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KISTO oL t2a.o 23IJOOX3 tuïï hio:jt tu mi:a:i rimiFiEn ov tiib JiL.) I T:T DI900 I,LIT[TMOnS, F1ÍOU f 'OMMON ERUPT1ON TO TUü WORii' SUHOPULA. "Hy its use Canctrfl aro cnrcd, and Oane'croua tumors are dlsperaed without ilic stitgeon'a knife- ■ Scrol'iila conquared, and Uoimuuiptlou prei '1. . , Vencreal Dlscnucs, Mercnrinl and Nmftral Polsons, and thelr effects eradicated, and vi_;orou3 henlth and a sound constitution eauibliahed. Femvilo WojiHiiesei md IHscasc; Dropsy, general or partlal; Swellings, esternal or internat' and Tumors are reduced und diipersed. iu a v,-iy ehoi't time. ErynipcUis, Salt Ehepin. Scalil IIca:l, and Fevcr Sores ar aoon removed liy tnia puvverful Uotttgeut medicine. Scorbntlc Disensos, DandrnCT, Scaly or Rougta Skin, and Pimples qulckly give way, lewnsg , the skin Bmooth and fair. Clironic IHscase, Fevcr and Aune, Disordercd Liver, Drapcusia, Rhenmatisin, Nui-oti Affcriions, Goneral Denility, in short, afl fhe ntr - cmand hy bad b'lood are; conqaered, and give way before thia most powurful corrector, the King of the Blood. lii li boitl'S contatos bctwoen forty and ñfty ordinary doses, costing only ouo dollar. Pro rn oise to Tour or tive bottle wiTt1 Cure Salt Iiliemn, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Pimple on th Face, IHlea, ordinary Kruplions, etc. Front vo ío eilit bottlcs will cure Scaly Eruptlona of the Skin. ulcere, Sores, and Canker in the Mouth and Stomach. Eryslpelas, eto. From tivo to ten lottles will rcat-wc healthy actlon to the Livcr aud Spleen, will regúlate the Bowela and Kidnoys. From Iwo to slx botilc will ba fonnd cffectoal in curins; Neuralgia, Sick-IIeadache, St. Vitus' Dance, and Epilepsy. From live to tvrelvc bottlcs will cure tho woi'f t cases oí ScroTula. Froin thrce to tTfelfe bottlcs will euro severo and ohstinato casias of i'iilarrli. Froin tvo to l'our bottles will cnre tho worst cases of Piles, and reuníate Costive liowels. From two to ten bottl wíll cure Bad casen of Dropsy. Price $1 ler bottle, orC uottles for $5. Sold by all Druggists.J5 D. RAXSOM, SOX & CO., Propr's, Bnffalo, N. Y. Bee testimoniáis in local column.. yym. wagner " IS MOW ÜE.1DY FOR THE FALL 'TRADE Iíuviag HeccíivcO a Lares Stock of GOODS, l-NGLUDINi; OLOTHS, 0ASSIMERE8, VESTINGS, &C. o" tbe BEST STYLES ard GUA1IT1EF, WBICH HE WJLÍ on terms to suit. Also a ful 1 line of REAÜY-MADE OLOTBING AND Gents' FUENISHIN Q Goods. ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS1 MOROCOO SATO HELS No. 21 Sou Id SMn Sírect,- Er.stb'ide: CALI. AND ST7E THEM, WIJ.I [A3I "W'ACKI.rí. Aun r'.o-, Octobür let, LSÍí. QK'SWIHEOFTAff v 10 YEARS PUBLIC "íu-JT wkV. IIus prored Dr. CrocL's To líavc moro i -iti'ju -irit t?iaï siy .- -■■' r.iL tiojt OTer oliered ? public. Tt ís i-íí'Ji Su tïne üiecïieinal ■Tialiti8OfTRF, and umqiKiled ior distases of the 'L'l!vo;3í ana lsillgs, ijerfurmii'.g tlia muat remails al:ie f;rt':t. Cougbs, Cold, f'Iironíc Cougü. It eííecn:il!y cure tliem 1I. Ast!!ií:i aml Bi-oneliiíiSs Ha? cnrcd eo many #c;iecs rt !:'.i3 been pro. noynced a specific fof tlieae complaints, i'or pains iu Ereast, Side ot Eack, Gravel orKiïhiey Dísease Diseases of í!ie Uriiiary Organí?r Jaunilico or any Liver Complaiiit, It has noequnl. It is also a superior Toni'c, Restores the Appetite, Strengtlieiis tlie System, líestores tli AVeak and Bebilitatcd, Canses üi& Food, to Digcst, líeiovcs Dyspepsia ano Indigestión, Prever.ísMalarions Fevers, (aives tone to your tíystem. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE ■ in hij: 1 CITY OF AN AHBOü! DEALF.H IN i [jMillineryj &c. Wo Scll for Casli Only. Hiatí 33 SOÏ7T3I 3CA9H STBEET. ÜL ES.apO Cliance TO LET. nnrjre imflman'Prn'TiWGfocorv ?tofetn ITattwi Blork, i etro i str''. t tjnd uhieíly thehest locatlón in thirt piirtoPtrre cfty f6r Birla i'uslnoss. Ácund hirge celfiir and new barn attfiehed to the p Ti.'' n ni la i1;. ■';! yenr, to 1' ,:ike:i in groceries for ray r:i:wiv use. Atan n Uno now Mén) Martet, nlT coiuplete.joiDing nry Wo Ir, witli mo (eni hnpritvemente, m.-irl le tal le &c, largo new smoke houae, larte brick clstern -w: 1 cellar, new barn uiul 11 reaify l'or nó, !rh three family rooms aboye, st iré r( tits for $-'.",0 }c:irly ; ta■ k'ji in i;:nt Tur i;iy ffimíly use. Mso a .-nrill store n mv lil.;ck,, rooms, Ac, POR SALTÍ.- Thrco good large carrlacf or farm Mors, one fine new carria ns,iarinin toolB. AIko three good cowr, tlCOtf InvureorL. R. DUCIIOZ.


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Michigan Argus