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Local Brevities

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SrKiXG(Y) wcather. - Gettingsoít: tho strccts. - Public school examin.itions : next woek. - High School junior exhibtion: next Friday fevening. - If you have anything to sell advcrtise in tho Akqus. - Go and hoar Eev. E. II. Cninx next Wednesrtuy evening. - Four Lexiton services aré held each vroek at 6t. Andrew's Church. - The snow storm of last Sunday was the biggest of the scason. - The Farmers' Store is advertising a 30 day sale " at New York cost." - Services are now being held every evening in the Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churchea. - Bishop McCoskky proached at Dexter on the forenoon of last Sunday, adrainistering the rite of coniinnation. - Bishop McCoíkRt confiraied twenty persons at St. Andrew's Church on Sunday evening last, having previously confirmed two m private. - ïïev. ï)ï-, EvaeïSj rrf CLifcago, delivered a discourse beforé the Students' Christian Association on Sunday évening last; in the Prestryterian Church. - C. A. Lü'ifiS) BUccessor to Finlet fe Lf.wis, makes a bid in our columns for the patronage of the Aliöua readers and tho public generally. Go and see him. - As a trial ivas proprressing iö the Circuit Court on Tuesday, Judge CEAKH was surprise d hy hearing himself called to be swom as á witness. He declined. - We have BaknuM's iütOgraph felectrotyped) declanng that "we plmll bc iinst happy, in a short time, to exhibit to you in person." Come on P. T., here is our ö". - Coupon Railroad tickets, first or second claf s, from Chicago to Sargent- on the line between Kansas and Colorado, and on the Arkansas Eiver - for sale at the AkgtÍS office. - The House Ml amending the city charter having passed the Senate no Collectors will te eleeted at the coming charter election, and the ner Council will be unable to repeal the socalled license ordinance. - "VVe take it Miss Clakk emulates the " sarkasum " of A. Wabd, when she says in her arti■cle ( " Early History of Ann Arbor " in another cciraun) that " in the present generation of Ann Xrbor men profanity is unknowii." - JJev. E. H. CnAPiN, of New York City, one of tlie most distinguished pulpit speakers and platform orators in the country, is to lecture in the S. L. A. courseon Wedneaday evening nest, March l'Jth, at tlie M. E. Church. Subject: " Modern Chivaly." Tliis is Mr. Chapin's first Tisit to our city, and we can assure our readers and the leecturc-going ]abli; that a rich feast is in store for them. - In conveying Jack Bkigqs to the Hottse of iCorrection on Thursday of iast week, Marshal IiESUKR permittcd him to escape (or he jumped 'the trnin at Hoffman's without the Marshal's jiermissiou), and had a long hut successful cliase ■afterhim. Eye-wiüicsses to tlie affair sajT that it was comical to see Lesuer ma (or try io), first dropping his cano, then liis hat, and thnn his cane again, and all the time blowing liko a por.poise. - AYe negledod to detail a spociul fppm'ter to ■do the water-works meeting ou Fridny vaning Jast, but we loarn íroni sundiy and divers sourecs tWtt tliere waí a "high oíd time." Perhaps windy dectamation, personalities, criminations ■aud recriminatious, ete., will build water-woz"Jís, lut we guessB,rt of Detroit Park legislative bilí would be more effective, or even common fcnse, liuainess-li ke action. Tho official proceedings of the meetitg wül be fouud iu another vcolumu. The Circuit Court, Jutlge -Chaxe presiding, is now running ita üiii! wrck. guace our last report the followisg cases have been lieard and lisposed of as neted : The People va. Danial Miles, ïziformation for nrson. Jury disagreed, case coiïtinucd until next term, and the recognizaRM; resited. KJwen Coimer r-s. James Pusey, -Thomas Pusey, and Andrew Pusey. Jury trial; verdict for plaintiff, S393.0G. Kïeorge Fisher t. Thomas O'Brien. Jiadgmeut on defiiult, ÍÍÓ9. ieorge S. and Charles T. Sili vs. Frank SchefLFola. Order d reference to John F. Lawrence. Bridget Connerrs. James Püsfcy, Andrew Pnscy and Thomas iPusey. Verdict for piaintiff, S134.29. Prince Bennett w. Addiseft Flotcher. Suit for slander. Jury impanneled, but declararon held insuffic.ieiit, and leave granted to awifeud on payment ot costs aad $16 attorney's fee. ■Gcorge White Mi George 1). Hill and Fra-nces A. HUL Order of reference to John F. Lawrence. In the mutter of the appeal of John T. Eaywalt, Ailm. of the estáte of Mary J. Eaywalt, deceased, from the decisión of the Comrnissioners all&wing the claim of Alex. Soulier. Jury trial, and disagreement. ■Sarah C Eogers vs. Lewellyn G. Eogers. In divorce. Ordered thït defendant pay to coniplainant's solicitor 1162.41, on or beiore 10 o'clock of the 14th iust or in default thereof precept be issued, Thomas Shaw vs. Eobert II. Iïayton. Trespass. Jury trial ; verdict for plaintiff, $45. Alpha C. Norton vs. Chas. H. Norton. Decree of divorce granted complainant. The People vs. Gcorge E. Smithwick. Information for obtaining money under false pretendes. Jury imparneled, motion to cuash, leave to amend information granted, new plea of not guilty, nol. pres., followed by a new complaint and re-arrest. This wound up the jury cases, the jurors were ■discharged yesterday, and the Court probably djourned last evcning. The Babcocx Fire Engiire in Boston. A stil] alarm at 10:20 o'clock yesterday morning waa occasioned by a lire in the Temple House, Bowdoin S iuare. Ste.uner 4 v-as on hand, but was aot neoded, as the firemen had already extinguished the fire by the use of the large Babcock engine, wliich haa already quenched three iires without alarms while in the city, and the Chi,f liigineer wül probably recommend that four of these machines be procured for service in the Fire Department. The cause of the firo was not ascertained, and the damage will amount to only 100.- Fnui the Boston GMe, Feb. 13, 1873. W clip the ft.llowing paragraph from tl San Antonio (Texnn) IHrald of Febnnry 26Ö1 : We had the pleasure of a cali yetóerday, and a very agreeable cliat with cx-Gov. Felch, of ïfichigan, who with an invalid daughter, is spending a short timo among aa for the benefit of the daughter's heiiltli. Gov. i'i; expresses himself u hiKhly pleased with his visit to our State, and, liko all othera who come from countries in tho enjoyment of railroads and other conveniencos of modern times, prediets for Texas a brilliant futuro when her resources üliall acveloped in tlipse rfsvrrts. Wc trust tl'.at the Governor's tuit may nof be wiil.out ita baSaai rcsults to the hcalth of hia duVghter.


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