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J -I BACH k ABEL 26 MAIN STREET, Buy largely of Manufacturera and I Importers, and exclusively for caèli, and invite the inspection of the closest cash tríete'. m J OUR STOCK OF mm mís üooiis Will be large and attractive, emhracing many new styles - Black Silks and Lyons Poplins at very Low Prices. , BACÍÍ & ABEL. I i FIFTÏ PIECES BLACK ALPACAS Just received. We shall make a SPECIALTY of these goods, and will make pnces lower than ever offered before in this ciiy. BACH & ABEL. 50 PiecesWamsntta Bloach. CortoiiB 50 ' Lonsdale " " 50 "ffill'sSem.Idem" " At lower prieta than thty have been sold ibr in tlie city in ten years. BACH & ABEL. Onr Clotli Department Is very complete, consisting of En glislvj Frencli, and Germán Coatings and Suitings, with many oí' tlie best Americun brauds. "We give especial attention to this branch of our l)usinGss and invite an inspection of' the goods. BACH & AP.EL. S5 DOZEN Feit and Ejnlbossed Skirts. We have the Celebrated " Ponson " Cloaks, and Cloth (the Best Imported.) BACII ife-BEL. We are agenta in this city tbr the celebrated IIARRIS' SEAML8SS KID GLOVES, and have in stom' a Full Assortment. BACH & ABEL. The Clieapest and Best Firc Department in the World. Over One Thoutand Actual Fires Put Out WITH IT, AND MOHE THAS 10,000,000.00 Worth of Property Saved From the Flamea. THE gABCOO( í fieeÍ ExtinguisheÏ AT.SO, THE Babcock Self-Actirig Fire Engine, For Mills, City, Town and Village Uee. ít is nlwain ready to ne instantly, and is more effective thjirt a Btcam firc eiiííiue, becoDve it is soon er broURht iiito action and throws a powerful alrenm of water imprcguitti'd with carbonic mi -m for auy lonth of tiini. It dispenses with complex machlnery; fire coinp.iiiies, reservoirs and suctin hose. Cnrbonicacld ga ia both the working and extin:ui.hng agenti No Bteam to be rnised- no lire to1e kiiidled- 110 hose to be laid, np laie compiiity to be mustera!. The time thus iafed is a bnliarnfe savcd. It will throvv 1 or 2 streiirrt'a fit a tim'j, and one cylinder cuu be rc-charged whilo the otlior is workiu;;., Itsavi-s from destruction by vat'r, what the firu has spflrtid : t smothers, Imt does not dolu.'e. It is In daiïy i;e in Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, MobiYe, Pblladel phia aud other Fire Depaitra'jnts serid for tlieir record, Gooö ae;ents wautod. E, 1'. U1IIM 11, eu. ARent, US Woodward Ave., Detroit. Manufacturer of Iron, Copper and Brass Wire, Wire Clolh, Bolttn Cloth, Barlj Mili Stones, Broom Wire and Twinc, Oopper Wonthei1 Vanes, Wiie Caimter Kailing, Wire i'enciug and Ornamental Wire Work. X410yrl _ yANTED! "We will give energetic men iind Tromen BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY Fhttd í-i to ÍH per diiy, Cjin puiwned in your own nelghborhood, and is strietly honorable. Partioulitra free, or imples thut will anbie you to %o to work ut once, will be sent Cn rec.ipt of two thrce cent sUmps. Address ƒ. LATHAHI ft CO., liïiJwö 1T2 Wasïiington btUoston, Mass. rAEMERS' STORE We will sell all of our iall and Winter stock of Dry Coods! INCLCDINO IDRESS GrOOnSl " 7ringes, gimps, long & square' Shawls, CARPETING! AT REDUOED PRiCES Jiitil all are solrt, as thev must be sold before Spring' trade opeuu. We üfü duw ruceiviug 30 HECES OF NEW SHADES CASHMERE k MUM 'lOLOTHSr ASD FRiyQüS TO MATCII. fllk%l OALL SEÉ Our goods aAa pilces before making your purcliases tía wu caa aliow yuu lliu VERY BEST ASSORTMENT! Of Dress Gooda tlt you oan find in this city, and tne stock mubt bu aolü, And No Humbug. 2 BUTTON KID GlOVES ron si.oo. We hiive the best stock of BLACK SILKS' AND 1K1SH POPL1NS. & W. HAYS, Sapt. Jnauary 1", U73, H08m3 V STEABWS' COCO-OLEIIMË, A perfect hair dressing- not a dye nor a reotoratiTC, but a dressing, elegant P"1 ani eco" STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is cooling to the sealp, imparta a delightful sense of vitulit y _J_ and BOitness to !___„_■_ the hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, sweetly perfumed and limpid, rendera the hair supÍtle and y- dresses it in any KH deaired orm. mmam STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oiL prevenía that dryness of sealp w h i c h t 1 causes dandfuff r-r-H to accumulate. ■■■■ f 4 _ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE containa in one largo bottle more oil and more perfume m ■tnan any othei'a h a ir dressing J in marltet, and " besides ia eold twenty-flve per cent. less than most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blonde hair, darkensaub mtmm urn hnir, renders lustrous brown and black - hair, lesoeus the harshness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE 13 MADE ONLY BI rREDERICK STEARNS, - tJHEMIST, ,(■ BEÏBOIT, Micn. Sold everywhere. Be sure and get the Genuine Coco-Oleine. Let no one palm oif on you a bottle of some cheap and vmtliUu imitation of "coOleine. There are more than twenty counterfeiU of i t now sold, put up as near like the geuuiae as tbs iuakera are and erado the law. TDEST THINGlN THE WEST. Atcliison, Topeka & Santé Fe R. R. THREE M1I.L1OJV ACRES Situated in and ncar the Airkansas alley, the l'i just Fortiun 01 Kungas i Eleven years' Credit. Seven per Cent. Interest. 22 per cent. reduciion tü sottlers wlio ïmpiuve. A FllËE PASS TO LAND BUYEBS. THE FACTS ubout thisGrant.ireLow Trices, Long Credit, and a lteuate to settlers of nearly onefourth ; a Rich ÖOÜ, and Splundid Chínate ; hort and mild Winters; early pUntinfj, and no wintering of Stock ; plenty of Kainfall, and juat at the right season ; Coül, Ötone and Brick on the line; Cheap Rates on Lumbor, (?oal, &c. ; no lands owned by Speculators ; Homosteüd and Pre-emptions now abundunt ; :i iiret-class IiJiihoud n the line of a fgsmA Throngh Koute ; Producta will pty tor Land and lmprovuinrnts. It is the best opportunity ever offered to the puollc, tlirough the recent completion of the Road. For Circuláis and tieueral Information, Address A. E. TOUZALIN, Manager Land Dep'fc. 1410mo3 - Topeka, Kansas. A4ILL10NS OF ACEES Nebraska Lands! FOK SALE BY THE Burlington & Mo. River R.B. Co On Ten Years' Credit at 6 per cent Interest. Products will pay fiT the land and improvemaata ranob withi the limit of tliia generous credit, llutter terma are net oifered, und probably never will be. Gtrculartt íjivifull particular, gratis; cali for all thar are wiuitad to read una circuíate. Comr West and thrivu, t'riünda wilï follow. A Sectionul 'I ;ip, uhowing the exact location of lowu lands i old at 30 cents, and o Nebm&ka liinds at sauie price. For Circulara and Maps apply OEU. S. II Mtlïis. Land Commissioner, lïïirliiitoti, loua. ÜjTL_ And pteasc say in what paper this advertiseïnoia waa ï-oen. 141 2w4 "V E AKËlsiOW Recciving a large etock of BLEACHED & BROWN siiKBTirsras s AND - 2 CASES OF NEW SPIIX6 PRINTS "Which we offer at the Liowest Cash. iPrices ! ■ -AT C. H. MII bBN Sc SON'S lm CaliDry Gtiods Storo. ! ÏJ 29! j O. Ö ! Vhpn dfat L. COT,BY hung hia siga Oi O. O. IX- At No.29, And oftered (foceries cheap for cash, _ Somo peo j tic .-tid, " he'u bouncl to go to smash. And old-timu CififotSSra would faintly nmüe, Prophesyinjr "CO. D. will lust but little while. In nxty days we'll run him otf the truck. And cali our wandeling" cüatoiners back." The cronkcra paid and tW&jtt it troo, "He'll smely tn.iL before tht yeta ia New ! You can't aull (jroceriéá inthia tovu And ret your pay in (?ïeenbacKs down ; Where dry gwMis ïpfecliants on eveiy Btreet With silki ural fntins, hang out cliit;lmnB to eat ; Wtere trude ia tixed in every place, At the same counter you bny mitter orlacc ; Where credit imd lom Ko hand H" hand. . ilr. C. U. L. but a slim dunce will atand." Let prophots nnd cronkers have their say, L. COLBYstílbs GrtOCEIÏIES onVy MrKEA'BtTAY. And hpIIw so ehtfvp tor daily cash He feara no daiiger of a Bnaah. And to liiw patrons all, nrid bi3ÍnesTfríendB, ïhe greolmg uf the seuson he extends, To young and oíd, a glad Kêw Year, With hosLs of triunda and lot& oi elieer! Give Tiim n ea!l, and from hla sfote Your tables spread with ffood things mortf At that phice you will ;ilw:iys flnd , Fresh nt-w Groceries oí beet qmtlity andkiud- Fverythinir ncedful for good cheer at homo You ettn buy at his counter whenever you conie. , Th i days are u short this bitter oold winter, To mentlon details would wenry the printer. Bat rtk it' you nhooe for tinything eutublo,' You et it at once, in quality unbuatublu I Forïiunffry men who are weary andcold, He htiM Oysterg hot, Oyatew that raust besoid - Oysters jiickled, Oyster srtew, ;md oyster fry, ( )i Oysters any. cyther way yoü choosu to try. He will serve up Oysters at auy houi of duy, And the best of cijars to sniüe on your way. A di-ih of liot Oystei-a will do you much f,'ood. And clieer you while aelliug1 your grain or wood. And with cash in hand lay in á store Ot' Corlee, Tea, Bogar, Flour and niany raore, Of all tilines substantiid for daily vise, Nor treat hfe's sood thinjrs with abuse ; . Orofkery and En isftre and FntitS to put in them, Nuls, Haimqs, and Candy, for children wbo win thern. And ye wlioare blessed with tlieir boaiitif ui faces, Will Hnd [W)-tit Best of all phicca, To buy a tritte, to i Amle or riAping lauth, Your pleasure. than theirs, will be greater by half - Then du nol forget to cali on Mr C. O. I)., And buy of Mm your i'ruits, tíugar, and Tea. Thouffh the hig (fifi may fall fmm its place, Tho C. O. 1. J stqre is still on the r;ice, Aml doea not intend to fly from the courso Till eroakers of evil talk themsrlves Loarse. Groeeries can be sold for ready pay, . And OoXlty haa learned the wy : Sold flve times ra ore thau he expecled- By C. O. D. from loss protected. And the fM'cret he is not afraid to tejl- Keep the best of all thimrs- ivith pnces íotr- be good natured, qive Lood measure, And you ure bound to sell ! 29! 29! 39! rjESIRiBLB EEAL ESTÁTE - - fob S -A. HL E I The subscriber, on account of iiT acalth, offer his 33 ACRIiJS In the corporation for snle. Th i's gtound ndjoins tho UmversiO Observatory on the eaSt, opposite aide of the streel. It has a most excellent 6 P R INÓ! Un the northeaat corner - formerly supplied the Railroad tunks with water, ITS ADVANTAGES Are ns follóos : For city purpoaes the Huron Iiiver menntlersthc same some 0 to 40 roda, and is puit oí the best "Water [Power On the River Ín this vicinity, and the elevation on the northeast corner is snüieiently ïiiIi tind amjile to aup ply the city necesaities for water and lire purposts TEÊ WESTERN PORTION On the road is very appropriate und suitnble for a Public City Oenaetery. The city has no such groundfc uow but mutit have isuon, and whatevcr frrounda the city doea not eme to use, can be sold at un advantage, so much so.that the cost of the Water vVurks ffioundü and Cemetery, would be merely nominal, lí thu eity does not wunt the bami-, tlie grouuds would bc inval uable for FRU1TS,LARE&SMALL, There being sorne 100 trees now in bearing Vegetables and Tasturage. And also for MILKsupply.BLOODED STOCK, Korses5 Sheep, And other animáis nlways in prunt irant hy mtny in the city and its vicinity. Ab city lots udjoiaingtlic northwest oorner of tina íand are now' selling fron] threchundied to htmdfM and fitty dollars, ,h9t laiuls i ould or conhl be tou in ra sliorl time to n guod advivntau iad to xuuuh jiroiit tj thü purchatcra LIBERAL 'JL'IIvdlB Will bp piTen pr tlio same Wfll be osíTtanpod for Merchantable k00 r i-)ru_ijö and Medici ut1, atcrtsb pnces. TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 31, IWK. H'.l "ÜOE SlLE AND TO RENT. SLAWSOÑ SON OFX'EB riIEIIl STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE, AND THEIR STOEE Cor, of Huron and Fourth Sta, rOH BENT. INFORMATION FÚBN18HKD ÓN rÜEMIES. jg lí. GIDLEY, SuccessoT to COLGROVÉ 4 SÖN DRDGGI8T Al CH1M1ST IN COÓK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HUR0Ñ STEEET, DEALER IN DKltlS. MEDICINES, 8URCICAL nSTRl'HEIïTS, PIRE WIÏES 1I LIQl'OnS,' (FQR MKDICAL PDRPOSES ÖNLY.) Fiiiïcy Goods, Periumery, PAISTSj O1I.S, t AIi.MSI5i:S, ;I,AS8 AND PITTY, PHYSICÏAKS' PRESGBIPTIOJSS Carefully corapotmded at all honrs. I PB0PÖ3E NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRMrIN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. E. B. GlÁLJeí1-." 136Ttr A PALSK REPORT! THAT A, A. TERRY IIASGONEOUTOF TllASE HE STILL LIVES, AND EAS A LARGE AND COM PLETE STOCK OF HÁTS & CAPS É UST THE STYLE, AND AT TRICES TO SÚIT THE TIMES. ALSÓ AFOLLLINEOF OEÑTS' FURMSHING GOUDS ï DÓN'T PüRCHASE YOUR Fall and Winter OÜTFrffi UNTIL YOU GFÏ-VB ïariD ACALi,. 15 South Main St.. Aan Aibcr issi-tf. NNARBO Mineral Springs Housev s teautiful resort for healtii-scekeis is ncT' open, wit lts IRON, MAGNESIA, ANB SULPHUR WATERS, Conttmodiousbïilldii hen.í'ea ïy team, and larga and well-ventilated rooros. WATER ANB AIR BATHS, Of all temperaturas, also SUower, Vapor, Medícated and Electric Baths are oraploydá w.ith artv;ntare ie the tre:itmeut of nll foim m.' (.'hrunir dif-otpoe. aud rtiseaaes oí femu'tís. Spoci! ntteutioi paid to diet. .... With pleasant snrronndiirr.lHd situatcd in odc of the most hcnlthy a"4d be:u;t;.Tr ciíáosin the rountry,H pos&esscti attractiong i'o-riuvitiidö or for pleaaure-eeckersscldoni found. ., . . 7'he analynisof the Spngs will bc iuruished oo npplioiition. Purt-uus dcsiriiig circulara to their. friendscHii procure them at the cfüctjoCthel'ropriètorB on llurun Street, or at the Pprtsgfr. Addretig all U'tlorg of inquiry to MüKUIS HAIË, M. J)., Siivt. Ann Ahisou, MicHo' SiltUcrl itn'd inrt Whetlon, ïroi'j. Ann Arbot, Mich. June, 11, 172. TAMES BlcMAÏl 0 NT Jütstice of tlte P'eace, Office in new block,'ïTorth of Court House Jlouey collected :md promptly pait} over. INStTRATiCJCi: AGENT. Trinmpb, aue(s, S7?.!' N.illli (ilsionff, " li-15,4n.i'l Uiburuia, " o30.00u.cti KAIj K3TATE. I hnve 10 acre "f liml '.í i h inüo from' the city Uuit, flncly lucntcd for fruit or giirdcu purjiuhua. Also 40 acres. Aleo 10 acres, with house and bfiru.and a livcl ' atream of water ruiiUÍDfthroagh tbc barn yard. PO acres, iimileoul, . 1 willsell aii.vor nll tbe abovcctiep.or exchausff for city jiropcrty. 1ST4 JAMES McMAHON. K "" HUIRY ÜP ! tJAUTIKS wlahing Wnli Papf i. Cloth nnd Paper Sluid.'s, Hullaucs, Winriow Kijanrt-s, Coldö. 'l'atjek. fcc.all Nuv : StyR's. ut SiUiwfiictorj Prices, liv J. K. w"bs.irr A Co., Bjukitórp, riuarthc 1 ICxpre-B Office. x ■ x S"irt 59A rpr )y' Apcnls wantod I All V fv ?■■" iliwse.i of .working propte, of elther sex, young or oM. inake more mouey at work for ui in tnolr spnre monn-nts or all tíli lili, tliaa at anythini i1m-. J'articulurs ftw .' Aiidresï ü. 6tlniOir & t'J.j' lortlaod, Mklln.


Old News
Michigan Argus