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TEN REASONS WHY No Family shouht be without a bot t ie of WHITTLESEY in the house. I 8t. - It will relieve the worst case of 8 liOUt Cholicor Chotera Morbuainis minuten 2d. - It will cure the mt obstinate case 1 Dyspepsia and Indigestión iu a fu weeks. 3d ■ - It is the best remedy in the world frl Sick lleadache, as thousands cao testify.J taken when the first symptoms appear. 4th- It is the best diuretic ever put befort the public; curing thnse distrebsing complaints, Diabetes and Gravel and other Urinary d ifficu It les. 5th.- It is a most excellent Emmenagoguo, and to the Yountc Cirls middle aged Women, and at Lhc Turn Of Life. thia remcdy is of incalculable valué. 6 t h . - It will remove wind from the bowels, and henee a few drops Ín somc sweetened water eiven to a babe is better thnn a dozen cordials td Relieve and make it Lleep. Cuiuaining no ano dyne. 7th. - It ís a sure relief for ndults and children afTccted with Worms a n cj Pin Worm. It will bring away the worms. 8th - It will cure the PI lOS and HemOfrhodlal difficulties. Oth. - It will cure Constlpatlonand ïceep the bowck regular. ït will also cure the worst case ofSummerCo mpialnt and Dysentery. lOth. - It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to healthy tction. Relieve Henit-Burn and act M a general Regulator of the system. When taken dilute the cose with fUgar and Water to a Win e-CI a 68 f u 1 1 and yuu have apleasant tcnic. Whittlesey (Dysyepsía Cure) $i.oo per bottle. Whittlesey Ague Cure 50c. per bottle. Whittlesey Cough Granules aw. per bottle. Sold by all druggists and warrnnted. Whlttlcsc; Prop. Bed. Co-, Toledo, 0. ; 'I' Hl " " H ATT EU ! HAS HECEIVEI) EIS M & WM STOCK Haís and Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIES' FTTRS, 0ETS' niBSHBOiC COODS, ETC, WHICII HK PROPCSES TO SEI.T. AT PRICES UIC1I DEPT COUI'ETITION. 7 South Main St., Ana Arbci. WISIIART'S INE TREE In 11 Ij II ilül Ik ! NATURE'S GREAÏ REMEDY FOE THE THKOAT AiM LüiVGS. It Ï rrntïiying to ns to Inforra the pnblic thitt Tr L Q. t:. Wisharfs Pin e Tiec Tar Cotffi&l for Throat and Lung niseases, has gnined nn eiivliible repatation from 'I Atluiilic to the F'acifle coast, and from thencc to somc oftheflrst fam I'cs of Earopj, not t rough the prese alone, bul by persons tbronghout the States actual Iy heiiofited and cured at hie oiV,C'. While he publfehes less, o ay onr reportan he is utmble to eupply the dumand. It gaius and hItlg its rvputation - Fíret. Not by i ''pf'ng1 congh, bot by Joosening an aesisting nature to throw off the unheaHhy matter collected nboot tbethroat audbronchial tubes which cantes irritalion. Second. It removes the causes of irritation (which produces cough) of the mncotts membrane and bronchúü tubos, aas the langa to act and thmw off the unheaHhy secretions, imtl parïfies the b!ood. Ihird. IL is Tree fin m squllje, lobelin, ipecac and opium, of which most throat and tin remedies are composed, which all. i t-sh only and disrganize the stomach. It bas a soothing tffect on the gtomch, acts on the liver and kidneys, andlym pathic and nous regïons, thua rcacfeing to every piirt of the syetem, and in U Invigoratingand pur Ifylng eft'cctsit has gained a repntation which it must hold above all others in tbe market. NOTICE. THE PINETREE TAR CORDIAL, GREAT AMERICAN DISPEPSIA PILLS. AN O WORM SUGAR DROPS Being under tny immfiliaatc directltBi tliey shal not loose thelr curative qualitics by the use o cheap and ïmpure arti i. . HENRY E. WISHART, píioiíRIE - on FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. WUhatl'I Office 1' r oib aro open on Monilaye, Tnesitiy and WefluosJa from 9 A. M to 5 P. M„ for consultatiou by Dr. Wm.T. Magee. i".h him e aepociated twn conpultlnp physicians of acknowleilgcd BbiH:y. T. is oppoitiinity ia not offeivd by any othet in tkutiou iu Uk city. All letters must be atfdresscd to L. Q. WISHART, M. D., JVo. 232 Pï. econll St., PHILADELPHSA. ttttafl


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