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The Senate To Committee Of The Whole On

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VïVdnesdiiy of last week struolc out all after the cnacting clause of Senator DeLand's bilí- No. 65- prescribing the ooaditkms ar;d terms of admission to the Mediaal aud Law Departments of the Uai.Versity, both as to matriculation fees Hiul txaminations, and providing for homeopathie professorships, etc. The Senate conflrmed tho aetion of the committee, but not uutil after Mr. DeLand had dcelared that "ho cared nothing further about tho bill, aa the Senato seemed to havo eoneluded that tho poople of Michigan had no rights in tho management of its ohief eduoational institution." It is about time for sensible men - if it is to be presumed there are any such aniong modern logislators - to have dono with such demagogical rant and declamation about the Regenta overriding the Legislatura and consequently tho people. The same organic law which created the Legislatura aleo created the Board of Ilogents and assigned to it tho management and control of tho University : the same body of pooplo who elect tho littlo-greator great-little men who constitute tho Legislature also elect the Eegents. Tho Regenta are ruppostd to be nominated and olacted with a view to tlieir special qualification and fitness for tho work devolved uponthem; it is sometimos difficult to determine what governs tiiosolectiou of amajorityof the legislators - certainly neither special qualifications for general law making nor fitness for a8Uming charge of the educational institutions of the State, marking out their courses of study, determining their professorships, etc. Mistakes may bo made in tho sclecticn of Regenta, but tho interests of the University are infinitoly safer in their hands than they would be under the control of a Lugislaturo composed of or led by such men as Senators DeLaxb, Dewey, Crosby, Ely and their peers in the House; legislators who would subordinuto a great institution, which it has taken years to build up, to their personal isin.9 or whiins regardloss of eousequencos. That the Univei'sity is depeudent upon the Legislatura forfunds in excess of its cndowment is cause enough for approliension : it will be a sorry day whcn the regulation and control of ite departmcnts or courses is conceded to that body. The Legiblature may, without. doubt, aflix any condition3 it chooses to appropriatiom it may mako froni tho treasury, and there is uo constitutional bearors against its imposition of unwise, foolish, and dungorous conditions. Dut the assumption that the Iiegents repudíate the wishes oí the poople because they protest ugainst the visionary and partisan schemes of individual legislators - not tho most competent to shape legiulatiou even when elearly within the province of the Legislatura - is prexosterous. When thu University ehall be made the foot-ball for eaeh suouessive erop of legislators to kiek. about at pleasuro then wiil ïLs days of growth and usofulness bo numbered. l.v the rcount inaugural address of Chancellen' WLKCHJELL of Syracuso Unversity, in diauussing tho comparativo prospecta of institutions denominational or State he said : " As bctween the pros" pects of a University founded under "distinctly Teligious amyices and one :! fuuuded or sustained by the State, I feul ' iuclined to the opinión tliat the foriner " has most to expect. Not tlr&t tho State " possesses less ability, but that the reli" gious body possessos inoro iutelligenco " and a botter will. A State UniterJty t " at the mercy the of cayrices of a Leíjidaturé " A University plauted under tho auspices " of a powerful religious body, rests in tho "intelligence andenterpriaoof its represen" tatives. ïhese representatives are the " clergy and select laity. Now, when ] " placo a body thus constituted by the " sido of an average State legislatura, anc " ask myself froin which body I can mos " reasonably expect a revereneo for learn " ing, largo views, and incorrupt legisla " tion, I do not hesitato to bestow mj " confidence tipon the Christiau body.' WMeh we cominend to those journalists and politician3 of our own State who would subject the University in all its departmeuts, courses, and intornal do tail to tho " caprices" of tho Legialature to the control of men having neither in telligent, nor unity of, ideas as to what University should be, and each membei of which would engraft upon it his crotchets and isms and convert it into a sort of patent office museum. Chancollor W. had the Lansing Solons in his mind'b eyo. JUST prior to the adjournment of the Pennsylvama Legislatura tha IIouso 6en' a rcsolution to tho SeOato inviting Senator McCluiie to come down andaddress thu' body on "Reform" - that Senator having beca persistent in bis effoïta to procure reform legislation, much to the digusi of the majority of tho legislators who didn't take to reform worth a oent. The iuvitation was aeeepted and the speech was happy, pertinent and pointed, as the reader muy seo by refeiring to it in an other column. - "Whieh reminds us of an incident that oocurred in tho Benato of this State during the session of 18Ó9 - not, howevur because of any corruption in the legislaron of that büdy. A bilí had been undcr discussion amending the prohibitoiy liquor law, and upon which Senator ILvydex, of Tan Buren county - now doad - had made a very earnest and effective speech in favor of combining moral and legal suasion. After a motion to adjourn had been made, put, and carried, but beforo the President had declared the Sonate adjourned, Senator Lew. PoRTJiR - then of Graud Eapids but later of tho Washington lobby- begged a moment's delay, and, conceding himself out of order, offered a íesolution something as follows : Resolved, That the uso of this chamber bo granted to the Hou. Philotus Hayden on Sutulay afteruooii next, and that. he be iuvitcd to deliver a lectüre on mural suasion. Mr. Haydex promptiy ross and scconded tho motion, 6n.ying substantially : "Ilioputlio rusolution will pass, and I thall elieert'ully comply with tho same. Nono know the t:liaracter and nceds üf tlxia body belter tlian I, and il I can do aoythixtg to save such a set of il - d miserable sinnors i'rom the pains of ütemal h - 1 it shall be done with pleacure." Por.ïEB Bubsided and tho Seuatu dispoiscd, but in Letter nature than was tbo Peunsylvania House under tho timcly aad fitting rebuke oí' Senator McCluhe.


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