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Jesting aside, there is something more than atrocious iu the sort ot' tuing now abound ng, not only in Washington, but throughout the United States. Tile publication of social moveuients mcans only a description ot' dress. Wuole üoldmns, indeed, eutire papers, are devoted to this druary business, and one asks, wliat must be the brain of i ooinmunity that will inaku such trash pay? Have we really reached a pomt when our society, meu and woiuen, are only barbers, rlulliners, dress-makers, and hair-dressers 'i Such we fear, is the melaneholy fact. The poor editor, asks, " What would you 'i This is thfc sort of thing demandud - this alone pays." And such is the situation. We have commeated upori the way öur society is given up to unfledged girls and boys who devote the entire night to spiuuing round to tho music of a string band. ïhe ínuthers, fathtrs and more mature, talk dres?, sc-rvants, weather, and sometimes politics, and, niaking the supper the objectivti point, fall iuto a drcary stupor iminediately after, or rush home to nightmares born of indigestión. In all this there is no iutellectual life whatever. We do not ask for much, but a little, vcry little, would be pleasant. It would make society at the national capital inore in accord with that of other capitals iti the civilized wof Id It is very true that we caiinot have that which does not exist. The lira, or Miss wliose ñames appear in print with a full techni cal description of dresses would stare a you like lovely little owls were yoU to allude to any literary, artistic or scien titic subject. But such people exist, anc if we could banish the toot-horns anc tee-totums f rom the parlor anl put socie ty 011 a different basis; the iutellcctua life of oür capital would be brotlgbt to the fore, and something besides uiilliuer; and uphulstery put on exhi bition.


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Michigan Argus