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fetieriff'g fcnle. CTATE OF MICHIGAN coumyofW unüei the Circuit tor the conntT of gjegoo.i,chteis,i. ,.,,;,:;, BtajruM.andfOBUie Mrch. 1871, jetee iind levy upan uil the rfethi ütlo ol owin desciibfid land, to wil i Col Miar foui ren Bontli, hal . .li-Mniyof Au. .M.Io((,_llrl;.vN,i biddor.Kt public ouction at Ui,lor, m tlic oouotj óï Wnshtena 01 aïdd'iv"' Ol' M"y' A' "' '!;'::' a' "Jl'; "'' Datcd, Afin Aruór, April ft, ) , 1421M By Tbo. J. HoBkiS8, Lcputy : Eheriffs I OTA Fe Oí' MICH lAN. Oocttti o Waíhtbii iw V -,- Byfrtu ■ " wi of oxe. iition :, na unfier tl:,. Beal of the Circnil Court for the i'Unlyol v9lifenaw,ati I I ed apdiut the (rood, chiiti] . .. loeflteof Moses MjttKs, and for the i n l ehuttles to atWy aid eSeturion. [ did, on tl , diiy of anuiiry, A. V. 187, seize and tovy imnal] theright titleanainl to the following dewsribefl l.mds. to wit : 1 ol . two (2) tour (4, six i, eight (■?), ana ten 11"), in block Hve north, range fonT eiwt -n thorftj of Ann Arbor Cottnty m.d tute nfntewid Whicli aboe deBcnbea propeity, I shnll oxposo for Bala lo the highest bidder , t public awtion nt the Kouth door of the ' S?W ""Wi '" thsv0 of Ann n '"e Coonty :p:M-;ti)fA"'i'A-"i57!' Datcd, tilia illi diy of ribrii;iry 1) Í873 FrtiMiit of bidAers tl: ■ Ie is ndjoUmèa nntil V edneaday, Aprü nintn, at li.c Bume place and ürac of d.-iy. Dated, Ann rl)Or, April 2, 1R7? M1CHAEL FliBMIÏTG, Skeriff, Ry Mybos Webb, Under-Sheriff. The abovc sulo ís fmtlipr postronrd to the twentyBixthduyof Aprü inst., it the sunle pUce and time of dny. Dated, April Mh, 1S73. HiCIIAEL FLEMING, Rheriff. By Myhon Webb, Undor-Sheriff. Beal Es ate for Sale. ÖTATE O1-' WI''.m(AX,"o,inty of Washtenaw,. ? In the niiittei' of the esfirfe &Í c'orni -Jim l.aughlin, dr'ceased: Noticé is lieieliy siien, that in piiisuance tf irj cMfir BTrtntecl to the umMísiglted Admiiiis! rator Of tBe estnte oí said deoeased, by the Hon. Judgeof Probate for the county tff Wnshtenaw, on the toV ty-second day ,Tuly, a. U. 1872, thow Wlll be sold at public vendue, to the higliest bidder, at the dwcllinf;bousc on tbe promisej hercinaflür degcribed, in the couuty of AVashtenaw, in caid 8tate, on Satorday, the twenty-fomth dny of May, a. d. 1873, at ten o'oloölt M the forc'noon of that dny [subject (o ;,11 encumbrances BV mhrtgape or othcrwise e'xistinff at the time of the death of s-iid decoused], the followfng 3escribed real estáte, to wit : The west half of thesouthwest (runrter of Beclion twenty three in township one south of range bíx enst, in s;iid State, contamkig eighty a( rea, more or les". drSintwd as commencing at the quarler post betweon riüetions t'A-enty-tw'.' aiid tweuty-tluet, i:ame tuwnship and ranjíe, und funfiïhg eaat on - liire to the sub-diviaion post, thunce north on said line twenty-fourroda, thenc west to said section line eighty rods, tnence Bouth twenty-four roda to the place oí bcL'imiing, containing twelve acres of land, escepting ;fiJotti the above the fonr acres ronvryr-d by daed froni aaid CoitJ'!:'-ís Lautrblin and wife, fitrdi - Qcmbdi fflli, 1853, to James Kenfiédj, whi(h Blad deed ü recordod in liber CO of deeds, on page 597, in the office of the Kejrister of Deeds in said county. Dated, April lOth, 1873. Uil WILLIAM BURKE, Administiator. Comrnissioners' Kotic. OfíTEOF MICHI(JAN, county of Washtenaw, 88, k The undersigned having been áppolnted by tht Probate Coart for said neunty, Commiwionera toreceive, examine and odjnst uil claima and demanda oí all persons agiiinst the estáte of John Hillcr, late of said collnty, (lcceased.Wiercby give notice thal ,six months froife daté ate allowed by orte of.Bató Probate Court for nrëdii 1 théircláimí againsl theestiiteof said deceased, and that thoy wil] Aeet at tfae residencè of John Immer, in tbe townslnp of Bridgewater, in Bald connty, on Wednesday, the nintli day of Jury. and on Wednesday, tbe eirfith dayot October next, ot ten o'dock a. m. of fach oi ,aaid day, to rëïeiie, exominí; taxá iidjustaaid claims ' Diiled, April'Slb, A. L. JOHN IMMER, '21w4 Comraissioners. Clianccry Order. TIIE Circuit Totirt for the f'onrity of "Washtenaw. Ií Ohancery. Ëlinora r , -n-iiri'r,: Renben Tifsco. (efendaiit. On: , : Maren, W78, on piouf by ulïnlavit on iile that tlie paid defejidant, Uenbcn Taeoo, le.-iOe 'lt of tlie state ot Mi'biLfan, and does reside in the Distñ.-if of Columbia. It is on motion of It. K Frazer, solicitor tor eaid complainant, ordered tliat the Baid defendant, Keuben Tasco, appear in ibis snit and answer the bül plaint Iwreifi, within tbien moriilis trom this date, ná also iliat tbis order be pnbli-ln d once in each v, rek for i weekirtri sur-' ssitín in the Michigan Argus, partfv tjrint.-'d and pnblishM in Bilid connty. tliefiU'St pnbtieatibn to be within twenty i. ís úíüv. DatêB.March 13,1873. .T. F. fAWRKXf'E, Cftcuif Court Cdmmúsioqer, Washtenaw LAwr.Exrr. S F1WÍKB, County, Michigan. ÍSolieitors tor l oinpl.Tinar.t. 141ö qQ PIECES OF BLACK ALPACAS! illiilll x ALfllilllll ü 1410 JJFor Sororula, Bce&Tr IllOII.S iÍN('li(8 Of tlie Ejes, or Scrofu la in uiy iorui. I Any disease or eniption ètJ L of tlic Skin, disenae of tlie &VíJ Livor, Rheumatiitm, Pim&V ples,01d Soics.Ulceif.BroUST tj. en-down Constitu t i o n 8 , @-v Syphüis, or any diseasedet?49 {icnding on adepraved con7% dition of the blood, try J.. DR.CROOK'S OV1 SYRUP OF ft! POKE ROOT. OCTJ It liastlie medicinal propSltg?, ertyol' Pokecombined with II Ss a pieparation oflron wliich tjjy goes at once into the blood, fS perforining tlie most rapid f and wonderful etires. Ask yotrr Dniggist ior Dr. Crook's Oomponnd Syrup of Poke Koot - take it and be healed. iAAV GUMMER&" SH AEPENTEE. A CHEAP, simple, ank durtibie Machine- easlly opornicd and ruimiuy W'IicjIs froto 6íá ioohea to )2x 1 inch.Price of Maqhme, $S5. Itbeela with bovelïed, doublé bovelled androucd fnce f rom $2.1L tu iST .3-", acoring Lo tjiicknsf. Heuviei .Macliin -BT'O nd $9O, runningWhet'lsiijj to 24 niches in (lt;imci-r, For ïliustmted Pamphlet'a ot Photornphs, aö THE TAÏJITE CO., lllonii Btroudsbui'g, M-onroc Co., P;i. fSPEClAL COTICE! All of the TANf rtfï CÖ+S g.iods nre direetly nade by the Co., at theirown Facfory and underthoir , iwii Pmenta rtïid Processes, t Zt Is eheaper to bny Slatalafd Gooda directly from vc kuinvn Manofnctureriï thnn lo buy of I c.ilers nr , ■et low priced or poorgoqflff. Tho Gillest üifrtrran'ion m all puinta connepted" with Emery Wbeela uid Eincry-tírlrttlinff-.tlticliiucry wfUbe urniahftd by this ComJ)iHiy. UimS r IVE GiÜBSE FËATHüRS PIBSTQUALITY, rfn.t lyochand and for salcby BACfffr ABEL,


Old News
Michigan Argus