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mil- min mil i i ..■ iYi:mlm,ME.i m--fm wn TEN REASONS WHY No Fatnilv shmild le without a hottlc of WHtTTLESEY in the house. l8t.- Itwill relieve the worst case of BillOUÍ Choücor Cholera Morbusini; minutes.' 2 el . - It will cure the most obstinate case il Dyspepsla and Indigestión in a fe wcelu, 3 d - Tt is the best remedy ín ihc worid frl Gick Headache, as thousands can tcstify, í taken wben the lirsL symptoms appenr. 4th.--It iá tlie best dinretic ever ptlt bqfort the public; curing those distrossing cnmnlainls, Diabetes and Grave I and cihcr Urinory el ítticu It les. 5thi - It is a most excellent EmmenaROfíue, and to the VounR ClrlS. iniddle ned Women,andat llicTurn Of Life, tliis remedy is of incalculable valué. Oth. - It will remove wind from Ine bowellf and henee a few drops in somc .sweetcned water1 given to a babe is better khan a dozen cordials tó Relieve and make it Sleep. Containinj no anodyne. 7th. - It is a sure relief fnr adults and children nnected with Worms and Pin Wormo. It will bñng away thc worms. 8th.-It will cure the P 1 1 e 3 and Hemorrhodial difficultia. Oth.- Itwill cure COnstlpatlOn and leep tlie bowels regular. It will alao cure the worst case ofSummerCo mplalnt and PysenterylOth.- It will cure Eour fctomach, Stlmulate the Llver to hcalthy action. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the systcm. When taken dilute thc dose with Sugarand Water to a Win e-CI ass fu 1 1 and you have a pie asa nt tonic. Whitílescy (Dysycpsia Cure) i.oo per liullle. Whiltlcsey Agüe Cure 50c. per bcttlc. Whittlcsey Cough Granules c;-l:. per buttlc. ■ Sold by all diuggists and warranted. WWttlúsey I'roy. Hcd. to., Toledo, 0. HATTER ! QAS RHCKIVED DIS ffil i WINTER STOCK Hats and Caps, IN LA1EST STYLES, GENTS" FlHXISKIXfi (OODS, ETC, UÜX'lí Hl' T'HOPOSHS TO S!-:i,l. AT PRICEÍ: VVUIC'H liIil'V UOMPETJTION. 7 South Main St., Ann Aiboi, wisiiAirrs PINE TREE ORE AT BESliDY FOK THE TJIUOAT AN1J LtrVfciS. It is gruTTfyirig to ns (o Inïbrm the public thnt Dr (. '■■. Wjíliart'a Pine Tico Tar ('orgial, for Throai am1. Lung Piscases, has Líuiioií aö i ■ i . ■ ' ■ ; ) 1 1 ; ropittalion trom tlic Attentie to the I'acine const, and froia thencc to sorao oïthofirst f;im lies of Kurop.;, not t rongh the prese alone, Lut by peí-Bous tbroagbr ent the States nctually beieflte'd and (ured Kt hie offlee, While hèpabiishea less, so ay out reporters lie is naablato Bapply the du ma rul. It gaius and hclds lts re])Uttuion - First. Not by ftojiplug couli, but by loosening an 1 BWlBtlfig nature to tbrow off the uulicaHhy matter ccllccu-d üIm.iii the tlnoat iiudbrouuhlal tubes which causa itrii -' n. ' Second. It removes the canses of rrltation l hidi produces eoaghj of the mucoiis niembrane and broncUUl tubes, assists the langs to act and thmw off the unhtalthy secretlone, and purlfles the blood. Tliiid. Jt is free froni uills, lobetta ijieeac and opium, of which most thioat and luag remedies are composcd, wliicli allay eougb only, and disDrnnize the stomach. It bas a sootbiiiK elieet oii the stomach, acts on the liveraml kldnejs, mdlyn] pathlc aud nervons regions, tlms reachlng to evrry part of the systcm, and in ita ïDVlgorating and purIfylng effectslt lias galned á repntation which it must hold abuve uil others in tbc market. NOTICE. THE PINETREE TAR CORDIAL, GREAT AMERICAN DISPEPSIA TILLS. A IV I WORM SÜGAR DROPS Being nnder my immediaatc direction, tbey shal not loose their eurntive qualities by the use oí cheap and impuro artlcles, IIEXHY 11. WISHART, PROHHIKTOR. FREË OF CHARSE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wisbart's Office Parlors are open on Mondays, Tuesdaye and Wcdneadays from 9 A. M i" ' 1'. M., for coiisnltatlon by Dr. Wni.T. Massei wiih bim UeassocUtad [-n consul liuu physlclana of aeksowledged ablllty. ThiHopportuaity is not offered by any othor iustitution in tbc city. All letters must be addresscd lo L. Q. WISHAIIT, M. D., No. 232 J. Second St., PH8LADELPHÍA. HUSuiti


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