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A Fancy View Of Samana

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The mirage is dissipated, and thore appear roofs, docks, steara-shippingu, and i restless population. Out of the mist on vrhich the silent ceniuries have brooded, stavt cities, towns, aod Tillages, teeming with lile aud activity. ïiie voyago in quest of the Now Atlantio is over. Bacon, aud Oceana Harrington, and Utopia Moore, and 11 the dreamers of Spioo Island pnradise, are at last vin dicated by the aotual faot. The Tybee steamer has brought the eleotric tidiugs. Samana is a sottled thing. Harbor quays, vossels, hotels markets, dwellings, town lots, speoniatorü, railroads, telegraphs, all have sprang from tho tropical seas iu tho full paaoply of modern civ'lization. ïho group of enger spectators stand liko figures in the stereoscope in the landing placo of Sainnra Bay, with treaties, loases, an'l watten transfers of power in their right hands. They invito tbeir countvyraen to take ship while the eager and nipping airs of our Northern March bite so shrewdly, and and sail to tho paradiso they have discovcred in tho lower latitudes. They claim to have found the reality of visions that havo airaly floated tbrough huuan biains siuce Plato proved that the ideal is only substantial. In Samana romance is to be put irito form ; the rhapsodies of the imagination aro to become palpable ; the coiüaaro of human hopea is to be made a tangible ecstay. The colora of the sky, the seductive influencea of tho air, the Boothing sounds oi' tho tnurmniing soa and the matchless fertiiity of the soil aro tho magie factors in tho speculative problam ■whioh tho Samaría Company have set before them to soWe. Thoy maan that it shall ba a fairy tale set phimp into the middle of modern material life. When they cipher thoir profits, the breeze of romance frequontly fans their commercial thoughts. As they st;ike out their trettty purohuae, prot'usonoss of Nature almost tinges the edges of the Trords in wliich tliey offer their snrnmoriand hargains. No poet's descriptions oan suecessfully vio with their actual proporty in mahogany groves, coooanut preserves, banana gardene, floral kingdoms, lulling wator and musioal birds. Au is a pieoe of rost a:id bliss. No roads Beam the face of this lovoly paradiso. No ongine frights tho happy demzens of this troploijArdenTie-. Tailors and modiates would be as suporfluous aa tho few garineuts that ilutter frora tha froe limbo of a late-wakened populatiou. Just $1SO,000 gold has gone for the expense oí' making the Srst impresaion on fcho public mind. Samana likowise found a soft resting-pluee in tho Inaugural of President Orant. A plebiscito s tuueht the monarrel natives of tho "i how to show their band when mey ie to be distributed. Into tho Mciwing of -this painted ooeaa bubble imve ontored the energies of' Low and ■on, to make it the aensation of tho ■ ury. It is au enterpriso that is now cirossing ita threshold ; its futuro no 1 has announoed ; but a shrowd any guides its fortunes, and sceks to weave a clcrth of gold out of commeroo LÁ3 in the new Eden. - Banton I'oot. Hypocrisy ia folly. It is much easier, f and pleasanter to bo the thing which a man aima to appear, than to keep up the appoaranoo of boing what ho is not .


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Michigan Argus