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rpiiE Trading tUltUTIN ■Yill Keil all of their FALL AND WINTER Dry CöodsI AT NEW YOBK OOST 3o jDJrzr&i CARPEÏINGS All those Trialiiug to purchase CARPITI11IWG Will ön well to cali at once and mfke thelr purchasCs. We znean ust vrhat we Rayi COME AND SEE! V"e have the most complete A.SSORÏMENT Csr O O3L Is To be found in the CIT-Sr OF jA-KTIST ARBOK. G. W. IIAYS, Slipt. March 1P, 1S73. 1417 WnERÈ TO EU Y BLEACHED COTTONS I MACK & SCHMID Huve just received a large stock of the BEST A'.D M3ST POPULAR .... ___ New York Mills, Wamsuttas, Utica, Konpareils, Tuscaroras, FÜÜITOFTHELOOM Lonsdtile, HUW Semper Idem Cábots, &c. ALBO, 1N BRiWiCOTTOI! A3 "Well as in other lines of onr ffoocls, vre are euabled lo show the Lurgest and Best Assorinient In the city, at the LOWE8T PRICJÍS. 1-109 k NNARBOB Mineral Spring House. Í3 beaütlfül reeort for heaHh-seekerB Ia now open, with lts IRON, MAGNESIA, ANO SULPHÜB WATERS, CoramodlonsbniWIig hentod by stcam, and large SSd wcll-vemilatetl roomsWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of uil temperaturen 'liso 8kower, Vapor, Medicnted anil Blectrlc Batbfl are omploytd with advantAfffl lo (he trestment "f all forme of cliruiiki dieeüeee and diseases f femóles. Special atteutioi. paid to (lift. Wltli iilcnsnnt snrronnrtinps.and sltnated In one of the most bealthj ind beautilul citios in pomeBBea attractlonfl forinvalldi o'r forpleasare-seeköre aeïdom fönnd. The analyttiof the Sprlngs wlll be luruishcd on applicaiion. Pertotil (U'sirif circnlnrs to pond to thi'ir Mende can procure tnem at the ofllceöftBProprletorti on lluron etroet, or at the Hprln Addceea all lettere of inqnir.v te MOKRIS HALE, M. I)., Slipt. Anh Abbob, Micu. Suthcrland nd V!iolon. Vrop'o: Ann Arbor.Mich.June, 11, 1872. ■JSTEW CASn DRY GOODS STOEE. O. H, MXX.X.ÜN & SON llave dcterniinod to corulucttho business of buying and selürig Dry Coods! On CASH riUNTirLE. It eols no argument these diiya to satisfy all tliat the CASH SYSTEM Ia grcatly to tho aclvantageof bothbuyer and beller. C. H. MILLEff & SON.


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