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TXOT AND SIIOE IIOU3K. C. A. LEWIS, i BuccEsson to ViMtl & Lf.wib,) SOLE AGENT "BURT'S" CELÉBRATE!) HAND-MADE WORK Ia now opening some elegant linea of Ladies' Button & Lace Boots, And very genteel SLIPPERS TIES! Vicloria's, Parepa's, ISilsson's, Newport', &c, Stc. In Turious gradea. Aislo n fasbionnble line of Gentlemen's WOBE! Topether with all vnrietieH in chenp gooda. All bought lor CAbH and to be sold at low down itiices. Come in and Look at Thcm No. 2 EAST HURON STREET. !4'.7m3 pAUM FOR 8ALE! Cheap if sold so&n. Situated in tire Tcwn of DextWo IIUIVURKI) ACRES. Known as the Lillibridga txrrn, at Portnge Lake. ï irai unxious to ved nii'l pree ;i person a gox burain. Alao block six sonth of range aix enst t and lot touw and lot threi1 in Lloek beven, lying northwesterly of tlio Washienaw House in the Fifth ward. (,'11 on'roe for partieulars. 11. S.SiriTH. Aun Arbor, Mareh 15, 1873. 14l7if pölt SALE!" 70 yL_L2 ■t_K3!=W 70 On V:isïi(en:iiv Aitmte, One nná a quarter miles trom Po&toffice. Ten nere wood laml, mt in hi'_'h Btate of cultivation. Will b sold in lols of ïO iiCTes or more s btivers mny desire. One lot of ten acres ha&oii it houso, iWn, nd well of ROodwHter. ïerms easy. Ior furilier prticulurs, enquireof J. I I ICHi. Ui;w4 G8 State Street. Ann Arbor. "OEST THING IN THE WEST, Atchison, Topeka & Santé Fe R. R. LANpS! THRKE JVIILIorV ACRK Situatod in and near the Aikiinsfl Valley, the Fiut'st l'ortion of Kunsatt '. Eleven years' Credit. Scven por Interest 22X jxr cent. rcduciion to settleia who ïmprove. A UU m TO LAD BLVERS TH IE FACTS ubontthisGrunt rvre- Low Prieel Long Credit, and a Bc Date to settlers of netirly onefouith : a Eich Öuil, :ind Splendid Climnte ; short and mild "Winters ; early planting, and no wintering of Stock; plenty of lifiintitll, and just at the rig-ht season ; Coal, Stone find Brick ontholine; Cheap Rales on Lumber, ComJ, &c. ; no lunds owned by Hpeculutors ; Homesteud and Pre-eruptions now abnndant; a firet-clasa Eajlroad on the line of a great Through Route ; l'roducts will p:iy for Land and ImprovcmtiiitSi It is the -beft opportunity ever offered to the public. through the recent corapletion of the Road. For Circulara aud tieneral Information, Address A. E. TOUZAL.IN, Manager Land Pep't. Or, Topeka, Kansas. E. K. IOiVD, Ann Arboïï, Mich. 1410mo3 L.C.RISDOWS ADVERTI3EMEN l'. I Now i-s the time to buy PARLOB & BBATINC STOVES. i I will scH tliem ut TOST until further notice. j Ko. 31 S. Main St, Ann Arfoor. pO-PAETMEESHIP I C. II. MTIJ.KX has nswxtra irjtli himsrlf in business hw Min. CHARLES S. MILLKIÏ. lluienlter tbe style nwl nam c( lit firm will be C. H. 1I1LLEN '& SON C II. MILXEX, Ann Arbor, Feb. 20, '73. CHARLES S. MILLEN. All poTsr-tis hïiWn nnsettlidapsounts or who are in A-ny way jiirlebted to C. IÍ. MTLLËN will pipase settle the same ut once, eiilier with mysclf or the n:v ñrm. C. H. MILLEX. CAPvD OF ÏHANKS. T desire to express my thnnks to old friends nnd patrón (bomeofthera of man y year.s standing) fit their patmftfige, a-iul liope for it continuunee of it wii i the nt-w tirm unfïor the etisli pystiimoi iioing businesknowing we can ad will mase it im object for theni to do so. C. H. MILLEN. AJEW CASH DRY GOOBS STORE. 0. H, MILLEN & SON Have determint'd to cepduot the i&Hsiness of buying and sclling Dry Goods! On CASII PRINC1PLES. It needs n argument these lys to satisfy all thut the CASH SYSTEM Ia greatïy to the ailvantsge of b&fch bwyer and Beller. C. H. MILLEN & SOW. TMPE0VED SAXON CEYSTALS, SPEOTACLE8 -vtcn - - - E7E FRESÜRVERS. Patronizwl and recommcndecl by the most eminant Oeulists tiud gentlemeo of the mediral proi'os&ion, an btinf: ol meat tranprent rcfrucüve quxlity, so controoted aa tn etfeot the utmost relief an-1 preserve the funotion of the c-yes. The right of the iigecl graatly ussiated; weuksiühtstrengthened, nnd perlect sierht preberved. mroxos fc so'S, tkactu-al Opjímami Mnnufnctnrers of til inrpi-oted EYE I'E;8EBVINQ SPECTAOLB8, CATARAÜT LBN8, CONCAVE GLASSija for nejir-sightod jjeraon. JACOB HALLER, Ajreiit, H13m3 No. 22 East Hurón St., Ann Arbor. T7E AEE NOW Receiving .1 large stock of BLEACHED & BROWN AND-- 2 CASES OF JIW MM Pi ISIS Wlrietl we offer t tho Lowest Cash. Irices ! AT- - C. H. MII LEN -K SONS CvOx Dry Coods


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