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! f! f I O 3D. ! Vh"U ttrst t. COLBY hunj liis sign :. D. Ai Su. vil, And ., ■ ■ . „ Komepooplesuid, ' ns bouml togo lo sraan. Andold-i i [woulilfainUysmilt', "i O. L : b ti SttleWMl. [n sixty d f a Well rttn hita ofl the truel, An.i euU our vrtuKturiag eu-itomera back.' The eroukers Bajd and though it trne, "He'Baurely tail b ■ enrié Xewl ,n tliistoivn ■ I puy m trr.úi'iibaeks down; 'reet With silkb and suímin haBg out cMckens to eat ; Where ■ I in eery if■ ou buy butter or laoc ; Vhere loes -" hand in hand, Li U. U. JU. bat a bliiu climioü wül stand." r Let woTjbet ná CToafeTS have tlieij say, I.. ,■■ , onlyftífKKADYPAT, f ■ ■ ap rtuilyciisli a . all, and business fnends, Thrgreeting of the season lic extends, t To vui!' and oltl, r 'jï;.d New Yesir, l Witli liüoíd uí' iiieuds uuil lot oí i heexl tuve liiia a culi, and frozn hia store Your (:■.!. nii:w.i v.üli (food thingsmore. i illalwaysñnd Fresi ai rolo rïs oi best quality and Iqnd - Rverythins n o i cheer ai I Yon eau buy at hi.4 (iuifuUT wliein rer OU fiue. ( t tfcia bitter cola w l Tom intion details woold weary tho priuter. Bul !sk if yon choose for uiytliiny entable, You gol it at unce, iu quality unheatabto 1 Fur lmnííi y men who are weary and coLl, JIc! has Oystera bot, OvsUts that must besold- pickted, Oyatf r .-:er, and ; Bter fiy, 'S Oystera any othei way yon clioose to try. He v. ï 1 1 serre up ( yaters at any bour of day, And'thi i--: oí oigms tosmokedh jmaynj, A ili-,li of hot üyaters will do you mueli good. And .ar you vvli.lj solling yoi ,,uoi3. Anl itb i'.h in hand lay in n gore Of Cotfea, Tca, SnSar, Fleur &il inany roof e, of uil .utial tor daily use, it iii' '.- '.njd thínga with abuse ; ■ ■ and Qñasswaxe and EVuits to put in tbem, Xuis, Kaisins, and Candy, for childreiiwho win tuoni. And ye wbo are blesaed with their beautiful iaee.s, Will iind [2Ü I t'ao best of all pi To buy a trifte, to bring a snnle pr ringing laugh, Your pleasure. than tbeirs, will bo groaler by half - Then do not forget to tall on Mí O. 'O. D., And buy at hún your Fruita, ötiyar, jiud. 'l'ea. ThOUgh tho big f)fi may fall frnm its place, The 0. O. 1. J storfi is still on the race, ATid does Dot iutend to fly from toe comso Tillen il talk themselvesboar&e. Chrooeries GÁK be soiu ior ie:dy pay. And Tj. CoXToy has karnpil the way : Bold ñvc tii.i s moro than he expuettd- ' By C. O. D. from loss protcuted. A nd the secret be is not afranl to teil- Keep tho b.M of all thlngs- with prices lo'jr- b good uatured, give good masuif, ; And you are bouud to sell ! 29! 29! 29! ÏIESIHABLE EEAL ÉSTATE - - FOB S -A. L E I The ubsmber, on ueiount óf iil health, offers hii 33 ACRES Lnthed&1$ al ion for sale. Thisgronnd adjoinsthe ■l'niverríit} ybötrvnlujy on tho cast, oppttsite sfóe of he e tree t. It has a most excellent SPRINGM On tho northeast corner- formerly supplicd the Haü road tiuks with water. 8TS ADVAIMTAGES Are as follows: For city purposés the Iïuron Iïiver meanders tho same some 3U to 40 rods, and is part of Uu; hestk "Water Power Dn tho ïtiver in fchia vicimty, and the tilevation on the 1 luithfast corner is suificientiy high acd ampie to mp jly tliü city nece&sitiea lor watur aud flre pttiposcB' THE WESTERN PORTION ! On fhe road is very áppropfiatO and fffltitabls fot a Publio l'i; . Thé city has DO si;'h gruuitrU iiow but must have woon, itnü. whatever gioundn the ] L'i! y does uot oaie to use, can be sold at ah adv&i] SD 'imirH Mo.iliat the coat of tho Water Works prounde : i-iy, would bu merely nominal, lí the cit ( does in. t Vtxttt the aauie, ilie grounds would be , uablü iüi' .. , , f mVm, LAEGE & SMALL, There bcingsome 100 trees uow in boaiing Vegetables and Pasturage,. And also for MlLKsupply.BLOQDEDSTOCK, H.orses, Slieep, Andothor nnimuls nlways in great want by mmiy in the city uid ÜHViciiiity. As "i'y lots adiomiug the l ooruerof Llns hmd uie dow selliiiK Iruni three hundred to tliroo buuared and flfty dollars, these tanda oulJ oroould be sold in a short time toa g-uod iidvimtugc atan to mutli proflt to tlie purciutnn. Will be given or theame wÜl be exchanged for Merchantable gouda or Drugs and Meflteinfu, atetar TRACY W. HOOT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 31,18T3. MH TAMKS MoMAHON, tlie Pcacc, r Office ift new block, Nortb of Court House Money colleetcd and promptly paid over. INSURANCE AGENT. Trlumpo, nssets, $T2TJ0S.ll North Misaouri, " HT.81 li'bcrni.:, " 35U,000.0U REAL KSÏATE. ïhavoSOacivs "f huid i of a milo from the city iiniu, lhu-ly locatad for fruit or gulden parposu. Alto -lo acres. Also 10 acre, with house aud b:uu,and a livel atream of water running thruuh tho barn yard. tí) aerea, amileout. 1 will sell ;iuy or all tlie above clioap, or exchag for city prouL-rty. l.t,74 JAHESMcMAHöN. npAKE NOTICE! Parties coming f rom Anñ Aríor to Chioag qo6 rail oume for the loan of anj mon ut' tbe busineSi aud thcy uill íi ereby ;tye mu qo little inconvenieucet.AUd neshapa il I :,„„l (,'I!AKT,KS M. WELLS, 1119w3 utáolphBt , Chieago, III.


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Michigan Argus