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MACK -Á.3STID SOHMID Take pleasure in announcing to their friends and customers that thej have jnst roturned from the East with a LABGE stock of DRY GDODS FOK TnE SPRING TRADE Which they offer to tlie public ATGREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! Cali and see theiru MACK & SCHMID. THE BABCÖOK liit U è pi JtÉPL. HOOK & LADDER TRUCKS Equipped with Babcock Fire Extinguishers, Exteneiou and Sculinfr Ladders, Grnppling Hooks and Chama, Buckets, I.antems, I'ike Polea, Pike Axes itc., Ac, wcighing lesgthaii I,MÓ lbs.; easily handled' lmndsomely tinisheil, and iitford the greatest proiectirm at lebs expense tlnin nliy truck in the niarket Just what evcry Fire i., -,. ment wants. The Babccwk Fire Engine and Fire Bitingnlshers re saving valuable property all in er tho couiitry. Send for their record. E. T. BAK!VUM, Gen. Agent, 11S WoudwanJ Ave .Detroit. Mnnufacturer of Iron, Copper and Ilrnss Wire, ireClolh, Bolting Cloth. Biiri Mili Stones. Brnom Wire and Twine, Copper -Weather Vanea, Wiie Counter Raillng, Wire l'eucing and Ornamental irettork. Iyrl Sheriff's Rain OTATE OF MICHIGAN, or Wakhtewav kJ ss.- By virtuc of a wiit of execution issued ool of and under tbo seal of the Circuit Cciart for the Limr.ty of Washtenuw.aml to me dircctcd jbd delivered sgiuiMt tho geoda, chatties, lauds and tenementa of Moses Marks, and for the want oí goods nnd chatties tosatisfysaid execution. I Sid, on tlje twenty-first day of January, A. D. 1873, seize nnd levy upon all the vight, tille und interest Mosci Miirks has in and to the following desuiibed Imids, to wM : Lo(s number two (2). four (4), six "(6), eight (S), and fen (1"1, in block ftve north, rutile foSir eost in the city of Aun Arnor, County and State oioresaid. M'liich above désciibed propeír, I shali expone Cor Halo to the highest bidder, at public anclidn at the south door of the Court House, in the (Jty of Ann Arbor, in IheCountv of ■Washtenaw, on ihe second tlay of April, A D 1873 at one.o'clock P. M. of snid day. Dated, this ?lh dy of Fcbruary, A. D 1873 ,.,, „.. MI;HAEL VI, ESIING. Sheriff. WM ByMYKON WEUli, Vnder Sheriff. iri?:"?t ? bidders "w nbove sale is adjourned time of dn"" )nl ninth' " th0 Sume placo aDd Dated, Ann Arbor, April 2 187Í M1CHAEL FLEMING, Sheriff, By JItkon Webb, Under-Sheriff. The nbove sale is further postponcd to the twentyiixtn duy of April inst., at the same pluce and time of ilay. Dated, April Oth, 1873. MÍCHAEL FLEMING, Sheriff. By MtSOH Webb, Under-Sheriff. The flbore sale is further postponeduntil Saturday, Ihe tenth day of Muy ncit, at the sume place and' time of day. Dated, Aptil J6th. 1873. ÏI1CHAEL FLEÏIINO. Sheriff. By Myhon Webb, Undcr Sheriff. A Chance for Bargains ! For ale t a irreirt brcrfrain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE ' LAÑO, lyingj. miles írom the city of Ionii. 100 llores umler improvement, with gooil orohard, barn and-nhert, and acumfortaMe house. Terms of puv. ment-lrom $2,000 to }2,500 dowu ; balance on Ion tinte. AlaOiX) ACR.TÍS, bout tH milos from Auifustn, Kulumazoo County, til iiüproved, with good buildíngfl. Terms- exti-einely low. Also 40 ACHES about cight milesfrom Hustings. AIo 80 ACRES on scction 8 in the town of Hazelton, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles from Corunua. Well timbered. For terms address the undersigned. I Ano Arbor, April :, 1873. ' ' POND'


Old News
Michigan Argus