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The Strakosch Concert, Advertised In Another

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column for ncxt Monday evenuifr, March ad, ot fera to the eitizcns of our city and vicinity a rali musical treat. M'llo Patti, tho wcll-knowi prima donna, nocds no introduction tothomusicloving of our readers: Whether in opera or concert she Í3 cqually and always popular, and with her magniiïcent voice captivates her hoarers as if by magie. Miss Ankie Louise Caey designated in the programme as " the favorite American contnilto," well deservcs the title. - She made the concert tour with Nilssox and her cloar voice, jierfect enunciation, and winning waj's, gave her a faino bat littie bulow that won by the star of the troupe. The Tenor ot' Si&. J[akio is uhvays suporb. Tho otlier meinbcra of tho troupe are desorvedly popular artistes, and the combination promises such an erening's enertainmeirt as is Beldom offerüd to our eitizens. The concert is to be giveu at the Opera House, at eight o'clock p. ir. Reserved seat tickets are now on sale at Giljioee & Fiske's ; priee 12. We take picasure in publisbiag tho followiiig eriticism from tlie New York Tablet of the tir-l, appearance of this troupe at Steinway Hall, New York, Sept. lGth: " lt is saf to say that tlio most brjlttant musical season whieh 2s dw York lias yot known - a seasou which in poiut of number of atara ot tlio Lrst musical magnitude may bc considerad phelomiual - oponed at Steimvay Hall, on the löth u.., with the iuitial concert oí the Patti-,Mario troupe. Tho series of concerts in this city conisted of thrce evoniugs and onc matinee. Tho nimes which give uanic and vrlut to the troupe belong to a pair of artista, cach in theil way univaled, and each wüh a reputation wliich it is 10 exaggeration tu B&y is world-wide. Many ui' our readers of the last gencration may have" lisoned enraptured to Mario, whon sizteen years o thttt prince of tenors exeroised ovec a New York audience the magie spell of a foioe unc[ualled theu in power, tendêrness, and ravishiug sreetuess. Many, too, readers of the present },i'iii'iiii:un li;ive doubtles3 iollowed in tho press ho records of the sterling Buoceis which has coninued to ñatter the great and genial tenor, down o the day when, hardly a twelvemonth since, he lid farowell to a regretrul Londou public. It was thought theu that the Lyric stage had lost one of its brightest lights, but, happily for us, -empted to recross the ocean, Mario has once more claimed tho plaudits of a New York audince. The voice whichforthirty-thrce yoars has .elighted Europe stíil preserves that doícot softness which no tenor lias ever surpassed; and the jerfeet command and mastery of expression rhich also distinguished him are still preserved. Iario, ripe in age and in honors, Ls still the shed artist and prmce of soug. The name of Curlutta lJaUi is oí all othors in the musical vorld most familiar to the people of Ñew York. kjince tliis brilliant cantatrice sang last in this ty, almost two years ago, her voice has ripened ïto f ulier and more perfect beauty in the lower ad middio notes, whilst lier uppei notos havo ost none oí that oxcoptioual ultiamoss and puriy which havo always characterized thom ; full, oft, and round, and linislicd ia all vocal arts, the oice of this iavorite artist possesses a charm vhich few coinpetitors can excel. The other :ars of a troupe reniarkabio for the careful seection of its talent, are Teresa Carreno, the panish Pianist ; Emile Sauret, tho debutant Trench violin virtuoso; MissAnnie Louisc Cary, ie v.'ell-laio wn contralto ; and ü iorgio Roncoui, familiar name to musical adepts in New York. 'he playiug of the gracoful ,M'Uc Carreno ia marked by a power that is almost masculino, a iglily-wrought, pariíionate forcé of expiession, nd gz'eat ceitainty and firnmess of touch, tiauet, pupil of Vieustemps, is characterized by a tyle of oxquisite lightness aud deiieacy; kis na, dLstinct, and withal extremely xjolished excution, and tones mellow, broad and of liquid iirity, are the result of that perfection of art iiich achÍ6T08 wi( h an. apparent absence of etort. Miss Cary, who sang last yoar with the Xil-s.son troupe, is one of those reliable artists 'hose schooi is excellent and study couscienïous ; bar voice, clear, and of a rich fullness, "ili mature into a deliglitful orgau. Apoworful rchestra aecompanieri th ..ible troupe. D is to the veteran impressario, Has. Strakosch, aat the public owes a morios of concerts in ■hich music of a high character is produced by rtists of liiït-clasb merit. In faot we do not reLesabar to havo seen as many great artists comJiued in one troupe."


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