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rL0 THE TEAVELING PUBLIC! COOK'S HOTEL. l:.-ti ■'■■ 1 ' ■" The subscriber, late of the Rathbnn Honse, Grand .,?"'ƒ llavi"g purchased lense, furniture and eood willof tholateproprietors of Cook'a Hotel, in this city, intends to keep up the good naioe of the House, and solicita the old pntrons and as mnny now ones as wish toniake this popular House their home. $2.50 per day, with special rates for long stuys. 2.0t por day to Washtenaw County patrons. u-0 "W. W HAVK. rPEHA HOUSE ! ADELAIDE PHILLIPPS' CONCERT COMPANY. MISS ADELA1DE PHILLIPPS respectfully anno unces 01 GRAND CONCERT. ON Saturday Evening, April 5, 1873. The Company being composed of the foHo-wing Eminent Artists : MISS ADELAIDE PHILLIPPS, Mm'e CAMILLA UESO, Tho Greaf Classical Violiniste. M'llo MARIE DE MAINTILLE, Tlie celebrated ïrench Pianiste. Mr. F. D. SPEAGUE, Mr. HOWAED M. DOW, Bm'' A Aceompimist and Conductor. Orchestra Chairs and Parquette $1.00. Gallery Fifty Cents. Tickets to be had at Gilmore & Fiske'a. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock 1419 Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT haring been made in the condilions of a certain mortpage, dated the twcnty-iourth day of February, a. d. 1872, made and executed by Mary Ii. Iluckman atid Silm C. Ruokmaa. of the townnhip of Maocheater, AVashtenaw County, Michigan, to Fredcriok Schmid, Senior, of the city of Ann Arhor, C'ounty and State aforesaid, and ricorded in the ofHce of the Register of Ueeds tor the county of Wnshtenaw, Michigan, on the twenty-eighth day of Fibruiiry, a. d. 1S7-., in Xjbel 46 of Mortgages, on page 262, by which defnult llic power of s,le coutained in saiil niortgage became operativo, and no procejdinge in luw or equity hoving been iustituted to recover the debt Becored by saicl mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum oí" niue hundred and thirty-four dollars and twenty-six cents (.$S34.26) being now claimed to be doe npon sai:l morfgage at the date of this notice, besidea oosta and expenaos of this foreclosme, nnd also an Attorney'i fee of twenty-five (J Ï5.00) dollars : Notioe is tlierefore hereby yiven that mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premise deacribed in snid mortgage, or sonie part theieof, to wit: All the followiug described land situated in the connty of Washtenaw, Siatc of JlichK'iin, beinpthe west half (,'J of the northwest quartor ('.,) of soction sevcn (7), containing thirty acres; also all that part of tlie west huif 0,4) of the eontheast qnarter (ii) of section number one (1) lying eouthwe-t of Biver Iiaisin and north of the Saline iload, contaioing nbout eight acres, all of paid land being in township tour {4} sonth of range threc (3) east, at pnblie vendue to the higiiest bidder, at tho front door (south slde) of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of AVashtenaw, on the twenty-eicrhth day of June n'ext, at noon. Dated, April 2, 1S73. FKKDERICK SCH1IID, Senior. Fbedkeick TiSTortius, Mortuagee. Attorney for ftfcrtgagM. H20td Mortgage Sale. DEFATI.T lüiviiiLj boen made in the condition of a mortgage, execated by Jacob Sehaber and Margxiset isehaber, hís wife, to Andrew J. Speer, bearing dnte the dtvcnth day of Jannsry, a. u. one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and recorded in tho oüico of tlie Register of Deed of Washtenaw County, in the State of Michigan, in Liber 41 of SjortgHges, om page 4;"ü, on the 12th duy of January, A. D. 1S70, wliioh nioitg.igo was dtüy ftssjfned by said Andrew J. Speer and Sarah !;. Speer, hi wife, to the umlersined, Mary E. Stevens, by asaigament, bearing date the tenth day of .May, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and seventy, ana recorded i" the office of the Bigwterct Deedsof said county of Vushtenaw, in l,ibcr 2 of Assignments of Mortgagaa, on page Í4?, on tho llth day of June, A. l. 1S70; by whicb default the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative, and there ia claimed by me to be due on sia mortgngc at the date of this notice the sunï of yix bnadiedtfmd twenty-one dollars and ninety-onc (ents for principal and interest, and no suit or proeecdingat law or ui chanceiy liaving been instituted to recover the debt stcured by said mortgape or any part thereof : Notice ia thereiore hereby given that by virlue of the puwer of sale contained in said mortgage, and of the statute in such case made and provided, said mortgage will be forecloseïl by a sale of the mortgaged premises at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, on daturday, the Uventy-eightïi day of June next, at len o'elock in the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court Itouse, in the cily of Ann Arbor, in said county of "Washtenaw, said Court H.uso bcing the place of boMingth Circuit Conrt for sakl coiuity of Washtenaw ; whieh sale will be macle snibject to the other instalmcats of principal and interest hereailer to become due upon said mortgage. The premises so be t-old are described in snid nioïtgage us follows to wit : Comtuencing at a stake at the center of section thirty-four, town three ."OutPi range five enst, thence north along the quarter line of said section Iwelve chains nineleen atid a half links to a stake, thenco west thirty-nine chains ninty-eight nd a half links to a stake tho west side of said section, thence sowth along said sectiou line twelve chains and forty-four littki to the quarter post on tho south side of said seetron, thence past on the quarter line of said section torty chains and one link to the place of beginning, containing üfty acres of land mol e or loss, Dated at Ann Arbor, Mieti., April 4th 1873. MAKY E. STEVENS, Felch & Ghant, ssignce of Mortgage. Attorneys for Assigneo. 1420 td vy M.J.XJS PTT RE LEAD. LEAD. # WAKBASTED _ s i ■ l pürewkiteM _ LEAD. ƒ VIEILLE MOfí TAGNE FKENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRYSTAL PALACE WHITE L.EAD, Permanent Green For lilinds, &c. WHITE LEAD ! Tn Colors for Outside nd Inside Painting, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes mol - CL.4D IÍíÍRAL PALT ! vlíinuf:cíured from ]uro Tron Ore, far superior to those made oí Clay, Hotten Slonc, Dirt, &c. Our Pure Brand of WHITE LEAD we offer to the lublio witli the positivo rotúranos of dü&utê mrity Vs muchof the White I.fud sold ns pure is ndulteriiedfrom 20 to 90 per cent., Consumers will consult heir interest by givinjr u.s a ca!l. U. W. EUUHI êc CO., Dmirists, Ann AfiBOlt, Mlc:u 'orner opposite Baviaga Bnnk. 1-11 9ma n O-PAETNEESHIP I C. H. MILLEN baa nesooiatfd with himself in luinen oia aan, CHARLES 6. MILLEX. nerenfter ie style nnd name of the nrnr -vill be C. H. MILC. n. MILLEX, I Ann Arbor, Feb. 20, '73. CHARLES 8, MILLEN. All persons Imving unsettled account! or who are in " way iiulebtecl to C. U. MILLEN' will plese settle e same at onco, eilher with myaelf or thp new tirm. ■ C. H. MILLBK.


Old News
Michigan Argus