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BÏÏSIMBSq ÜIRECTORY NB,OH!.I!, Dealer In Goal. Offloe w'thFKLcn . k Gïan't, ovnr Slawa n & üons' Store, Cor.. Fourth nmi Hurón St. ER.STIIS THtTCHE, Attornov una Counselor at I,aw, No. 5 Kast Huron Mtreet, A„n Albor, Mieh. 1.W6 . MF. FAqiüJKÏ-IiE. !H. B. Offico over . . P'-rry's store. Uesidence Washington Btrcct, four doors east of State. 8Iyl !■(■ A.H55O! JIIifEntl; SPRINiïS. ■' Mrfris il'ile. M I).. Sup.TlntniiiIent. Office s (MiUdin-', cur:ior M mn snil u'estllurou StVeeíB. W I!VES & WOSORX. 20 outh Main strikt, Ann Amor, Mloh-, wholesaie aud reuil dealErs in Ui'y (ro.i'is, Carpets aud Groceries. tfiltf M1CK & SOHXI8, Dealers iu Dry Goods, Grucerius, Craobcry,&c. No. 54 tiouth MalB Str.i't. ïxr H. JACKSOS, Dcntist.succcatoitoC. B. W Purter Office corner MainandHuroustreet, jfer the store of R. W. Ellis & Co, Aun Albor, iBesthetlos :idrainis'.cred if rcqaïred. Ei, JOMriSOIV, Dealer in lints and Caps, for, Btraw Oooda. Senta" Fnriiiehing Ooods, te. No 7 Simtii Main Mroet, Ann Arbor.Mich. TTHERXaSb A: AVSIKOOIV, Life and O Plrelnsurance Ajents, and dealerem Real Estáte. JTkeon Harón Street. ACH Sc AitGI., Heulers in Dry Goods, Growrius.ic &c..No 26 South Main -treet. Aun 4rbor. SUKWSOy fc SO?i, G rocera. Provisión iind Üorainisulon Marchan ts, and dealers iu Water .no.Land P!;i8ter,aud t'lasler Paris. No. 16 Eaat Iuroii3lretï ïirVÖHS3i''ï, Wholesale and Rstail Dealer O. in Roüdy Made lotiiinii, Uloths, Oassimeres, fitlui.'.andGent"8 Furuishini; Gouds. N. 9 South Mhím Street. _- Wn. WAÍilVUa, n.nicr !n Rwdy Madedoth lng.Olotba. CiSKlmereii. Vcstins, Hats.Caps, rrunks,":arjet Maga, &c '21 ionth Malnatreet. GILHOBG FISKE, BookselleM and SUtloa r M-dlCHl Law and Ooilege Telt Books, 3: ol wil Hiseellaneon Book. No. 3 North Main itreat, ÖrnRory Bluek, Ana Arbnr. MOAH W. ÓHEEVE K, ATTORNET AT LAW ! 0M",e with E.W. Morgan, East sidc ofCoart House Bquire. s3Sl J. SCHABBEELE, Teacher "f Music. G""es iustnicluin on the PIA'NO, VIQUH AND GÜITAR, H'ii oli-i', No. 57 South Main street, (Moore'e illdlngj.orat the rertdeace of the papil. Pí ANO ïüfJIAG, 1cpfci.ility nnd ?atL-f:icttou gunrnutred. :iJ4yl Teo ckeky GLA.SSWARE & GllOCEïlIES, J. & P Oonnelly Bloitore)aritestockf irnckery, Qlaswre, iteawrara.'luttery ijroconen c, ie. all to he Dliat imusmiUy I ivv priren Xd ia Sasi Hanm SU t.Ann Arhor. ïustf j. & e. BosrotiiT. TOHJi G. 0 ALL, X)T?,AXiTTiIl ITT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, JRD. SfSAf)F.S, Klo., Onlcrsiolicited and nromptly fllle.d with thebcst nents n the market. 31 Kast Washington street Ann Arhor, Sept. lflth, 1S9. 18atf Míinnfftctnrer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLBI'IUS, of evsry styls. mnde r the best atterinl. mul warrnntml. Repalrlng dono promptly nil prlcHB reunnabte. De.troil Street, ïiwir B, R Uup t, Aim Arbor, .Mich. TT)R. C. A. LEITEU CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Physidans Prescriptions, At nü liours, at No. 1 Orcsnry Block. 0. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor.Dac. 2ïd 1871. KM m.U.B, POHTER, DENTIST. Uooiu theSAVIHGS BAHK3L0GK, Ann Arbor. 111 Oparations on the Natural Teeth PRS.FORSÍED WITH CARE. ÜÍI3ÜRPA3S3D PACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE 8ITTIÜ ARTIFICIAL TEETH, TO GIVE K.VCH INIUVIDUAl-i OmtHrtn of the proper aixe, shape, color tJtrmne8$and %a al crpr#fion. 1944 HURRY UP! PARTÍ KS wi-hiiif; Wall Paner, Shados Hollands, Windowr Fixturep, Co'df, Tassels Ac , all New Styles. at S.itisfnctorj P.-ices, bj J. I. Webster ie Co., Book Store, near the Espíen Offlcc. :; x LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST I Deals in both FIXE CÜT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SnnfF, Fipes, &c, AT XO. 7 BAST HURÓN STKEET, Next to tlie Express Office, A-vrv arbob, inicii. 134-,tf TTOUSE POR SALE ! TU-i r'ïiifloniï'! of the aubscrii)er on Norlh flt.rect. Pdís'übloii í?ivcn iiamsdiately. Alse, the beuutit'ul bamtn'2 Bita on the hill just eust ot Col. Ghant'I tesiiltMice. Termj very c-isy. A good bargain can be made. Inquire of Zisa 1'. Kino. SI. C. TTT,En. Ann Arbor, Jan.I.I, lrr.. 1410


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