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A Constitutional Commission

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The Senate of this Stato has passed, and the House has nowunder consideration, a joint resolution providing a Commission to reviso the Constitution, or rather to report through the Goverhor to the Legislature at ita next session suoh arnondments as it shall by a two-thirds voto of lts memberg agree upon. The Comraission is to consist of eightcon members to be appoiuted by tho Governor- two from eaoh Congressional distriot. lts sessions aro limited to ono hundied days, and the pay of the members fi.xcd ut $5 per day for each day actually omployed. lts labors are to be conoluded and tho result to be laid before the Governor on or beforo the first day of Ootober, 1874, who is to subnait tho samo to tho Legislature at its next regular session. The Legislature may approve any or all of the proposed aniendraents, or tinker them as it pleases, and order a eubmission to the people at the general election to be held in November, 1876. If the resolution shall be concurred in and adopted by the House, tho most delicate and important duty will devolvo upon the Governor : that of naming tho Commissioners. It is to be hoped that he will rise above partisauship, and give tho Deinocracy a fair if not an equal representation in the Commisaion, An equal politieal representation and the appointment of men who know a constitution from a speeifio statute or a string of ward eauous resolutions, will insure the scheine against politieal breakers and give the State a fair ohanco to got an improved Constitution. A partisan Commission or a Cemmission of more politicans will be equally sure to produce an abortion. At TUE Democratic-Liberal State Convention held at Jackson on Thursday of last week the following candidates were nominated : Eor Aisoviate Justiee of the Suprcme C'ourt - Isaac P. Chhistiaxcy, of Monroe, present Chief-Justice of that Cöurt. Frr Regents of the L7iuiwííy- Duane Doty, of Detroit, and Andrew M. Fitch, of Oalhoun. The nomination of Mr. CitlSTTANCY waa almost unanimous. It ia to be considered as an expression of the Democracy of the State against rnaking judicial offices political plunder, and also as an emphatic indorsenient of Judge Cnnistiajícy as a man and as an impartial, upright, and safe judge. We doubt not that the mss of the party is satisfied with the decisión of the convention. The candidates f'or Begents are both Democrats, and both so widely known as to need no introduction. Mr. Doty is especially acceptable to the locality where brought up and educated. A gradúate of the University and long one of the leading educators of the State it is a pity that his nomination was not equivalent to an election, and it would be if the Eepublicans were as non-partisan as the Democrats proved themselves in selecting a candidato for judge. Mr. Fitch is a retired Methodist clergyman ; has long been idontified with the educatioual interests of the State ; has held the office of Eegent one term - f rom 1842 to 1846; and is familiar with the obligations und requirements of the office. An act has been passed by the Legislatnre establishing a Superior Court for the city of Detroit, the judge of which is to be elected for six years and receive a salary of $4,000: $1,500 to be paid by the State and the balance by the city. Tho County Clerk is to be olerk of the new court, the court room to be provided by the city, and all necessary fuel, books, stationery, etc. The jurisdiction of said court is defincd as follows : The said Superior Court sliall have original jurisdiction, and concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne, in all civil actions of a transitory nature where the debt or damages exceeds the sura of one hundred dollars, and in which the rlnfnrin.nta nr nno of them, if thëro be more than ouo defcndant, sliall have been served rnth a copy of the declaration or with procesa within the city of Detroit, or in whicli tlie plaintiff shall reside in the city of Detroit, and the defendants or one of them, if there be more than one defendant,shall be servcd with a copy of the declaration or with procesa in Wayne county. Said court shall alsohave jurisdiction of all actions of trespass qnnre clnusion for injuries committed ipon any land situated in the city of Detroit ; all actiom of ejectment for the possession of land sitnated in said city ; all actions commeuced by attaehment against nonresidents, where the property attached is at the time of the service of the writ of attaehment within said city ; and the samo jm-isdietion as the Circuit Court for the county of Waj-ne, in all cases in eijuity in which any complainant or defendant shall ka resident of the city of Detroit, or in which the subject matter of such sint shall be situated or located in said city, and in all cases of foreclosuro of mortgages upon land situated in the city of Detroit. In tho absence from the city oí the judge of' said court or his inability to attend theliecordor of said city is to act as judge. fSix terras are to be held in each year, and provisión is mide for the transfer to said court of causes now pending in the Circuit Conrt, the design of the new court being to relieve the Circuit Court of the pressuro upon it. - At a meeting of the Bar of tho city held on Monday evening last, and largely attended, Ashley Pond was unaniinously nominated for Judge of tho Superior Court, and hisnomination asked of the political parties through their conventions. A BILL is pending in tho Legislaturo to créate a Bank Coinmissioner, with a salary of $8.00 per day and traveling expenses, nominally for tho protection of deposilors in incorporated banks and private banking offices (we have no banks of issue), but really for the benefit of some imporcunious hanger-on of the Republican party, who must havo a public toat or starve. A number of other grists of tho samo kind are being ground at Lansing ; Special " Specific Tax" clerk for Auditor, Deputy Coinmissioner of Insurance, Coinmissioner of Industrial Statistics, State Historiographer, Secretary of Vital StatisticB, etc.


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