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Kin? f the Bloocl.- For Palt Rheum, Erupions, Scnld Ilead, &c. Case.-l h;ve been troubled or tlie last thirty years with Snit Rheum on my tanda They have been $o at times that I have been nablo lo use thora for any purpose for which they were intendfd. I was ñdvised by a friend of mine, who had uscd tfie K. of the B.f to try it. I did so. iuve uscd sevun bottles, and to all appeuranees my tanda are Wt'll. They look and feel as though an enïielj- new kin had been formed. H. L. Hui.beht, Draggist, 44 South strcet, Utioa, Sec advertiement in nnother column. 1418 Bryoncl the Slïssissippi.- Thousands have lready yone, and thonsands more aro their yes towards new homes in the fertile West. To ïose going to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraskn, Colorado, Jtah, Wyumrog, Novada, Oregon or California, ve ecommend acheap, safe, qnick and direct route, via t. Louis, over the Missouri Paeifio ltailroad, which Bitt its fine Day Coaches and Pullman Sleepen from t. Louis to principal points in the West without hangt. We believe tbat the Missouri Pacific Rail oad has the best track and tho flnest and safest quipment oí any line westof the Missisippi, and its onnoctions with roads further West are prompt and eliable. The Texas counection of this rond i o now ompleted, and passcngers are offered a first-class, nllail route from St. Louis to Texas, either over the Iisaouri, EatiAU & Texas 11. lt., via Sedah'a, or over liu itlantic Sc Pacific 11. it., via Vinita. For mapn, ime tables, information as to rates, routes, &c, we eter our readers to I. O. Wheeïer, Northern Passen ï r Agent, T Lloyd 6treet, Bulfalo, N. Y., or E. A 'ord, General Passenger A gent, St. Louis, Mo. Qaestions will be cheerj'utly and promptly answered ! I'mitrratioii Tiiniiiitir! Clieap Farms 11 Soutli-west Tlissouri !- The Atlantic & 'aeific Jliaihoad Oompany oifers 1.200,000 acres of and in Central and Southwest Missouri, at from $3 o $1 'l pur acre, on aevcn years' time, witli free transporta t ion from St. Louis to all purchasers. Climate, oil, timber, mineriil wealth, schools, churches and itw abidina society invite emigrants trom all points :o this land of fruitrf and flowurs. For pnrticulftrs, ddreas A. Tuck, Land Commissioner , St. Louis, Missouri. H17


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Michigan Argus