat moral ideas, ite representativo men, asemWed in State Legislatures, in evcry State capital from New York to Kansas, et a price upon their votes, -.veré the bought cattle of monopolists and all who s-mght to prey upon tho peoplo, and e 'arce anywfiern passod neoessarv la ws excipt f'or moaey. The Eepublioan party lost charaoter Vrhen in tho October l'eiinsylvania eleotLon its trustüd leaders organized" and cxocutnd an unparnliek-d systora of bribery and oorruption such as Tweed never dreamed of, and of frauds upon the ballot-box by " repeators " two or thrco times moro nmnetxms than ever repeated thoir votes in the worst days of the Hing in the worst district of the worst ward of all New York- rppeating, frauds, biibory, aud oorruption now manifest in a comparisoM of tho official returns with the eensus, bat fclso attested by Eepublican reformars in the City of Philadelphia, nd mado the ground of their protest ■Whon General Grant bad liAstaned to pardon out of the penitontiary the one onlv Eepublican pohticiau allowed to be conv:ct.fd and genteneed ior his crime. Tho Eepublican party lost character when, thfi öovernment of plundered Louisiana having been skillfully recovrred from the hands of the oarpet-baggev&and negro gamblers to the hands ui' rüsident tax-payersia a fair election, ils leaders dbvised and executed a plan to overthrow the State gG-overnment, in which a drunkon Jndge Durell, an unsorupulous United States Attorney-General, and President Grant ptayed their separate and prearranged parta, and effected that intolerable usurpation, which continúes unpunished and unsubverted to this hour. The Eepublican party lost character whou its official eilief chief ordered tho protesting, plundsred, and oppressed oitizons of that great commonwealth to abide at home, lor that his ears would be tleai to their protesta - he would alter jiothing, vhfvtever they inight say; and he has altored uothing, and Durell wears prmine still aud brother-in-!aw Casey still sits supremo at tho soat of customs. Tho Eepublican party lost character ■when Grant appointèd and tho Senate ronflrmed aa Minister to Spain, Daniel E. Sickln.q, in tho catelogue of whosa baser and mcaner crimes the cowardly innrder of his wife'e paramour shines like a virtue. Tho liepublian pai ty lost character when the leading Grant Elector in this State oonfessed to fraudulent ovasions and vioJations of the customs laws and offered to pay 1280,600 to escape hoavier penalities and oonfinement in the penitentiary. The Eepublicaa party lost charactor ■when the chaiimen of the four foremost oommittees of the House oi liepresentatives, Dawcs, Bingham, Scofield, Uarfield ; Kelloy the foremost oratie of protoction the policy of the Eopuliücan party ; Senators Patterson, Allison, and J. lr. Wilsou and the Vice-President elect, were pioved guilty of venality and falsoliood. The Eepublican party lost charactor when besides these its foremost men the econd highest officer in tho Government, Schuyler Colfax, was proved guilty of' Tcnality, falsehood, and perjury, and of an imbecilo invention which puts his wit on a level with lus morality. The Eepublican party lost character when Harían was proven to have receivd $10,000 for bis Senatorial election in Iowa, and when Subsidy l'omeroy was oaught in the very act of bribing legislateca to re-elect him to the Senate from Kansas - though both tbesomenhad long boen notorious corruptionists, who tradod on their "temporalice" and "piety." Tho Eepublican paiiy lost character when its uewsjiaper prusc concealed the crimes of these leaders, orcoudoned them, or denied them. The Eepublican party lost character ■when itg learned toen in Congress ret'used to damand the impcachment of Durell' or the General, and refuscd to rebuke the President. The Eepublican party lost character wheu ite honest Senators and Eepresentatives, ainajority in both houses, refustd to demand the iiupeachment of Colfsx, aud did not insist upon tho resiguation of the Credit Mobilier men. No honest man can coalesce with the Eepublican party while represented by sucha press, whilo it is led by such leaders.and wliilc its honest mon have not couiagp to rescue it8 leadership from tho hands ot


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