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pin? jpitrttonmrts. KsUite of James Jlankinson. STATE Oí; MICHIGAN, County of WahtMnw At a aeaeiou ol lh l'robute Court lor tlio CotmtJ of wasutenaw, holden t the Probate ÜtLce,mUií cuy of Aun Albor, on Tliunduy, the sixth anj uf Maroh, In the year one thoutund eight hundred stal scventy-thiee. J'rosciit, Noah W. Cheever, Jmlge of Probate. ín tho matter of the ate of James iinnkinson On ronding and flling the petition, duly vcrifn d of Hornee T. LeBaron, praying íor tlie pmtilion ot the estáte of yiiid ftictjiif ed. Thereupon it is ordered, tlmt Wonduy, the tliirtvSret day of March next, at ten o'eloek in the ícr n mi be naugned íor the hearing oí uid Umi the uevieees, legatiis ml hem at law ol mi deceased, and all other persons interested ín s.ii.l ettate, .-re reqnirea to appeor nt a Mwuon of mll Comí, tlien to bu hokicn at ni tho Cily of Ann Arboi-, and show cause, if any thero be', why the prayer of the petitioncr slic.uld not be ynu.tod. Ana it is turtlier ordered, tlmt uáá jn-t ii;onw ive noli'í' to the persent interested i B.d estáte, of the pwidencyof said petition, utid heai-ing thertof, by oausüig copy of thit order to be puWislied in the Michiga Argut, a newfiwperpnnted and eirculating insui í "(junty, thre airccessive ireeks previous to said day o hearing. (A tnie copy.) KOAH W. C'HEEVKB, H1C JíicIro of l'rofcate. Mortgage Sale. jF.FAT'T.T having beca made in tho coeditio ' ' of u certain mortgngro exatmted by Joseph W Wuit,ot ihv. dly i.t' Anu Arboi. County of tVanl teiiaw. and Stata t Mioliitfnu, on tlie twenty-eco ilay of June, a. D. 1867.toEobert MoCoimick, of th tombip of Ann rbor, ('nuniy of Washti naw afore said, nnd recordad in the oiiici; of the üeuistir o Üceda tor tl.e County .t Waahtennir. nd State for .taid, on tlie twent.y-scícmd day of June, A. ]). J;(i7, -ij'.i o'eloek F. il. ot said day, ni litier number J5 o mortfHijcs. on iage 7S4 and tlmt Uitreis now . tobe due and unpaid on aaid bond and rnortcage il sum of íour lmndied and t'orly-one dolhu.s and tVti ty-live cents, also an altorney' fec o tliirty dolLir thoold y proeeedlngi be taken to foreclose nal mortj-age, and no proceedinga iif law oí in equil hmiilL' been had to recover said sum of money or an part thereof; now, theiefove notico is hereby give thnt by virtue of a power of sale in said mvrlgm ooal aincd, T stiall sel] at pablic aueí if)ti to the hiffhet bidder on the tbirty-tirst day ol Jlay next, at tvr o'eloek 1'. M. ol said day, at the tuint dooi of tk Lourl House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the ('ount of Wushteliaw, and S'ale oi iMiclligan, that beiag tl plaee where the Cil cuit Courts are held in said countj all tliose i'crtain pieees or pareéis of land üituated i t.i,. city of Ann Albor, County of Washtenaw aforo snnl, belDg lots mmiber one (1), two, three, and foui in UocJt numUr tix 6), Brown ana Ftfller'8 additie ti the yillage now city of Ann Albor.; also a pil ce o land eight rods scuare, bonnded on Hie west by Pon tiae street, soutli by the norlh line of blork n'umbi six, Urown and Fuller's nddition, on the nortbb land owned by James, and en the east by the part of the fitst p-irt and U.iuiel Crawloid : also a piecí o' líind lying between the norfli east comer of lot nut ber two ajid the nortb line ol' l.lock number six Biown and Fuller's addition to the villaje of An Arbor aforesaid, being a piece of landlyin between the noith line of lots one and two, bloc number six, Iirovn and luller's aedition and th north line ot said block. Dated, March B, IS;. WIT.I.IAII GEER, Administrator with tlie wil] annexeí John N. Gott, of the Estáte of Jtobert McCormick, Attoiney íor deceased. A'lniinistrator of Jtortgngee. uio qQ PIECES OF BLACK ALPACAS! JUIST RECE1VED AT 1 MIK A ALIIillilJ A 1416 BOOKS, ij BOOKSJj - - . i J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW UOOK STORE NEAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO ÏOUK INTEREST AND CALL. BOOKS. i AJEW CASH DRY GOODS STOEE. C. H, MILLEN & SDN llave de terminetl to conduct the business of buying and selling1 Dry Goods! On CASH PRINCIPLE3. It ncede tío arg-ument these duys to satisfy all that the CASH SYSTEM Ia greatly to the advantage of both buyer and seller. C. H. MILLEN & SON. CEEDS ! SEEDS ! ! SEEDS ! ! ! TRUE ToIÜeaIiHÉLIABLE ! I put lip no oïd worthless Seeds, but all are fresh and relisole. A small fmm judiciously investfcd ín Flower Seeds, wxll tidd mucb to the beauty ftnd enjoyment of Home. TRY IT. I hve also largo and well fillcd Green Honses wïtll the choicest Green House and Bedding Planta and Shrubs, wuich can be safely transported,uni I sell at prices withinreach of all. Catalogues l''ree. Ageuts wantod to solicit orders. Address, D. C. ITIcGRAW, Riverside Gardens, Bina:hamton, Broome Co., N. Y. 1406m3. O-PAHTNEESHIP ! C. n. MILLEX has associatod with himself in business his son CHARLES S. MII.LEX. Hereafter the style and name of the firm will be C. H. illLLEN & SON , C. H. MILLEN, Ann Arbor, Feb. 20, '73. CHARLES y. MILLEJf. All persons havinfi unsctilcd accounts or who are in any way indebted to C. H. MILLlX will picase settle the same at once, cither with myself or the new lirm. C. H. MILLEN. CAED OF THANKS. I desire to expresa my thnnks to oM friends and patrons (toni(;of theiu of nnuïv j enrs standiDg) for their patronage, and hopo for u continuunce of it with the new lirm umU-r the t:nsh systom of dqing business, knowing tv e oau aud will make it au object for t hem to do so. C. H. MILLEN. TLOUH AND FEED STOKE. HENEY ISTASOH (Successor to üeo. Laubengaycr,) At 14 Wcsl ï.ilxirty Str-et, will keep constantly on hand il full stock of Fiour, Henl. Oats, Cora, Mili Keed , &c. All orders promptly fill '1 "t the lowct cobB prWcs. (Sh prfid loftiirn ïBU tf. Ü15yl WASHTENAW C&UNITMa San p-H-, pñ )-?KRB lf-H "j FS [i 1 Ü Bu! '.upH -jRftCY Y. Rgnfl f9ËLil9!i 't bs!ï 1 1 rt V ATAá Lia LJ N0Wrypu8LÍC' I . ,.;, GENERAL I ILJI - Ji „JwbjCQNVEYANCER g--f3 r - Tííilte - fcfcw.rJLi. Je - - - :- ZlEa I 'ilU II .Íi!illlli-?:HiiH'l i ' OUK AESTRACT BOOKS! As partially Indioated abovc, nro now postcd to ásxtc. They Bt (meo, iu a coiulenseíl or posted fornr, show tlie orijfnal ehaín and ull new chaina oí title. Inutance, mcb aá AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEEDS, Known as Tax-Titlcs, whioh are very numerous id this County, Decrees, Contraéis, Deeds í Aleo, now a well as uil of the oíd nndisoharf ed Mortgaes ae far back a%1SS4 vhith ate legiona. Fersons Tnking tille or moitg-ap-os and Iícds wíll re-' mernher that T&x-Tifcle niel other colluteral m:Uters are not found iu t lie unoal mode of seurch by Indexes atthe Refrisier'd office. The books or lioera in the BegÍHter'a office have Ijccomcsoitumcrousítiid voluminoas thiit lontr time is necetftmríty reqin'ied even lom;ike a basty md unreliabl aeaxch. WitÉ ourfncilitieswe sayto tïie public Unit we can sliow them title and Title Hísfory, make Deeds, i&ortgafzeB, Assignmente, Disehnige, &c, as oorrectly, quicker aud in better atylo lli:n uny oLhcr oíüct' iu the County. Y e have MONE7 TO LOAN ! On Bond aiid llortgage en long timo. REAL ESTÁTE Solil orexchanifed. HOUSES TO RENT. 33 aerea oppoaite the Observatory fur sale in lois to suit purchasers. ROOT & LEITER, Eenl Estáte Agents, No. 1. Gregory Block, Tkacy W. Kott, nuil opposite the I'ustoffice. Uhables A. Leiteh. HÍJtf Dr. Cox's Hivo (Cronp) Syrnp haB becn Known and used hy tho medical profession over 100 years, and as a rcmedy for Colds and Conghs has an oidor and better reputation tlian any otfier Cougb medicine ever offered to the public. ít is known aa ihe Compound Syrup of Sqnflle, and a formula mav be found in every medical diepeneatory. ör. HaiiKom's IIítc Sjrnp and Toln, In addition to the inereölenta for Cox's Hive Syrup, contains Balsam oí Toln, decoction ol SkunkCabbago Itoot and Lobclia, a combination that must commend t to every one as a superior rcmedv for Croup. Wlioopinc CoukIi, A sillín:), Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, indeed for all affections oí he Throat and Lngs whero a Congli Medicine Is necepsary. Tli Ís' Syrup Is Carefnlly Frepared Jnder the pureonul direction of a regular Physician 5f over twenty years' practice, whose Biguatiire ia atached to the directions on the bottle. lts taste Is very pleasant and children ]ika Every family should Iccp Has a reacly remedy lor C'roup, Colas, etc., among the children. D. Ransom, Son & Co., Propr'B, Buffalo, N. Y. i , , DR. J. R. MILLER'S TJNIVEHSAL E AGNETIC B ALM. Tliis medicine may wilïi proprïety ba called an "Universal Keiuedy," as it ia Tast supersoding all others aa a general familv medine. It cures, as if by MAGNETIC INFLUENCE, Neuralgia and all pain, and is therefore very properly ermcd " Magnctic Balín." It is purely a vegetable reparation. It has no eqnal as a remedy for Cholera, Cholera JU or bits, IHarrftcea, Dysenterjf, Colic and all JSoicet t'otnplaints. I lts tïinoly use will cure Colds, Croup, Diphleria, Quinsy, and all Tliront afiections. Wli til properly used Fover and Agxie, and :hcr complaints incident to our western and southera imates, are casily broken xtp. Nerveus Pain, Sick-Headachc, and Rhenmatem are enred by this medicine when all others have ailed. Toothache, Earachc, Bnras, Chilblains and Bruises are rclieved at once by its use. The uenuiiie has I. Ransom & Co.' private Revonue Stamp on the ontside, and Dr. J. R. Miller's Magnctic Balm biown in the bottJe. Exaintne closely, and bny none but the genulne., Sold by all Druggisti. price 25 cents per bottle. D. Eansom, Son & Co., Propr's, Buffalo, N. Y, 4 NATURE'S REM ÈDY7V flSIÏIIpD VKUKTI4NU m i xtluMVuiy iiüiiithe jtiiceso carefilly B-l9cted barks, roois and herbé, inri elrongiy concentia'.ed thatit will effcctually eradicate liom the eystem cvery taint of Scroftila, icrofuloim Hnmor, inmor, Canrer, l'anceroua r, Erftpete, -nlt Khutim. -yiihiütic Diseasis. C.-.nker, Faiatuess at tho Stumach. and all discuses that arlM íruni impace 1)1 'od, ïciilica, Inll immadrv and chroiiu: Rlu'iim nim Neuralgia Gout nm! Spinal Compl:iint8, cimunly be effectr.allycured thrcugh the blood. For ülcers end Eruptivo Disoases of the skin. Postules, Pimples, Blotches, Iioil-, Tettcr, calclhead and Ringworm, VKOKÏIXE hasnever iaileJ to effect a permanent cure. b'or p lin? in the back . Kidncy Complainta, Dropsy, Kemale Weakuess. Leucorrhoe'a, urising from internal ulceration. and utoriue distases and General Debiiity. VEGE I'INE acts directly upon the causes of these complaints. It inviorates and strengthen the whole xystem, acts up-n the secietive orgiins, allays iuilammation, cures nlceiation and reguïutes :hs boweis. Por Catarih, Dyspepsia, Ilabitml ('ostiveness. Pal[litaii.m of the Ileart Heaaacbe. Piles, Nervousne-a uid GeULTiil prostratlon of the Nervous System, no medicine h-s ever :iven saeh perft-ct i-atisfaction an [he VEGETINE. It the blood cleanses all .f íhe organs, and possesses a controlling power over ;he Nervons y8tem. The remiirkable cuies eflected by VEGETINK havo nduced m uiy physieians and apotaeoariea whom wt ruow to piescrlbfland n eitin thyirown families. Pin fact, VüGüTINE is tbc best remedy vet disior. ;red for the above di easés', and is tlu only rfliable Sod Purifier yot l:iccd belbre the public. Preparedbv II. It. Stevens, Boston Mass. l'riceS1.25. Sold by all Drng jtsts. 1400 2AW GÜMMÈR & SHAEPENEËi A CHEAP, simple, nnk dumble Machine- ensily ipeiated and running Wheels iioni Ss.ix inches to 12x incii. Price of Machine, $15. Whecls witli bevelled, rlouble bevelled and round face frum $2. 12 tu $7. 35 occurding to thickucbs. Hes-vier Machines $7O und S9O, running WlK'tls up to 24 incbus n diameter. For Ilústrate J Pumphleu or l'liotographs, aüdresi THE TANITE CO., 1113m6 .Stroud.-Jburg, Monroe Co., Pa. SPECIAL NOTICJE! All of the TAN1TL CO'S goods ire directly made by the Co., at theirowu Factory and under theis own Patenta and Processes. It is cheaper to buy ïlandard Goods directly from well known ilaimiitctuieifc than to buy of Dealere or yet low priccd 01 pooi yuüds. The fullest in forma tion on uil points connected with Einery Wlieels aud Em ery-Grinding-Muchiuery will be furnishfíd by thia Curapany. 141ömS TMPEOVED SAXON CEYSTALS; SPEOTACLE8 AND JBYE PñE&ERVERS. Patronized and recommendcd by the most eminent )culists and gentlemen of the medical Jftofession, of gxeat transpfHrent refractiva quality, ïü contt ucted asto efteet the atmoal relief anJ preserve ie functious of the eyea. The eight of the ;iged reatly aapitted ; wcaksihtstrenthened, and perfect gtot pre&erv cd . SOIOIO!N'S & SOIVS, Pbactïcal Optkhaws, nd Manufacturen of the iinproved EYK PBBEKVING Si'l'.iTAOLKS, CATA i ACT LENS, ÜNCAVE &L'ASfïÉ8 tor near-siifnted persous. JACOB ÍIAD-l,i;iL, Agent, 1413m3 No. 22 Kast Huron pt, Ann Arbor. [QQ PIECES NEW PEINTS, SPR1JXCÍ STYLES, AND ODoz.LADIES'NEOKTIES Juat rc'fived by 1413ff4 3. M. BTAYKÍAKP. Tin ii suither rulu nn, adverticm;:it abou'. 5XjU Iowi nnd ?(c rnk Lau Is.


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