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WASHTEKAW0UNTy._3 1 POTAftY PUBUCr AMO üül GENERAL LJ JJB LJJ i 14 CO N VEYANCER JL- JJLj ïa5Hr!S!-jrA NNARBOB f tUip!ï ;■_; _i v, M I C H -SJ Ij j 5SBBS BE9jS3632 MpuSj L lili ' 1 'i'. ■■' ■ ■■■ ' 'iii'inn.i'ii OUR ABSTRACT BOOKS! As partiully fodfoftted sbore, ure now pop tod to (late. ?hey at or.c1, in :i oonttettacd or posted form, show he oriiiiml clmiu aud illnew elmínsoí title. lust unce, ueh as AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEEDS, Knowii as Tiix-TitlorJ, whieh are very uumerous in this County, Decrees, Contract?, Deeds ! WILLS, ScC. Alo, now n wOll ns all of the old undischnrged tforttfUiren as fnr back as 18-4- whïch are legions. VrsoiiH hikiiiL1" title or mort gfrfttt and Hens will renembar timt Tax-Title und uther collateral miutera are not found in the usual mode of learöh by Indexea ftt the Begiatflr'a oitice. The books or liters in the legiiiter's ofiiae ha,Te becotneao numerouvand . nous that long time is necessarily reqnired even to niiike ft hnsiy and onreliable etirch. AVrith onrfaciliIet we say to the public tfant we cn show them title and Title Hïstory inake Deeds, Morton f?!H, -ssignnentM, Dischnrgéa, &c, as con-ectly, quieker and in )etter stylft Ihan au y oLher offioe in the County. W e iiive MONS3T TO LOAN ! On Bond and Mortgage en long time. REAL ESTÁTE Solcl oroxchan'od. HOUSE? TO RENT. 33 ncre? opj)osite the Observatory tor tstile in lois to suit purchu&crs ROOT & LEITER, lleal Estáte Agents, No. 1. Greory Block . Pbact "W. BoflV, und opposite the Poetoffiee. ; Chakles A. Leiter. l-ilütf r STEARIVS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing - not a dye nor a reBtoratire, but a dressing, elegant r"-- an(i economical. r " STEARNS' COCC-OLE1NE is cooling to the scalp, imparts a delightful sense of vitality ifc an softness to H-sb the hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, Bweetly perfumed and limpid, renders the hair snpple and g- ■ dresses it in any Hm) deöired ï'urm. i STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevente that dryness of soalp w h i e h f- " causes dandxuff „ r. " to accumulate. "H 1. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE ! contains in one large bottle more oil and more perfume _■ m than any other -i hair dressing &- J in market, and H""-l besides ia sold twentyfive per cent. less than most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blonde hair, darkensaub mm urn hair, renders lustrous brown and black ■"■■ hair, leseena the harshness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE IS MADE ONLT BY peedeeick: steaens, - chemist, f DETROIT, MICH. Sold everywhere. Be sure and get the Rennlne Coco-Oleine. Let no one palm off on you a bottle of some cheap and worihlcss imitation of CocoOlcine. ïhere are more than twenty counterfeita of it now sold, put up as near lilte the genuine as the makers daré and evade the law. The Cheapest and Best Pire Department in the World. Ocer One T'housand Actual Pires Put Out WITH IT, AND MOKE THAN $1O, OOO, OOO.OO Worth of Property Saved From the Flames. THE g A B C O C K ! PIEE j i ; ti MTINGÜISHEII At.SO, THIÍ Babcock Self-ActingFire Engine, For Mills, City, Town and Village Use. It 8 Rlwaya ready to nse lnstantly, and 8 more effective than a eteam flre engine, because it is soon er biinight into action and throwsa powerful stream of water impregnated with carbouic acid gai for any lehgth of time. It dispenses with complex machinery; flre companies, reservoirs and suction hose. Carbouic acid gas is boththe working and extlnïuishin" agent. No steam to be raiaed- no flre to be kiudled- no hose to be laid, no large comjany to be mustoretï. The time thus saved is á building saved. It will throw 1 or 1 strenms at a tiirie, aiul one can be re-chargud while the other is working. Itsaves from deatructiou by water, what the flre hasspared ; it smothers, bnt does not dein','". It ia in daily use in Chicago, Cincinnatl, St. Louis, Mobile, Philadel phia and other Fire Departments send for their record, Good agonts wanted. 13. X. BARNIIM, Gen.Agcnt, lis Woodward Ave., Detroit. Matlrtfactnrer óf Iron, Copper and Brass Wire, WireClolh, P.olting Cloth, Burr Mili Stones, Broom Wire and Twine, Copper VVeather Vanes, Wiie Counter Railiug, Wire ïcnciüg and Ornamental Wire Work. MlOyrl CAW GÚMMER & SHAEPENEEA CHEAP, simple, ank durable Machine- pftsilf operated and ruuning Wheels Iiolu Ss iuches to 12x 1 inch. Price of Machine, $15. Wheels with bevelled, doublé bevelled and round faoe trom $2.12 to $7 .35, aecovding to thickness. Heaviei Machinen $7O :'tl $9O, running Whttflla up to 24 inchea in diameter. ïor illustrated l'ainpbleta or Pliotograi)hs, address THE TAWITE CO., HlSmO Ströudbarr, Mouroe Co., Pa. SPECIAL NOTlCJü! All of the TAmiE C'O'S srnods are directly made by the Co., at their owu l'actory and onder thefr own PatentH and l'roeesses. It is cheaper to buy Slcmdard Ooods tlirectly from wcll knowit Üannfactuxeri than to buy of Dealur; or iüt luw priced or poorgoods. The fullest informaron on ;ill puints connei;ted witli Emery Wheols and Kmery-Grinding-Machinery "will be furnished by this Company. 14i:m3 TAM.ES McMAHON, Justice of tlic Peacc, Office in new block, Nortli of Oourt House Money eolloctcd and promptly p:iid over. INSURANCE AGEISTT. Trinmph, asseis, $727.003.1 Noith Missouri, ' 45,417. Hibornia,. " 350,000.0 ÜtCAXi ESTÁTE. I have 8Q tcrea of land V of a mile from the city Imits, flnoly located for fruit or garden purposes. Also 40 acres. A18O 10 acres, with h'uise and barn,and a Hvel etream of water running through the barn yard. 60 acres, a mile out. 1 vill sell :my or all the above cheap, or exchang for city property. UU i AM ES McMAHON. T IVE GrïïESE PEATHiiRS PIBST GiTrAIilT-Z" , ftonet lyonband andforsaleby BACEfr ABEL, O. O. IX j Whon flrst L. COT..BY hung his sign t ('. O. D.- AtNo.i;9, &.nd uffered Groceriea cheap for cash, Some peojile said, " he'n bound to go to smash. And olil-timu Ijrocers would faintly smult', Prophesying "C. O. D. willlast hut littlo while. [u Hixty days we'll run hiux otf the tnvck, Viul cali our wandeling customers back." The croakers sfiiri and tliought it true, 'He'll surely fail bef ore the year is New ! -m You ean't seU (iroceiies in this towii Vnd get yourpay in iveenbacks down; Where dry ffooda merchante on every etreet M With silkh and satins, hang out chickens to eat ; Where trade ia mixed in every place, A.t the sume counter you buy bntter or lace ; Where credit and loss go huid in hand Mr. C. O. U. hut a slim chance will stand." Let propheta and croakers have their say, L. COLBYrtiïllii GUÜCE RIKS only for KEAtlTPAY. A.nd selle ao cheap tor daily cash ble feai's no danger of a smash. J) A.nd to his putrons all, and business friends, The greelmg of the season he extends, Fo young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hosLs of frienda and lott of cheer ! ive him a eall, and from his atqïe ïour tables spread with g-ood things dore U that place you will alwaya find resh new Groceries ot best quality nndkina - íverythinp neodful for good cheer at home fou cnu biiy at his counter whenever you come. 'he dfiys are o short thU bitter cold winter, o mention details would weary the printer, ïut ask if you choose fnr anythiug entable, ïou get it at once, in quality unbeatable ! ■or lmnprrr filen who aro weary and cold, le lias Oysterfi hot, Oysters that must besold - 3ysters pickled, Oyster stew, and oyetor fry, )r Oysters my otlier way you choose to try. Ie will serve up Oyaters at any hour of day, ■ A.nd the best of cigars to smoke on your way. ■■ A. dish of hot Oysters will do you much good. And cheer you while selling your grain or waodj And with cash in hand lay in a store Of Coffee, 'íea, Sugar, Flour and many more, Of al] thïngs substantlal for daily use, íor treat life's good things with abuse ; ïrockery and Glassware and Fruits to put in thera, uts, Kaisins, and Candy, for childrenwho winthem. And ye who are blessed with their bcautiful faces, Will find [391 the tast of all plaoee, To buy a trine, to bring a smile or ringing láugh, J Your pleasure, than theirs, will be greater by half- Then do not forget to cali on Mr C. O. D., And buy of him your Fruits, tiugar, and Tea Thoiifrh the big )A may fftjl from its placie, The C. O. D. Ï7 store is still on the race, And does uot intend to fly from the course L'ill croakers of eril talk themaelves hoarse, öroceries can be sold for ready pay, - Vnd Colloy lifta learnett the way : J old five times more than he expected- iy C. O. D. from loss proteoted. And the secret he is not afraid to teil - ■ Ceep the best of all things- pricea low - be good natured, give good measure, 4nd you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! TESIRABLB EEAL ESïATË & FOB SALEI , ] The _eubscribor, oil account Of i!l huaith, offers his 33 ACRES ( n the fïorp'oratidn for sale. Thia grotmd ndjbinsthe LTnirersit j Observatory on the east, oppositë side of he'atreet. It has u most excellent BPEINGÍ On the northeast corner- formerly supplied thö Railroad tanks with water; ■ ITS ADVAIMTAGES Are ás f ollowí For city purposes the HurMi Eiver tnenhdfetí tlie saiue Bomb ÜU to 4U roda, aud is p:irt of the bost W"ater Power On the River in this vicinity, nnd the elevation on the northeast corner is sulticiently high and ampleto nup. ply the city necessitiea for valer imd Jli-e purposts ÏHE WESTERN PORTlON On tin road is very appropriale and suitnble for r PuMiti Ciiy Cemetery. The city bas no sueh grouiidfc now but must have soon, nnd groiinda the city does not cart t uee, can be sold at an adiantage; so much Bo,that the cast of the Water orks gvound and Cemetery, would be merely nominal, lf the city does not watit the same, Ihe grbunds ïvoitld be invaluable lor FRÏÏ1TS, LARGE & SMALL, There being some 100 ttéea now in benring Vegetables nnd Tasturage, And also for MILKsupply.BLOODED STOCK, Horses, Slieep And othcr nnimals nlways in great want ly many in the city and its vicinity. As city Iota adjoiniiiK the aorthweat corner oí tina Utnd are tiow selling from tlirce hundred to tliree ,hundred and titty dollars, ihpse lands would or couKI be eold in á short time tö a good advantage aurl 10 zuucb protit to the purcliaserBLIBERAL rrinVEE Will bectivBar Ihe name uill be nccittfnoeS for Mr; chantabi? gooJs or Drngs and Aiedkiuea, at ciiel' prices. TRACY W. ROOT. AnttAibor, Jan. 31, 1813. Í4U CEBDS! SEEDSÜ SEEDS ! : ! - TRLE Tö NAME AM RELIADLE ! I put np no olrt wortbless Seeda, but all are frih nnd reliabli A Bmall turn judicioupily inveött-d in ïlower Seeds, will add much to tho benuty and euioymunt of Home. n."sr ia?; I hnve lso lsrge nnd well flllfd Orcen Housos with the choioot (ircen liöuse and Bedding i'l;ints and Khrubs, whiph enn be gufely transport cd, nul I loll ut prices withinrrttch of all. Catalogues i'reé; Ac-enta wanted to solicit ordera. Addrees, D. Ct McÖRAtV, Kiverside GardeDSj Binghamton, liroome Co.. N. T. 14U8m3, L B. GIDLET, Soccosaor to COLGUOffi & SoNV IKIST AND CBEMIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, h. 12 E. HURON STREET, DEALER IN Rits, nËDicn'ES, SI lUilt U, HSTIU UKYTS, pi ik wnm ni) MQioas, (FOK MEMCAL PÜRPOSES ONLT.) ancy Goods, Perhimery? 'AISTS, OII,S, VARNISIIES, Cil.ASS AND PUTTt, PIIYSICIAIVS' PBESCRIPTIONS Csrefally componnded at al) honrs, PE0P03E NOT TO BE TJNDERSOLD BY ANY FIBM IN THE CITY WHOFUENISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. FALSE KEPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY U-AS GONE OUT OP TRADE IE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A L ARQE AND COM PLETE STOCK OF EATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, ND AT TRICES TO SUTT THE TIMES. ALSO AFtJLLLINEOP JENTS' rURNISHING GOOÜS! DON'T PURCHA8B YOUR Fall and Winter OUTFITS ÜNÏ1L TO0 Sti-V-B ■Mat Jb. 0-A.ïi.L., 15 South Main St., Ann Aibcf 18S1-M. ; EOOKS. BOOKCSb J. K. WEnSTER & CO. new hook stoke SSar The " express office look to your INTEREST ANü CALL. BOOKS. 4 NN A-RBOR Mineral Spriftgs House ís bemttiful resott for heeltK-secters is no Open, with lta RON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHUR WATEn, Cóminodionsbuildii g heaied by steartt, aöd faffge and well-ventilated rooms WATER AND AIR ÊATHS, Of all temperatnrep. also Bhower, Vapnr, Mcflïeated and Eïeotric Tliiths are cmpToyf rl with fcdf &fihgv Ín the ifefltmeöt of nïl forma oí erhrontc tliíejipfs and tliseaeea of femalea. SptícSl attehíioi. paid to dit't. With pleftPíínt surrortTirliníre, nnfl sítúated in one of most hoaltliy and beatitïfuf cHíph ín theconn pmpei?ses attrfictïonH for invalide or for pleaeure-si'fUerii beklom fnrind Tin inrtlysfs of tho Springs wlll be iurnishedí on a)plic:Lion. Peirioiiö cïeïring circulare to sen cl to thelf frleiidschñ procure them at Ore cfllceof thel'ropjfit torö (n Hu ron Ptreet, or at the Spring. AddroRsnll letfcsri of inquiry to MORRIS HALE, M. D., Sirpt. Ann Annoft, Mlcic. Sntherland and Whedou, Frep's. Ann Arbor.Mich. June, 11, 1619. HURRY ÜP ! TJAKTSKS isWng Wall Puppr. Cloth A aurt Fuper Shados. lïollanrs , Window Fixtufve, Ooi de, TiipscIs. &c, all New Ptyle.f), nt Satisfaotorj Prici's. ly J. IC. U'i'lisli'i' Sc Co.. It jok .lurc, uear the Espre.-s Office. X X


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