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Juvenile Offenders

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Tlio Hoiisi! Coinmittees on Stato Pl and lleform School havo joíntíy pr . a lill i i: a .State agency for the discharged convicta. lts fceruis ure that tho ' nor may apfraint in eaah connty a:i of tho CommisHiouers oí' Penal, Pauper and Reforuiatory Institutions. 'A'hrs agent is to reoeive as compenttation only i 11 bis u íi .-, '.. be paid ont of thü Statu Troasury. Whenever a complarnt is made agatnst ativ boy or girl bolow tiio age of s or the comuúasio. of any cffonse m t pmii ihabl 5 r life, it is mail the dn: t,i the Cuurtor . ki.iib.-o whoai the oirise will he heard, to iuforni the agent ia writing, in r that ho may h ivo an opportunity lo Investígate (ia1 matter, toyi i int.j thti preiitage and eufroi t! : cliiid, mil a.11 Ua faots and oiccuius1inci:s of the cuso aiid report the sauie to tl-.o c.mrt or maglstrate. If, after a f uil tigation, tho oourt ■ ! the public interest and the best iuterests oí the chitd will be thua aubserved, it may order tho return of tiiu cWld to it parents, guardians or {rienda, or witU the ut of tita Juilge ui' Probate it inuy athorizo the agint to. bind out !. gome suitablü perscp tbo ohild until il have ■ . ' y Oj1() yaars, or tcjr n leas, to se-ml th" child to ■tud o depoud'.iulren if witUin thu pr& : I authoTÍíüd by law fur adl institutiop, or if wülfully wayward and uninauageabla tho cpurt uiay Bend the oiiilil to the Iisform Sííhaol, to the conilitions cf Bei and age as nvw by law ■ rol adinission to - i iol. It ia niado tho duty of tlm 9fut to visit 08 aften as once a year all tlio eln who ha-na boen inden tarad i,i bis connty bv any Stafca board or olficeï oí tho ! and to inquire iiitotlso muiagemeat, oohdition and treatnient oí Buch oh I and tor that pui Uowed private interviews with t!:t!u at any time If it cónica to his L.)wlí:J;ro that tho child lias been neglected, abuged or imrly treated, be is to report tho fact to the board mdenturisg the child and the indenturo may b ed, +he cers of boards bcing expresaly orciered to vo th;it right. Without tho oonsont of the oontity agent no chil.l shnll bo taken, adopted or inJcntured from any State institation, anl all appliciilions for roloas. his approval. Tho agents, among other matters. aro directed t :„;--.!. put suitable persons -nho aïe v.iüii.ij ro adopt, tu.ko charge of', edúcate and niaintain cliilJren arrested tbr offunses and óotataitted to or ncclci;t.'fl anti ftbandtli'd childrn in ehairge of asöy State instttation, givinjr notioo ot' sueh to tho respective boards and ofllcers by periodloal report. Tho superintendiTifs and otticers of nny Statu iustitution for tho care and reforination oijuvenile oiffendera upon tlo discliargo of any boy or girl aro to notify tho agent of tho county from whioh tho child was sent, and it' the boy or hi shall return to that county the agent is as far as possiblo to assist tho discharged offondor by proquring auitable eipplo; and a good home frea from iiuiuoral influoncea. The agent ia to keep a brief history in inch form as shall be presoribod by tho board of whioh ho is ag nt. Tho bill is not to apply to any county in whicli tho Oovoruor does nut appuint au


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Michigan Argus