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aiSTG OÍ tbo EIjOOD TUK MOST THOBOtTOQ PITRTFrER OF THH BL!)O1 TET D1S0PTBB8D 3ÜKES ALL HüMORS. FROM A COMMOTT ERUPÏIOX TU THE WOIl-jT SCKOPULA. j j By lts uso Cancors aro cnred, and Cnnoroin tumors are dispersad without (he urgeon's cnifo- Scrofula conquered, and Consuinption prc rented and cnred. '■ Venercal Disensos, MercnnM nnd Mineral Poisous, and thelr effucts erodlcated, and vigoroua . íeilth and a sound oonstitatlon establishcd. Fcmalo Wcaknem and Blfase Dropsy, ' mnentl or pardal; Svtretllngg. externa) or Interna); ind Tumors are reducud and dispersad in a vuy j suort time. liry I olt, Salt Ehonm, Scald Hend, and Fever Sores ara soon removed by this powerful detergent medicine. Scorbntlr Dlseanc, DandrnlT, Scalyor Rough Skin . and Pimple quickly pivu way, leaving the skin smooth and fair. Olironlc Ileaes, Fevcr and Apie, Disornored Livor. I)j'aj)epia, Kheuniatinn, Nervous Affections, General Dcbility, in short, all the immerou diseases caueed by bad blood are conquered, and givo way before this most powerful corrector, tbc King of the Hlood. Racli bottle cont.iina betwecn forty and flfty ordinary doses, costing only one dollar. Fron onc to loiir or livo bottles will care Salt Rhenm, Scald Head, King Worm, Pimples on tbc Face, Iiiles, ordinary Eruptions, etc. Front ttvo t eijil't boules will cure Scaly Kruptions of the Skin, XJleers, Sores, and Cauker ia the Moutli and Stomach. Erysipelas, etc. Prom txro to ten bottle will restore healthy action to the Livor and Spleen, will rcgulato tlie Bowels and Kidnoys. From two to six bottlci will be fonnd cf'fectual in curtas Neuralgia, Sick-IIeadacht!, St. VitusT Dance, and Kpilepsy. From flve to twclvc bottles vill cnre the worst cases of Scrofnla. From tliroe to tivclvo bottles will cnre severe and obstinate cases of Oatarrh. From twro to four bottles will cure the worst cases of Piles, and regnlate Costive Bowels. Front twe to teu bottles will cure bad cases of Dropsy. Prlce $1 per bottle, or 6 bottlcs for $5. Sold by all Druggists. I). RINSON, SON & CO., Propr's, Boffalo, 5Í. . Sec tcstiinoaials in local column. IS NOW REA DY FOR Tl FALL TRADE Haviug BeceivedaLargeSiock of FALL & WilTli G-OODS, 1NCLUD1NG 0LOTH8, 0A8SIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALIÏIES, WHICH HE W1LI. MANUFACTURE on terms to suit. Also a full line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FÜRNISEIM Goods. ALSO LADIES AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No.21 South Main Street,- EastSiaoi CALL AND SEE THEM. ■VII.I AM AVAGN1.K. Ann rbor, October Ut. 1372 OK'SWiNEQFTAB vk 10 YEAPS 'Jm0F - #fe' j? PUBLIC TuiT ii!lfiyHas proved _ ïo hve more -Jtó& -Ht uní ísaiy &i':í?i:Ü'ár& tion ever icred tlie public. Tt i rieli in ïse medicinal qualiliesof las1, anii uneqii;üei or 3tiKasefl of the Thru:it and Lilias, peribrrniug the most remark al)le cures. Coughs, Co!(K Clironic Cougli. It effectnnllv onrps tliem all. ásliima aisd ïïron'Iiiti Has ni red so many ,.,, cases it has been proSp nonneed a specific fol '-'-' these complaints. For pains in Breast, Side a Back, Griivcl or liiflney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jauudice or any Lirer Coniplaiut, It has nueqnai. It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the We and Deliiitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión Prevenís Jlalari ons Fevers, i Uives toue to your System. rpnE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN 1HE ■ - CITY OF ANN ARBOK! H. COHEN DEALF.H IN IVEillinery &c. We Sell for Cash Only. 14l3tf 33 SOÏITII MAIN STBÍET. A Earc Chance TO LET. A!ar"e !nd m ilcrn new Grocerv ?tore in Bochoz Rlork Petro t Street Und nhtedly tüebert loeatlon in thiit partot be elty for süid Imalneas. ood ree celliir anfl ut barn attaehed tn ïhe preraises. The rent ia :!00 yunrly, to bo taken in jroceries for ""luí? fine new Mel Marfeet, all i-omplctp,.ioininp mvblo k.wltli maler impr ivementa. miirMe téMe fcc l'iri'c mii' sninke honsr, bnek ciRfern nna ceilïr iiiw hum nn.l nll iwuly rr use. with tbree fnmily room., abové. Store r. nts for WO jearly ; takni In meit for my fnmily use. Als a amall etore in iny bl -,ck, honses, rooina, 4c, "foRSALR.- Three g"Od lnree carriajre or farm hor8es, one fine new carrinue, huggies, wagon, larminfrtoola. Also three good cowa _„„„.,„„ figotf IixrmrcofL. R. CUC110Z.


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