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King of the Itloort, -Cáncer. Cate. - Your medicine coutmues to give entirc attsfaction. Une MM of a cáncer on the lip, of aix veirs standing wa entiiL-ly removed by the use of thiei? bottlts, und the permití M. II. Crane, Esq., ex-sheriif of tliis (Calhoun) county, has requchlcil us tit communieate the samo lo jou, if thereby otliera sufferinif from the Mtaa loathsome discase may bo induceu to try tlio samo rumedy with a similar result, not only by bciug curod of the diseuse, but by gaiuing that peuce of miuil iieeessu-ry to htipploOM. "Williams & O 'Don o ug hu e, All)iun,Mich. See advertisemcnt iu iinothcr column. 1422 Yon Cnn Bet Your Hot lom Dollars. - That tliore exista no cuse of lilitíumatíMn, Iseuralgia, Bwelllug, or ËJtiff Joints, which tlio OftBtmi] I-iniment, whita wrapper, will not nlleviat and cure. Mark tlie diiloicnce. It is tlie t entaur Liniment, yellow wrapper, which isagain pïacin aoluauy usedup horses in thu hariiesd. W'e caro not whetlier tlie onno be Spavin, Sweeuey, Scratches, 8irains, or any riwelling- the effect ia siinply wonderful. CUildrcn cry-for PitcherV Custoria. It reïïulate the stomach, cures wind colic, aurl cuudes natural sleep It ia eubetitule for caator oil. I423w" Beyonel tlio Itïississippi.- Thousiindshave ulre.idy tjo:i(., and thuus;iuds moro are turnin tht'ir eyea towunla new liomea in th'.1 fertile West. To those goíog to Missouri, Rajisaa, Xcbraska, Colorado, Utah, "Wyoming, Novada, Orejón or California, we reeomputtd a clioap, safe, quick and direct route, via St. Loais, OTt the Missouri Paoifio ltailroad. which rum its line Day Coiotiei and Pullman Sleepers froin SL. Louis' to principal poinU in the West without change. We believo that the Missouri Pacific Utiilload hns tlie best track und the ftnest nd aafest equipment of any line mwtof the Missiisippi, and its connections with roads further West are prompt and reliable. The Texas connccf ion of thia road is now completed, and passencra are otTered a first-clasa. all_ rail route f rom St. Louis to Texas, either over the Missouri, Kansas & Texas U. R., 'na Scdalia, or ove1 the Atlantic A Pacitic il. P., via Vinita. For maps' lime tables, information da to rates, routes, &c, we refer our readers to I. G. Wbeeler, Northern Passenper Agent, 72 Lloyd etreet, Búrlalo, N. Y., or E. A Ford, Ueneral Passender Agont, 8t. Louis, Mo. (itestions wiil bc ohwufttf and prompt! y answcrtd ! Einisrriition Xiirninsf! Clieap FiirinM in Soutl-wrst ÏTIissouri !- The Atlantic & Pftoiftc liailroad Oonlpany otfers 1.200,000 acres of Und m Oatral tuid Wouthwat MtMOBrl, at from $1 to $12 p-i" aoro, on sevcn yöars' tim. with free transpnvtitioü from 3t. L ia ís to uil pirohaiiers. Climate, scil, timber, mineral wealth. schools, chinche and Ihw aWditiT socioty invite emiarranta from nll i)oints to this land nf fruitd and tt wrrs. For purticulars, addrera A.. Tuclt, Land l.'oiuuiissiüuer , bt. Lonts, Miss'uiri. tttï


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Michigan Argus